Pass The Word Christian Outreach Ministry
Did you know that the heart can take you to places our feet can not travel? In the Gospel of Matthew 25: 35-40, Jesus clearly tells us that we are to visit those who are in prison. It is with fervent prayers and hope that you will feel the call to do exactly that as you search through our pages and get to know who we are and what we believe. We are looking for volunteers to become pen-pals to many of our brothers and sisters who are incarcerated in our prison systems. People who are willing to provide Christian friendship and encouragement to those behind bars who need a prayer, a compassionate heart, a listening ear, an encouraging word. The Hispanic community is growing rapidly and we desperately need volunteers who can read and write in Spanish.
With no intent to belittle our prison system, I think it is safe to say that real "restoration" and "reformation" can only begin from within. From the inside. It begins with an acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to start those changes. Due to the continuous hard work of those already working as Chaplains in our Correctional Facilities, there are many who have made a commitment to living for our Savior. But they still need a friend to encourage them in their studies and daily walk. No different than those of us who are living on the outside of those prison walls. There are yet many others who are still searching for Him and His love. Those who are on the very fringe of making that decision and only need the gentle urging of a friend. A simple act of kindness is sometimes all it takes. Jesus tells us to visit those who are in prison. I strongly believe, as a Christian community, we need to call upon His strength and ask to be filled with an urgency and a tenacity to get the task done. An urgency and tenacity that will be stronger than those used by "religions" other than Christianity. "Religions" that are rising in numbers each and every day. I don't know about you, my brothers and sisters, but I don't want to be someone standing before the Lord trying to explain how I just dropped the ball when I had the opportunity of sharing the message of Salvation and Redemption.
Jesus knew what he was talking about when he told us to visit those who are in prison. Because most people who are in prison are "forgotten" people. Most often times deserted by family, friends, and former loved ones. They have become the least, the lost, and the lonely. No prison has a pretty view, but then again, I don't think the view was nice from the top of the cross either. Jesus died for all of us, even those behind bars. All of heaven rejoices when one sinner repents. Won't you help the heavens ring out in song?
All those wishing to be pen-pals must contact Pastor Donna by email to fill out a questionnaire, and all must be 21 or older.
Pass The Word Christian Outreach Ministry is based upon the belief that we are not meant to keep the faith, but rather, that we are commissioned to pass it on; uplifting one another and exhorting our brothers and sisters onto faith, love, and good works. Pass The Word Christian Outreach Ministry, is interdenominational, accepting its leadership from Christ and its direction from the Spirit of God according to His will, for the Glory of His Name and the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to Reach not Preach. We seek to do His will as we uplift the down-trodden, comfort the sorrowful, offer road maps to the lost, strength to the weak, food to the hungry soul, liberty to the captive, and water from the Living Well for those souls spiritually parched.
We believe in, and live by, God the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ,
His Son, Our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit
Through the Word of God and born of the virgin, Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified dead and buried.
He descended into Hell and He stripped Satan of his power.
Upon the third day he rose again and Ascended into Heaven
Where He is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, The worldwide body of Christ (His Church),
The forgiveness of all sins, The resurrection of the body,
The communion of the saints, and life everlasting.
We believe that through a daily profession of faith and trust in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension; one may become a partaker of their inheritance in Him.
1. We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God written by holy men as they were instructed by God. It is the inerrant Word of God. (11 Tim 3:15)
2.. We believe that Man was created good and upright, for God said, ?Let us make man in Our own image, after Our likeness.? But man, voluntarily transgressed against God, and God has provided man with his only hope of salvation and redemption which is in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. (Gen. 1:26-31, 3:17, Rom. 5:12-21)
3. We believe that Jesus came as a man, was born of a virgin, and His father is God. We believe that Jesus was born without the inherited sin of Adam and, during his entire life, committed no sin. Jesus was the eternal Father made visible, apart from whom there is no God. (I Tim. 3:16, John 10:30, Is. 9:6, Luke 2:11, Rev. 1:8)
4. We believe in the personal salvation of believers through the confession of sins, recognizing that Jesus Christ is the substitute for our sins, through His shed blood. It is by the grace of God, through faith in Jesus Christ and His shed blood, that we become an heir of God. (Rom. 10:9,10, 1 John 1:9, Eph. 2:8,9)
5. We believe that the New Birth is a direct witness of the Spirit and is an inward confession of Jesus Christ (Rom 8:16). We believe that following salvation through Jesus Christ you should be commanded by the Lord Jesus. This was the last command He left His apostles. ?Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.? (Matt. 28:19) reads, ?He that believeth, and is baptized, shall be Saved...? (Mark 16:16)
6. We believe in divine healing through faith and that healing is a benefit of the atonement.
7. We believe in the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit and that these gifts are given throughout the Body of Christ and are in operation today. (I Cor. 12)
8. We believe in the imminent return, second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ for His Church (His bride).
9. We believe that there is a heaven and a hell. Heaven is a place of eternal rest for the righteous (those who have accepted Jesus Christ as atonement for their sins) and hell is a place of eternal damnation for the unrighteous (those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior). (Matt. 28:19, Mark 16:16)
10. We believe in the millennial reign of Jesus ? the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ from heaven, and the millennial reign of Christ and His followers on earth. (11 Thes. 1:7, Rom. 11:26,27, Rev. 20:1-7)
11. We believe in the Great Commission ? to minister God?s saving grace and to reach out to the poor and lost in spirit (Mark 16:15). And foremost, to honor and obey God?s command, ?take the gospel into all the world.?