Pillar of Truth Ministries
We are an outreach ministry, seeking to feed God's people both Spiritually and Physically. We are working on opening a physical outreach center. Currently we work in Disaster Relief, with area Fire Departments, and other agencies, and provide food for the needy.
Pillar of Truth Ministries, is a God based, non denominational ministry, founded to "Carry The Glorious Gospel," by teaching strictly the Word of God, without interjecting mans intrepretations, or thoughts. God has given Pillar of Truth Ministries the given vision to "Go ye therefore and teach all nations..." as ordained in matthew 28:19. We all are to "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." according to second Timothy 2:15 and PTM strives to be a willing vessel that God can use to teach others His Word.
Statement Of Faith
What we Believe In
1. The entire Bible being the inspired Word of God, as written by inspiration of The Holy men of God.
(2 Peter 1:21) And that "all scriptures is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness; That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto
all good works." (2 Tim. 3:15-17)
2. One God, in three persons, God the Father, God the Son God, the Holy Spirit, As introduced in
Genesis 1:1, the word God, being plural (Elohim). In the New Testament Jesus said He would ask
the Father and He would send the Spirit and that He would guide you in all truth. (John 14:26)
3. Man is a created being, made in the likeness and image of God (Gen. 1:26-27), but through Adam's
transgressions and fall, sin has entered into the world (Rom. 5:12) "For all have sinned and come short of
the Glory of God." (Rom. 3:23) "As it is written, there in none righteous, no not one" (Rom. 3:10) Jesus Christ,
the Son of God, was manifested to undo the works of the devil, and Salvation is obtained through the shed
blood of Christ Jesus who through the Eternal Spirit offered Himself, without spot to God. (Heb. 9:14) You
must believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in the resurrection,
and thou shalt be saved. (Rom. 10:9-10)
4. Water Baptism by immersion, and that baptism is a direct commandment of our Lord. (Acts 2:41;8:37) That
Baptism is a symbol of Christian identification with Christ, His death, burial, and resurrection. (1 Peter 3:21;
Rom. 6:4-5), The Only Water Baptism we believe is in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of the
Holy Spirit. (Matt. 28:19-20) We also believe in a total submersion of the Spirit, taking on the characteristics
of the Spirit after receiving the Baptism (greek Baptos) of the Spirit.
5. The in filling of the Spirit of God according to the book of Acts, and the endowment of power after the
Spirit comes upon you, to go into all the world and preach the Gospel with signs and wonders to follow those
that believe, And in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.(Acts 2:4;10:44-46) And in the full operation of the gifts of
the Spirit, and these gifts are all worked by the same Spirit all in all as He wills (1 Cor. 12:4-11)
6. Healing and the deliverance of God. (James 5:14) The power of God to perform the miraculous casting out
of demon power, and victorious Christian living. (Mark 16:17-18) Living in the abundance and the blessing of
God according to obedience to the Word of God. We are the head and not the tail, the lender, not the
7. That when Christ died he set into place, "apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers for the
equipping of the saints, for the working of the ministry, and for the edifying of the body of Christ, until we all
come into the unity of faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to measure of the
stature of the fullness of Christ." (Eph. 4:11-13) That all are called, as in the great commission to "Go ye
therefore..." (Matt. 28:19)
8. The Holy Communion is to be taken, and that it is to be observed in remembrance of the shed blood on
Calvary and Christ's body which was crucified for our sins and that spiritually you are partaking of the blood
of Christ and His body. (Matt. 26:28) And following communion we should lift up praises and hymns unto
Christ (Matt. 26:30;Mark 14:26)
9. In preaching and teaching the entire word of God, not taking away, nor adding to the word of God. (Rev.
10. That all Christians, including ministers, should pay tithes into the stockhouse, and that all church
members should pay their tithes into the church where they are getting Spiritually fed. And that all ministries
should tithe into the general headquarters, where they are getting their Spiritual helps and covering. (Mal.
11. The second coming of Christ establishing His Kingdom and reign upon this earth and for those who have
received Him to spend eternity with Him. And for His judgement to be absolute and sovereign (Revelation)