Sixteen28 ministries, Youth With A Mission
Sixteen28 is a ministry to cater to the growing urban context of Indian Cities. Our office is in Bangalore - the IT capital of India. The mnibnistries we are doing at the moment are as follows:
1. Campus Ministry: Our goal is to reach out to the thoudands of Students who represent scores of unreached people groups right in our campuses.
2. Sports & Performing Arts: Our focus here is to maximize music, arts to share the life changing message of Jesus Christ with young people. We also run a yearly School of Performing arts and organize various Sports tournaments.
3. History Makers Discipleship Training School: This course is 20 weeks long and brings in Christian Students from all over the world to train them in two phases - the first phase is called Lecture phase which lasts for 12 weeks in which we have various topics covering the most fundamentals of Christian Discipleship and Missions topics..this phase is follwed by Outreach phase which is a 8 weeks of practical field assignments in the unreached locations of India and other neigbouring countries...
To Know God and make him known