PROJECT AFRICA was founded by LINDY WAFULA after she lost both her parents to HIV/AIDS. With headquatrers in Sweden , the organization works with rural women in Africa.
Our project sin Kenya include Women's Leadership Academy where women are empowered with vocational skills and capacity building trainings in leadship and life skills.
There are also cottage industries where women work to produce handicrafts and lkater these are sold at the fair trade markets to provide them with income
Our mentoring programs and talent culbs aim to empower young women to sharpen their God-Given talents in various arts, music, sports etc and to create self employment from the same.
Our Daughters of Zion Academy aim to empower girl-children to get quality primary education. The school creates recreational activities that empower girls to grow up with a mind that they can do any job even those that have traditionally be set up for boys/Men.
project Africa currently has these projects in Lungalunga near mombasa and in kakamega district Kenya.
PROJECT AFRICA is a non -profit organization established with an aim to empower women in rural Africa with skils and resources for enterprise development and ministry.
We believe that women in Africa are divinely ordained to rebuild Africa and be agents of change. In thi sregard we value the need to turn th evulnerability of African women into victory that will show their God-given talents being used to mentor peaceful communities, benefiting the poor and serving the less fortunate.