Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church

Organization Description: 


1. The purpose for which this church is formed is to corporately and publicly worship, praise, glorify, and give thanks to the trinity (Father - Son - Holy Spirit). To minister the work of God to believers; To promote fellowship among the body of Christ, and to promote evangelism at home and abroad, as directed by the Holy Spirit, under the leadership of the Pastor, Elders, Deacons, Ministry Leaders, and Church Body, as they follow and interpret the word of God as it relates to the called purpose of Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church as defined by the Pastor through the Church Vision.

2. Since we believe that the Bible is God's Holy and inspired word, it is our purpose to draw from the scripture the principles that determine our beliefs and practices as our name implies. It is the word of God rather than the word of men that ultimately directs our church.

3. A sensitivity to the leadership of the Holy Spirit - obedience to the word of God - and strict accountability shall govern the church (PRBC) in all her actions.

4. It is our purpose to meet frequently for worship, instruction, fellowship, and outreach in accordance with Acts 2:42. The message we declare to young and old alike is based upon a literal, grammatical, and historical interpretation of the entire Bible. We proclaim the truths of the Bible, being confident that God is glorified and man's needs are met when god's truths are presented and obeyed.

5. We further believe that because Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church's membership is a body of baptized believers, it is the mission of this church to make disciples. In keeping with Acts 2:42, this church has five major areas through which it fulfill its mission in the world, and thus all ministries and programs shall center their activities in and around these five major areas:

A. Worship - worship has as its primary goal, expressing to God the esteem, which his people hold for Him. And can be demonstrated in a multiple of ways to His glory.

B. Fellowship and Discipleship - Fellowship is designed to promote the interpersonal caring and sharing of God's people one to another as an outgrowth of their fellowship with God. Thus developing community for support and interaction within the church family. The training and development of members in family, individual and church related matters will provide the basis for them to study to show themselves approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed.

509 S. 3rd
Conroe, TX 77301
Mission Statement: 


The mission of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church is to be the New Testament Church of the 21st Century; striving for excellence in carrying out God's great commission while building GodÂ’s House.

Organizational Statement of Faith: 

• What must I do to be saved Romans 10:9-13; John 3:16

• Don't talk Faith Show me by your Works James 2:14-18

• How to receive God's forgiveness Matt. 6:14-15
• How must I/We Grow II Peter 3:18
• How must I/We Worship John 4:24
• How will I/We know if what I/We do is right or wrong I Cor. 10:31; Romans 14:19, 21
• How shall we treat each other John 15:12
• How do I/We know God is here Matt 18:20

It is, therefore, of the utmost importance that a correct scriptural discipline be effectively maintained. There are three laws of Christ's house.

First Law: For every disciple; the law of love, "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another (John 13:14). It would prevent cold indifference to each other's welfare, unfounded suspicions, causeless accusations, animosity, bitterness, hatred, and strife, and cause each to love the other "with a pure heart fervently."

Second Law: For the offender, the law of confession. "If thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee, leave there thy gift before the altar and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother; and then come and offer thy gift
(Matt. 5:23-23). This law makes it obligatory on every one who supposes that a brother has ought against him, to go to such a one with delay and secure, if possible, reconciliation.

Third Law: For the offended; the law of forgiveness. "If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him. And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying I repent, thou shalt "forgive him" (Luke 17:3-4). This law enjoins a perpetual personal forgiveness of injuries, of injuries repented of and confessed.

1. The Spirit of Discipline - The justification and effectiveness of discipline depends on the spirit with which it is exercised.

2. The Right of Discipline - That churches have a right to exercise a watchful supervision over their members, to reprove them when erring.

3. The Duty of Discipline - "If thy trespass against thee, rebuke him, and if he repent forgive him." Luke 17:3

4. The Limit of Discipline - The exercise of discipline is limited in its range, by the laws of Christ as applied to Christian first and moral kindly and generously interpreted, in the spirit of fraternal affection and yet with fidelity to the purity of truth, and the honor of the gospel. Also, it is limited to such matters of covenant agreement as were understood by each member entering the Church with regards to the rules and regulations of the body.

5. The Result of Discipline - discipline has positive and definite purpose. Its design is to heal the offense, or remove the offender, the correction of evil, of the expulsion of the evildoer, so far least, as corrective discipline is concerned.

The church is the school of Christ, let the school be controlled with strict yet wise and kindly discipline, or the pupils will learn more of evil than of good, and anarchy and confusion will supplant good government. The Church is the organic representative of the kingdom of Christ, unless law prevail in the kingdom and order be maintained, how shall the King be honored, the kingdom be advanced, or the world be blessed by its coming triumph?

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