Orphan Care Ministry Church Sierra Leone

Organization Description: 

BACK GROUND The Orphan Care Ministry Sierra Leone was founded in March 2011, out of passion for orphans, widows and vulnerable children. The Ministry hereafter known as ??OCM?? is a respected Christian, non-governmental and non-profit organization. The Ministries is in Sierra Leone, West Africa. It is National network of Churches, communities, friends, Christian organization working together. Our joint initiative and inspiration will equip communities, friends, Churches to ??Defend the fatherless?? (Isaiah 1:17). Ultimately, we seek to stimulate and help grow Churches, friends, communities and sisters organization committed to domestic adoption, foster care and national global orphans and widows care in their local community. Our united effort include education facilities, national summit, orphan Sunday campaign movement, life changers campaign, the community relief and an array of other initiatives. The Mission was established in order to provide care for orphans, widows and vulnerable children who are considered to be highly isolated. The Mission strives to fulfill the mandate of God (Deuteronomy 10: 18, Isaiah 1:17, James 1:27, Psalm 82:3 and Zachariah 7:10 etc.), and teach in a formative manner, the unadulterated Word of God. The Mission has established schools for orphans and vulnerable children and vocational institution for widows and youths. The school ranges from Primary, through Junior and senior secondary school in Freetown, and intend to expand to Bo, Kenema, Pujehun and Kalliahun Districts. The schools have an enrolment of 300 orphans and give out 500 education scholarship to vulnerable children in the Wellington, and Calaba Town communities in Freetown. With the outbreak of deadly Ebola disease, the Mission is currently sponsoring 200 orphans of Ebola victim who have lost their parents as a result of the epidemic.

2oo Orphans of Ebola victim are under the care of Mass Orphan Mission 130are in foster care receding care from these they are residing with and the Mission. While the 70 orphans of Ebola victim need urgent orphanage because they are stigmatized though they did not hesitation in order family members or the community to deny them accommodation. The Mission is however providing temporary accommodation for these 70 orphans of Ebola Victim on the Mission school compound since schools are not operational now. The Mission therefore needs orphanage for the following reason: (a) To provide accommodation for these orphans when schools shall have re-opened in the future. (b) To help them to be puncture in school and on time (c) For in term of health and other related issues (d) To train and bring them up in the fear of God Almighty.

83A Upper Gassama Street,Calabatown
Freetown, +232
Sierra Leone
Mission Statement: 

Orphan Care Ministry Church Sierra Leone MISSION: The Orphan Care Ministries will promote a better life for orphans, widows and vulnerable people by: (a) INFORMING: The Body of Christ to broaden their understanding both of the problems faced by orphaned children and widows and the potential ways they can contribute to effective solutions (b) MOBILIZING: National, Regional, and global networks that involve Churches, non-governmental service organizations, business communities, the media, and governmental agencies who, together, can develop orphans, vulnerable people and widows advocacy movement in their own community and country. (c) EQUIPPING: We will provide opportunities to fully understand the needs of orphans, vulnerable children and widows and the best resources and strategies to serve them, and promote communication among orphans, widows and vulnerable people network, helping advocates share their successes, and failures and learn from each other.

Organizational Statement of Faith: 

OCM OBJECTIVE: The following guiding principles will underpin our work;
(a) Not all orphans need a new family. Many of them already living in families and we must support these families and the communities that care for them
(b) There is a spectrum of models of care for orphans, vulnerable people and widows. Which we need to develop concurrently, to produce a range of family care options for a nation?s children, including strengthening their own immediate and extended families, reuniting children in care with their own families, adoption, guardianship, foster care.
(c) Orphanages provide the least effective and often detrimental care for orphans. The used of these families should only be an emergency placement option for some children
(d) If children have lost their own families and there is no hope of reuniting them, then adoption or guardianship should be the aim of our efforts.
(e) Care and thoughtful planning should go into any community? program model on behalf of orphans, preventing programs at all leaves is critical.
(f) Encourage orphans care providers and advocates towards unity, a Biblical standard of integrity, accountability and transparency.
(g) Proclaim with one voice God?s mandate to care for the orphans, widows and vulnerable children

City Vision Site Interest: 
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Program Types: 
Volunteer Information: 
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