Scripture Gift Mission Canada

Organization Description: 

SGM Canada is a creative agency working so that the Bible's life words are seen, heard, and experienced as a positive contribution to our lives together, in communities, and as individuals.

We seek to connect people with the Bible and to each other - and to help them experience the relationship with God that the Bible speaks about.

SGM Canada started distributing Scriptures in Toronto, Canada, in 1916. Scripture Gift Mission was first founded in 1888 by William Walters, a printer in Birmingham, England. The movement spread from the UK here to Canada, and elsewhere around the world. Today the national office is located in Pickering, Ontario.

We develop and equip churches and individuals with creative contextualized Scripture leaflets and booklets. People use our resources to share, speak and be life words in all kinds of places, life-situations and relationships.

We do national research in Bible engagement through online surveys, telephone opinion polls, church sampling, interviews and case studies. Our research informs how we help people tell and live the Bibles story in todays world.

We publish printed and electronic portions /compilations of Scripture. Daily e-Word and the blog iConnect are free online resources designed to address pertinent life issues and communicate the Bibles life words with cultural sensitivity and relevance.

SGM is committed to creating dialogue with others, building strategic partnerships, and restructuring its activities to improve the position and use of the Bible in Canada, in the twenty-first century.

We are affiliated with the SGM Lifewords global family of organizations; aligning ourselves with the common goal of connecting people with the Bible and each other.

226-1885 Clements Road
Pickering, ON L1W 3V4
Mission Statement: 

Connecting people to the Bible and each other since 1888

Organizational Statement of Faith: 

SGM Canada ascribes to The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada Statement of Faith (In English and French below)

● The Holy Scriptures, as originally given by God, are divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy, and constitute the only supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

● There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

● Our Lord Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh; we affirm his virgin birth, sinless humanity, divine miracles, vicarious and atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension, ongoing mediatorial work, and personal return in power and glory.

● The salvation of lost and sinful humanity is possible only through the merits of the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, received by faith apart from works, and is characterized by regeneration by the Holy Spirit.

● The Holy Spirit enables believers to live a holy life, to witness and work for the Lord Jesus Christ.

● The Church, the body of Christ, consists of all true believers.● Ultimately God will judge the living and the dead, those who are saved unto the resurrection of life, those who are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.


● LÉcriture Sainte, comme donnée par Dieu à son origine, est divinement inspirée, infaillible, entièrement digne de confiance, et constitue lunique autorité souveraine en matière de foi et de conduite.

● Il nexiste quun seul Dieu manifesté en trois personnes de toute éternité : Père, Fils, et Saint-Esprit.

● Jésus-Christ, notre Seigneur, est Dieu manifeste dans la chair; nous affirmons sa naissance vierge, son humanité exempte de péché, ses miracles divins, sa mort expiatoire et substitutive, sa résurrection corporelle, son ascension, son uvre médiatrice continuelle et son retour personnel dans la puissance et la gloire.

● Le salut de lhumanité perdue et pécheur nest possible que par les mérites du sang versé par Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur, reçu par la foi en dehors des uvres, et se caractérise par la régénération par le Saint-Esprit.

● Le Saint-Esprit rends capable les croyants de vivre dans la sainteté, de témoigner et de travailler pour Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur.

● LÉglise, le corps du Christ, est composée de vrais croyants.

● Dieu viendra ultimement juger les vivants et les morts, ceux qui sont sauvés pour la résurrection de la vie et ceux qui sont perdus pour la résurrection dans la damnation.

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