Mustard Seed Ministry operates a Savings and Credit scheme which was initiated in 2007. It is registered as Mustard Seed Savings and Credit Development Association (MUSCDA). It is a Community Based Organization (CBO) operated within Eastern Uganda, Jinja District.
The Association aims at extending financial assistance to low income earners.
Our program‚’s goal is to encourage the clients to develop a saving culture, and provide credit with friendly terms to improve their small-scale businesses as well as household income. MUSCDA offers services to eligible clients who have viable micro business and who find difficulties accessing similar services from other institutions.
MUSCDA focuses on income generation and self-employment in Jinja District. Savings and credit projects are implemented through the People‚’s Committees of the Sub districts.
More in general MUSCDA‚’s programs are aimed at promoting job creation and productivity through savings and credit schemes and supporting the urban and rural poor in determining and managing their own development process.
Comfort to those who are hurting spiritually, socially and economically with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
The sole basis of the ministry beliefs is the Bible as God ‚’s infallible written word, with sixty six books of the old and new testaments, uniquely, verbally an fully inspired by the Holy Spirit written without error in the original manuscript