The Potter's House

Organization Description: 

The Potter's House will offer an excellent academic progam in an urban environment. Rooted in biblical principles and values, the Potter's House encourages students to reach theirfull potential by maintaining a healthy spiritual, physical, social and emotional life. The Potter's House will challenge students and their families to grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The Potter's House will promote unity and reconciliation in the Roosevelt Park Community.

616.241.5220 ext. 11
Organizational Email:
810 Van Raalte Dr. SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49509
Mission Statement: 

The Potter's House provides a Christ-centered education to children of all etnhic heritages and income levels, equipping them to serve god and society to their fullest potential.

Organizational Statement of Faith: 

We believe in the Triune God: God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Bible, God’s Word, is infallible, reliable and applicable to today’s person, adult or child. The Bible is also a gift to use and to cherish.

We believe that each child is created in the image of god. The image is not restricted to any race, sex or income level. The image of God gives each child an enormous, unique potential. Each child is a whole child possessing unique intellectual, creative, decisional and emotional dimensions. The major goal of education is to bring each child into his or her full potential in conformance with the image of God.
We believe that the world was perfect at creation, but sin intervened, severing all people’s perfect relationship with god and bringing consequences on every object and institution within the creation. God, in His love, provided Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for sin and restore each person to full favor with god. God freely calls people to accept the gift of salvation. God also requires that individuals and social groups follow in obedience to His word. He requires people to work to restore creation and overcome the consequences of sin both in the natural world and in society.

Do You Require Formal Orientation Training for Volunteers?: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
Denominational Affiliation: 
City/Metropolitan Area: 
Organization Membership Type: