Prospex Africa Youth Outreach Ministries Inc.
Prospex Africa is non- governmental organisation that aims at encouraging and creating opportunities for young people to reach out to other youth and communities with their God given talents, abilities, experience, skills and vocations. We are a task force of God fearing young people with a passion for reaching our world with the love of God; we are focused towards helping other young people to overcome their underprivileged circumstance and become all they can be, through the realization maximization of their God given potential and ability. Prospex Africa is inspired by Joseph K .Baron, who although from a less privileged background has by the grace of God managed to succeed in life; impacting many young people and the entire community. Our passion is therefore, to see many young people who are hopeless, the refuse of society; transform into society’s basis and pillar. We believe that every person regardless of who they are, were they have been, what their circumstance are or even what they have done; has the ability to make to make it in life. In our youth, we are determined to set an example in word, conversation, charity, faith and purity! Prospex Africa is comprised of young people from different backgrounds who are willing to use their skills,experience, training time and energy for the glory of God, the good of fellow youth and society. We are focused on answering the master’s call to be servants, take care of his sheep and bring the lost ones home. We are rebuilders of the ancient ruins, repairers of cities long ago destroyed [Isaiah: 61:3-4] and help the rejected stones become society’s cornerstones! In our youth, we are determined to set an example in word, conversation, charity, faith and purity! Prospex Africa is a Christian registered non government organization based in Kampala Uganda East Africa. And operating countrywide