Religious Music Worshop, Inc.
To give a call to all nations and people, to rise up to God, in Love, Unity and Maturity, above all Racism. Hatred, Envy, Jealousy and Divisions, according to Isaiah 2:2-4 To promolgate God's Music and God's Unversal System world wide in order that we will be restored to the natural Time, Rhythm and Sound of the universe and earth, of which we are in conflict with.
To perform God's Music perpetually from the sanctuary of home of God's Music according to his Holy Will, to his Glory and to deliver us from the present path to our own self destruction that is at present, evident. God bless.
"We belive in the phycical resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus the Christ., from the dead. That by his resurrection, that we are redeemed from the curse of the law and made heirs with Abraham, to the blessings given to him by God. That these blessings include, healing, restoration, deliverence, prosperity and Holy Ghost Power, power over all the power of the enemy, according to Luke 10:19, and all the power of God's sacred Holy Promises when we serve him in Spirit and Truth, according to his Holy Word".