Pentecostal Missionary Church
The church has become a denomination with 21 branch or daughter churches in the rural areas, and has 150 members at the Kibaha, which is the mother church and headquarters of the denomination. Pastor Masanja is still the pastor here.
This group of small, poor churches, is a separate denomination from other pentecostal churches in North America or other parts of the world. Pastor Gervase Masanja is the bishop and visionary leader over this band of poverty-stricken congregations that exists in about twenty communities and preaching posts.
The Pentecostal Missionary Church's vision is to plant churches in every region, district, and ward of Tanzania, but they also want to make sure they plant churches in every capital city of the African countries, reaching their community and nation for Jesus Christ.
Pastor Gervase Masanja also has many ideas for ways to help their poor people with education, job creation, and ministry.
Our Doctrine is of the Pentecostal persuasion. We believe in;
(1). There is only one true God in three Persons.
(2). The Holy Bible is the Word of God.
(3). The fallen, sinful state of mankind.
(4). The immaculate conception and virgin birth of Jesus.
(5). The death and resurrection of the sinless Jesus as a Saviour for all who believe and receive Him.
(6). Baptism by immersion upon confession of faith in the finished work of Christ Jesus.
(7). That God gives spiritual gifts to Believers, such as speaking in tongues, miracles, healing, faith and teaching.