Newhall Christian Fellowship
Sunday Services at 10:30AM Family Service - The usual character of our service is community worship, communion, and teaching.
Childcare is provided for newborns to 5 year olds. Children K-5th Graders have there own time of worship and teaching downstairs in the Children's Church.
To use our God given gifts, talents, and time to serve.
We believe the Church is the community of the redeemed, the Body of Christ through which Gods Kingdom is expressed to the world in this present age.
We believe that men and women were created in the image of God. The entrance of sin corrupted all people and separated them from God. Only by Gods grace is salvation possible through Jesus Christ. Only by repentance from sin and trust in Christs death on our behalf, declared in the act of baptism by immersion in water can a person be reconciled to God.
We believe in one eternal God who communicates with us in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These persons are co-existent, co-eternal, and equal in one perfect and Holy being.
We believe in God the Son, who has existed from eternity with the Father. He is one in being with the Father and all things were made through him. He became a human being born to a virgin, Mary, by the power of the Holy Spirit. As our Lord Jesus Christ he suffered death by crucifixion, and after being buried three days he rose again. He ascended to the heavens and now is enthroned with the Father. He will come again in glory to judge both the living and the dead, and to establish an eternal Kingdom of peace and righteousness.
We believe in God the Father, the creator of the heavens and the earth, of all that is seen and unseen, and that all things exist by His will. He is the Judge of all mankind, perfect in righteousness and compassion.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the life-giver. He serves the Father and the Son by convicting people of sin, righteousness, and judgment through spiritual rebirth, uniting with Jesus Christ those who have faith. He lives within believers in order to cause them to grow in holiness by filling them with His power and granting them with his gifts.
We believe that the Bible is the wholly accurate and authoritative Word of God, and that it reveals the character of God and his plan of salvation for mankind.