Reach is a faith-based, non-profit organization providing a community service.
Reach is a faith-based community outreach in Concord NH. Our focus is to help the needy and the homeless.
Reach is touching lives by serving in the local community in three ways:
1. Soup kitchen team
Providing meals at the local soup Kitchen.
2. Reach van
Supplying items like clothing, new socks, toiletries and sleeping bags.
3. Visiting homeless camps and helping people by meeting basic needs like toiletries, clean socks, water and bug spray.
Concord, NH 03301
Our purpose is to reach out to our community with compassion, build friendships
and help people to break through tough situations.
Our mission is to ignite a fire that spreads to many through acts of kindness,
generosity and acceptance. To bridge the gap between people who want to reach
out and help others, and those who are in need of this help. Many in our community are unaware of the homelessness situation in our city.
Our focus is to restore those who are broken, especially those who cannot work,
who have little or no income and those who are isolated from family and society. As we provide relief, meet urgent needs and pray for others, we believe relationships will be restored and lives healed by the power of God.
Our method of operation is to reach people through Spirit-led acts of kindness and touch people's lives with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Core Values
1) Prayer
We realize that apart from God we cannot do anything of spiritual or eternal
value. Our purpose is to increase His kingdom. Prayer is the key to the
success of Reach.
2) Being Spirit-led
The discernment required for a spiritual outreach of this nature requires the
leading of the Holy Spirit. We cannot break through spiritual barriers using
natural means alone. It is God's anointing on us that will remove burdens
and set people free.
3) Committed to building relationships
Reach is all about people. Relationship building is our priority in all we do:
Relationships with Jesus Christ
Relationships with the Reach staff team
Relationships with those that we serve
Relationships with those who partner with us and help us
4) Creative Evangelism
Through creative giving and serving, small seeds can give way to large
fruitful harvests. There are many ways to catch a fish, but as we network
together we can pull in many more to the kingdom of God.
5) Uniting churches
Often during a crisis, churches come together with one purpose: to save
lives. As an awareness of the crisis in our own community grows, we pray
that we can cross denominational barriers and put our hands together to
meet the physical and social needs of others, showing them that we are one
in Christ.
6) Engaging the community
Our aim is to promote the work that Reach is doing in the community and
raise an awareness its benefits. Through volunteer ministries and fund raising
campaigns - organizations, local businesses and individuals can get
7) Stewardship and excellence
We are stewards over the resources, time, talents and gifts that God has
given to us. We are committed to be frugal, good stewards over all we are
entrusted with. Although frugal, we are committed to excellence and quality,
giving only our best - as unto the Lord.