Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays

Organization Description: 

PFOX subscribes to the following PATH principles:

PFOX supports personal choice.

Many people who experience same-sex attractions (SSA) choose not to act on those feelings and not to embrace a homosexual identity. In many cases, they also choose to affirm and develop their heterosexual desires and pursue their dream of raising a family. We respect and affirm their choice.

PFOX supports the individual?s right to know.

We do not seek to force our viewpoint on anyone, to tell others what they "should" do, or to shut down others' voices. We do work to raise awareness of alternatives to living a homosexual life -- alternatives that many have found to be positive, life-affirming and congruent with their values, morals and beliefs. We support freedom of information.

PFOX supports individual self-determination.

Individuals conflicted over their same-sex attractions have the right to decide whether to seek counseling or therapy; what kind of counseling to seek; to be made aware of all alternatives; and to determine the desired direction of their own therapy program. Professional organizations should enhance rather than inhibit the client's right of self-determination.

PFOX advocates compassion and respect.

Individuals who have transitioned out of a former homosexual identity and lifestyle, or who choose to pursue alternatives to homosexuality, deserve compassion and respect. Their choices should not subject them to discrimination, ridicule, marginalization, or make them the target of hate speech or accusations of homophobia. Demands for tolerance by one group can never justify intolerance or ridicule of another.

PFOX advocates policy neutrality.

All branches of government should avoid actions or decisions that would inhibit free speech about, or the practice of, freely chosen alternatives to homosexuality. Of particular concern are laws regarding hate crimes and sexual orientation that may be construed to make it illegal to promote or even speak about alternatives to homosexuality.

PFOX supports equal access to public forums.

We claim equal access to public forums to state our viewpoint, share our experience, and to raise awareness of alternative responses to a homosexual identity and lifestyle. This is particularly vital in cases where public schools address the issue of sexual orientation.

Box 510
Reedville, VA 22039
Mission Statement: 

Founded in 1998, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization providing outreach, education, and public awareness in support of families touched by homosexuality, and the ex-gay community. PFOX conducts public education and community-building activities to further individual self-determination, and compassion and respect for all Americans, regardless of their sexual orientation. PFOX envisions communities characterized by more stable families and a tolerant understanding of sexual orientation. PFOX promotes an inclusive environment for the ex-gay community, and works to eliminate negative perceptions and discrimination against former homosexuals.

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Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
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