Programs of Regional and National Significance (Government Grant)
SAMHSA administers these services through the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), the Center for Substance
Abuse Prevention (CSAP), and the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS). The Centers seek to expand the availability
of effective substance abuse treatment and recovery services available to abusers and their families.
Grants and cooperative agreements may be for: 1) projects for treatment and rehabilitation and to conduct evaluations of
such projects; 2) training and technical assistance; 3) targeted capacity response programs; 4) systems change grants
including statewide family network grants and client oriented and consumer run self-help activities; and 5) programs for the
health and development of children.
FY 2006 Appropriation: $889,407,000
Application Deadline: The application deadline was not available at the time of publication. Please check with the point of
contact below for this information.