Pais USA

Organization Description: 

Pais USA is a faith-based organization that works in multiple nations and with various types of agencies. Working not only in the secular environment, we also serve churches and other religious organizations.

2304 W Park Row
Arlington, TX 76013
Mission Statement: 

Missionaries making Missionaries.

Organizational Statement of Faith: 

The Pais Project is a non-denominational organization working with various churches in order to reach the schools of the world.

We believe in the following truths:

1. The one true God who lives eternally in three personsthe Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
2. The love, grace and sovereignty of God in creating, sustaining, ruling, redeeming and judging the world.
3. The divine inspiration and supreme authority of the Old and New Testament Scriptures, which are the written Word of Godfully trustworthy for faith and conduct.
4. The dignity of all people, made male and female in Gods image to love, be holy and care for creation, yet corrupted by sin, which incurs divine wrath and judgement.
5. The incarnation of Gods eternal Son, the Lord Jesus Christborn of the virgin Mary, truly divine and truly human, yet without sin.
6. The atoning sacrifice of Christ on the cross: dying in our place, paying the price of sin and defeating evil, so reconciling us with God.
7. The bodily resurrection of Christ, the first-fruit of our resurrection; his ascension to the Father, and his reign and mediation as the only Savior of the world.
8. The justification of sinners solely by the grace of God through faith in Christ.
9. The ministry of God the Holy Spirit, who leads us to repentance, unites us with Christ through new birth, empowers our discipleship and enables our witness.
10. The Church, the body of Christ both local and universal, the priesthood of all believersgiven life by the Spirit and endowed with the Spirits gifts to worship God and proclaim the gospel,
promoting justice and love.
11. The personal and visible return of Jesus Christ to fulfill the purposes of God, who will raise all people to judgement, bring eternal life to the redeemed and eternal condemnation to the lost, and establish a new heaven and new earth.

Do You Require Formal Orientation Training for Volunteers?: 
Do you have a listing of your volunteer opportunities on your organization’s website?: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
City Vision Site Interest: 
International Volunteers: 
Denominational Affiliation: 
City/Metropolitan Area: 
Volunteer Information: 
Organization Membership Type: