Oxford Pregnancy Care Center

23 E. High St.
Oxford, OH 45056
Mission Statement: 

The Oxford Pregnancy Care Center is a faith-based, non-profit organization serving Oxford and the surrounding area.

We provide Christ-centered love and support for those:

• facing a crisis pregnancy
• experiencing post-abortion trauma
• needing abstinence education and/or biblical values

Organizational Statement of Faith: 

1. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

2. We believe in God the Father, whose creation reveals His unparalleled power and whose love extends to every person even before each is born.

3. We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His atoning death on the cross in our place, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His future personal return in power and glory.

4. We believe that human beings are created in God’s image, but because of human sin against God, that image was defaced and fellowship with God was broken.

5. We believe that God has demonstrated His love for lost and sinful humanity, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. We believe that the Holy Spirit convinces us of sin and leads us to experience God’s salvation through faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, who alone reconciles us to God and who is restoring God’s image in us.

6. We believe in the ongoing ministry of the Holy Spirit, Who empowers us to live godly lives and to express our personal faith in good works.

7. We believe in life after death of both the saved and the lost: the saved to dwell in God’s presence forever, and the lost to exist eternally without God.

8. We believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and uniquely authoritative Word of God, and our guide in faith and life.

9. We believe in the Body of Christ, which by the Holy Spirit is bound together in spiritual unity and sent out in gifted diversity to accomplish Christ’s mission in the world.

Note: This statement of faith was developed by an interdenominational task force consisting of Christians describing themselves as Evangelicals, Catholics, and Protestants of various denominations, all involved in one pregnancy center.

Do You Require Formal Orientation Training for Volunteers?: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
Primary Types of Volunteer Opportunities: 
Denominational Affiliation: 
City/Metropolitan Area: 
Program Types: 
Volunteer Information: 
Organization Membership Type: 
NTEE Major Category: 
NTEE Code: 
NTEE Minor Category: 
Educational Services and Schools - Other
Assets Bucket: 
Income Bucket: 
Form 990 Revenue Amount: 