School on Wheels
School on Wheels is Indianapolis' answer to increasing educational opportunities for school-aged homeless children in order to create economic opportunities necessary to break the cycle of homelessness.
We help complement the access to public education with tools for educational success.
Since 2001, over 1,200 School on Wheels community volunteers have provided over 22,000 hours of tutoring to nearly 2,400 Indianapolis homeless children at eleven locations.
School on Wheels by the numbers...
0: The number of homeless children we would like to exist.
1: The number of organizations in Indianapolis providing academic services exclusively to homeless children.
9: The number of years School on Wheels has been tutoring homeless children.
9: The average age of a homeless person in Indianapolis.
13: The number of dedicated and talented staff members at School on Wheels.
$93,569.96: the fair market value for 4,796 hours of tutoring if we paid all of our volunteer tutors for their time last year.
The mission of School on Wheels is to provide one-on-one tutoring and educational advocacy for school-aged children impacted by homelessness.
The vision is to equip children impacted by homelessness with the educational tools necessary to achieve success in life and break the cycle of homelessness.