Organization Description: 

The Nigerian christian stewardship association (NCSA)is a non governmental organization (NGO). NCSA is a christian that is calling christians to become part of a movement forchange to provide emotional, spiritual and physical care to Nigeriansand ready to offers support to communities through theoretical ,practical and discipleship training.

The NCSA was founded in the year 2002 by Godly men and women who were
moved by the Holy spirit to band together for purposeto build a better Nigeria on biblical principles and of Networkingamongst Nigerian christian in the vineyard to live here well so that
they can make heaven .

We believe this is a God - given initiative tore-invigorate christian witness and make a significant impact on the moral andspiritual heart of our nation.If we ignore Gods call ; we riskmarginalization,isolation and even "anti-discrimination laws" thatwill target christianity as "intolerant " . Worst of all ,we will fail tofulfill christ'scommand to be salt and light in our rapidly darkeningworld.

NCSA is a biblical environment stewardship with thechristian community. The NCSA is an interdenominational and nonsectarian in character.
NCSA is not anti-denominational .Many of its members;ministers are in denominational churches.Though the NCSA ,individuals,churches,college's fellowships, and christian ministries can participatein a wide variety
of National and International programmes to increase
awareness of global environment issues and problems.
To become a member of this Association one does not have to resign from other churches or reputable organizations.We are not competitive but cooperative realizing that in unity there is
strength;the members shall allow denominatinal differences to fade into insignificances and will join hands under the banner of NCSA in the interest offundamental christianity.

Organizational Email:
AGEGE,, 23401
Mission Statement: 

The mission of NCSA is " to promote excellence in
christian leadership
in Nigeria, through human resources development of
programmes aimed at
empowering leaders for individual effectiveness and
helping them to
become resourceful members of the leadership team.By
calling on all
Nigerians to turn to God for divine assistance as a
way out to let Nigeria
become a better country."(Heralding Nigerians to live
here well so that
they can make heaven ).

The vission of NCSA is to involve as many as possible
in the service to
build a better Nigeria. Our primacy emphasis takes
people to the most
devastated regions of Nigeria,while ultimately, we
look to serve the
Nigeria in every community based on Biblical
Principles to fight
corruption (election
rigging,stealing,robbery,lying,and all evils etc )and
preach ,educate and counselling Nigerians on how to
eradicate poverty
based on biblical principles. This has to be a vission
worth for.

Organizational Statement of Faith: 

We believe the Bible to be the inspired the only
infallible,authoritative word of God.
We believe that there is one God, eternally existent
in there
persons:Father,Son and Holy spirit.
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in
His virgin birth,
in His sinless life,in His miracles,in His vicarious
and atoning death
through His ascension to the right hand of the father
in His personal
return in power and glory.
We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful
people,regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely
We believe in the present ministy of the Holy Spirit
through which
christian is enabled to live a Godly life.
We believe in the ressurection of both the saved and
the lost,that they
are either saved or preserved unto the ressurrection
of damnation.
We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our
Lord Jesus

Do You Require Formal Orientation Training for Volunteers?: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
International Volunteers: 
Denominational Affiliation: 
Organization Membership Type: