Reading Enrichment for Adult Development
Reading Enrichment for Adult Development (R.E.A.D.) is a non-profit literacy organization that serves the Greater Cleveland Community. We offer one-on-one tutoring for adults, ages 16 and older. To help individuals learn how to read or enhance basic literacy and mathematic skills.
The mission of R.E.A.D. is to increase the level of literacy among African-American adults and youth in Greater Cleveland. In recognition of the many complex causes for the high rate of illiteracy as contrasted by a high rate of achievement of a certain percentage of Blacks, R.E.A.D. is dedicated to the involvement of the educated African-American adult in a multi-faceted program to educate and uplift less fortunate adults. R.E.A.D. is further committed to provide inspirational learning opportunities and a promise of hope to youth in the midst of discouraging statistics concerning the plight of the African-American in todayÂ’s society.
The members of R.E.A.D. believe that the possibility for academic success, and consequently, a more satisfying quality of life, will result for program participants and providers who come together as brothers and sisters to increase educational achievement in the African-American community.