Project Compassion
Project Compassion visits developing nations on an invitation-basis, responding to requests from individuals that directly work with the country‚?s natives. Through a strong network of dedicated individuals, we are able to bring our proven and invaluable service directly to the point of need. Most often the clinic site is in a very rural and remote location where medical care is limited or inaccessible.
All volunteers are used to run a full-functioning clinic, regardless of the volunteer‚?s career experience. A medical background is not essential, as we draw from the talents and knowledge of each individual. The environment varies with each country we visit, and we have conducted clinics in both churches and schools, local clinics and orphanages, and are even completely functional in open fields with mud-walled thatched-roof huts!
Accommodations vary from trip to trip and range anywhere from five star hotels to sleeping in hammocks as guests of indigenous people. Likewise the team meals can provide a flavor of adventure. Some are taken from wonderful local restaurants, with items not available in the U.S. Other times meals are cooked over an open fire in the middle of a jungle. One thing is for sure: Every time, it is an experience!
Our clinic can be set up in approximately thirty minutes, even in the most remote locations. We provide all equipment needed to obtain vital statistics on each visitor, supplies necessary for the physicians to perform examination/diagnoses, and laboratory equipment to perform certain testing‚?s. We also provide a fully stocked pharmacy to fill the prescriptions written by the examiners. Clinic logistics provides for private individual examination with the physicians, as well as one-on-one sharing in the Prayer and Counseling area.
Project Compassion has proven to be an effective and positive influence on those we visit, and is considered a valuable resource to those that work in developing nations. Our services are open to all without prejudice, and all services and pharmaceuticals are provided at no charge: There are no exceptions. The talents required from volunteers are quite varied, but the most valued element is a compassionate heart.
Project Compassion is a Christ Centered organization whose primary purpose is to share God's love by ministering to the physical and spiritual of all people through outreaches.
Project Compassion is a nondenominational medical mission ‚?s organization dedicated to advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ. We hold to the central teachings of scripture, that the Bible is the inspired word of God. We believe in the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus is the Son of God and came to earth as God incarnate. He suffered and died on the cross, and after three days, he rose from the dead. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. We believe that Jesus will come again to judge the living and the dead, and that the Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost and lives in our hearts today when we accept him as our Lord and Savior.
Although Project Compassion is nondenominational, we are united in our core beliefs. Although there are many doctrinal differences in the people that serve on the teams, our main focus is to advance the Gospel by assisting local churches and missionaries in their work, and to help those in need.
By focusing on our commonality and lovingly tolerating our differences, we show the love of Jesus Christ to those we minister to. Since the teams are made up of individual persons from many denominational backgrounds, it is not the intent of Project Compassion to promote or discourage personal doctrinal beliefs. We ask that all team members be considerate and understanding of others personal beliefs and practices, particularly in different cultures and countries.