Pacific Islands University

Organization Description: 

Pacific Islands University is the only nationally accredited Christian College, Bible College, and Graduate Level Seminary in the Micronesia Region. It is located in the village of Mangilao, Guam.

PIU maintains approved teaching facilities in Colonia, Yap, and in Koror, Palau. The office for the facility in Palau is located on the campus of Palau Community College.

Some of our classes are offered online with cross-registration at any of the PIU sites.

172 Kinney's Road
Mangilao, GU 96913
Mission Statement: 


Pacific Islands University (PIU) aspires to be a leader in providing accessible, transformational, quality Christian higher education to the people of Micronesia, to the Pacific Islands, and to the ends of the earth.


Pacific Islands University exists to provide accessible, excellent, transformational Christian higher education and ministry training to the people of Micronesia, the Pacific islands, and to the ends of the earth. As such, our mission is to prepare men and women with a biblical worldview for leadership and service in life, work, and ministry in the global community and the church.

Organizational Statement of Faith: 

The Bible: We believe that the whole Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit by verbal, plenary inspiration. It is inerrant in the original autographs. It is the divine authority and infallible rule for faith, life and doctrine.

The Trinity: We believe in one God, eternally existing in three divine persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, equal in nature, power and glory.

The Father: We believe that God the Father is spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable in His attributes.

The Son: We believe that Jesus Christ is God the Son, that He was begotten of the Holy Spirit, born without sin of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, died on the cross for man?s sins, rose again bodily, and ascended to the right hand of the Father, and that He will return in power and glory.

The Holy Spirit: We believe in the personality of the Holy Spirit, that He convicts the world of sin, regenerates the sinner and baptizes, indwells, guides, instructs and empowers believers for godly living and service.

Man: We believe that man was directly created by God in His own image, that he disobeyed and thereby incurred both spiritual and physical death; consequently, all men are sinners by nature and practice and are in need of regeneration by faith in Jesus Christ.

Salvation: We believe that the atoning death of Jesus Christ and His resurrection provide the only ground of justification and salvation for mankind. Only those who receive Jesus Christ by personal faith in Him are born of the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God.

Resurrection: We believe in the bodily resurrection of all the dead, of the believer to everlasting blessedness and joy with the Lord, and of the unbeliever to judgment and everlasting punishment.

The Church: We believe that the universal Church is composed of all persons who, through faith in Jesus Christ, have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit and are united in the Body of Christ of which He is the Head; that local churches are established for the purpose of worship, instruction, mutual edification and witnessing to the lost.

Baptism and Communion: We believe that Baptism and the Lord?s Supper are ordinances instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ to be observed by the Church during this present age. They are visible signs of God?s grace but are not to be regarded as a means of salvation.

Eschatology: We believe that the resurrected Christ ascended into heaven and now appears before the Father as our Advocate and Great High Priest; that He will return again personally, bodily, visibly with great power and glory to bring universal peace and righteousness.

Christian Service: We believe that victorious Christian living includes Christian service, the preaching of the Gospel in all parts of the earth, the winning of souls, and the gracious ministry of love and compassion to all.

Notes: In view of controversy regarding the first eleven chapters of Genesis, it is appropriate to clarify the PIU Statement of Faith as follows: We affirm that the people and events of all of the book of Genesis lived and happened; that is, Adam and Noah were actual men of history, and the creation, fall and flood were historical events. We also believe that the first man Adam did not evolve from simpler creatures, but rather was created by God at a point in time.

PIU believes that Satan and the demonic beings who follow him are adversaries of God, the Church and all mankind. The destiny of all such beings is eternal destruction in hell and as such, no repentance or possibility of salvation remains for such as these. Satan and the powers that follow him, although greater in power than any human being, are not sovereign or in any way equal to God in power, and their doom is certain. PIU accepts the biblical account concerning Satan, along with the demonic beings, on all points, rejecting and refuting all attempts to demythologize or idealize their existence.

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International Volunteers: 
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