Small Star Community School
Sana Tara Community School, in English is Small Star, is located around 8 Miles from east west highway between Damak to Birtamod in east Nepal. There is a local touristic town called Domukha at the bottom of the mountain (which is 2 Mile from Maidhar) and from here it takes 2 hours in River which you need to cross over 14 times to reach small mountain village called Dungdunge, School is located right here. Dungdunge is isolated with no running water, no transportation, no health post, no electricity, walled with jungle at the west and a river to the east. People live in desperate condition with no proper clothes and food, but they are friendly and share every thing they have to help you and make you comfortable.
Our only mission is to preach the good news of Jesus Christ from top of the world to all the way around through every medium possible.