Small Grassroots Faith-Based and Community Organizations Connecting With the One-Stop Delivery System
This program awards grants to eligible grassroots organizations with the ability to connect to the local One-Stop delivery
system. Applicant organizations are expected to create their program in conjunction with their local One-Stop Career
Center. Applicants must provide a Letter of Intent or Memorandum of Understanding signed by the One-Stop articulating
the anticipated partnership.
These grants will become part of DOL's ongoing effort to partner its existing programs with effective faith-based and
community organizations to better serve the needy. The Employment and Training Administration expects to award
between 60 and 70 grants of $50,000-$75,000 each through this $4 million competition. This will amount to four times the
funding given in 2005.
Over an 18-month period, grantees will provide highly-personalized assistance to unemployed or underemployed individuals
with barriers to employment, including:
• Providing services that complement and support those offered by an identified One-Stop Career Center, such as preand
post-job placement mentoring, intensive case management, job retention support, life skills training, or employability
skills training;
• Connecting individuals with existing employment and training resources of the One-Stop Career Center or local affiliates
of DOL's National business partners; and
• Providing post-job placement services to increase job retention.
FY 2006 Appropriation: $4,000,000
Application Deadline: May 2, 2006
Eligible grassroots organizations must be nonprofit organizations (including faith-based and community organizations)
which: 1) have social services as a major part of their mission; 2) are headquartered in the local community to which they
provide these services; and 3) have a social services budget of $500,000 or less, or have 10 or fewer full-time equivalent