Scioto Hills Camp & Retreat Center
Established in 1965, we are a non-profit, Baptist camp serving children and teens during the summer for week-long programs and teen and adult groups on weekends during the retreat season. Scioto Hills Camp & Retreat Center uses the Word of God to develop our guests spiritually toward growth and maturity.
Our theme verse is 1 Corinthians 10:31 -- "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all the glory of God."
Scioto Hills is an arm of the local church in which a Christ-centered program in an attractive outdoor setting is used to develop the guest spiritually, mentally, physically and socially in accordance with the Word of God.
A. We believe the Bible is inerrant and inspired of God and is our only authoritative reference in matter of faith and practice.
B. We believe in God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
C. We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son, is fully God and became truly human through His virgin birth. His sinless life, voluntary death, shed blood, and bodily resurrection were necessary and sufficient for the redemption of man ? the justification of sinners through faith in Him. He will visibly return to earth in glory.
D. We believe the Holy Spirit is fully God. Through His power and presence, He is the effective agent in the new birth and, through His indwelling, empowers the believer for godly living and service.
E. We believe that man was created by God, in His image, as a moral and rational being. The historic fall of man into sin and his disobedience, individually and corporately, produced divine condemnation.
F. We believe the redeemed will be resurrected to the everlasting presence and enjoyment of God, and the unredeemed will be resurrected to judgment and everlasting punishment.
G. We believe that all who are truly born again are kept by God the Father for Jesus Christ.