Suubi Medical Clinic Uganda
Are you a Primary care physician, other Specialist physicians, Physician assistants, Nurses, Public specialists and Dental professionals, general practice nurse, doctor, teacher, builder, a Midwife? Come and volunteer with Suubi Foundation and Suubi medical clinic in Iganga Uganda East Africa.
Medical students
If you're thinking of a career in medicine or you are a medical student of any sort, this is a great chance to find out more, or a unique opportunity to get practical experience in Africa in a fascinating and stimulating Rural environment in Uganda.
Other skilled people
Social workers, Carers for disabled children and for children with profound learning disabilities, mental illness etc are all needed to Volunteer with suubi.
Teachers for children with special needs, teachers for children with learning disabilities (mild as well profound)
Iganga,, Iganga
“Suubi” means, “hope” in the Lusoga language, spoken by people in Busu village in the Iganga region of Uganda.
Denis Kigongo started Suubi Medical Clinic, in response to the desperate situation of the people in Busu. Denis was born and brought up in the village, so he knew that many children die before their 10th birthday, often of treatable diseases like malaria. Denis himself has lost cousins and neighbours who died at an early age.
Denis felt a strong sense of responsibility to the community that he grew up in and started to build the clinic in 2003 together with Lorraine using local labour and materials whenever possible.
Suubi medical Health centre is a non-profit, non-sectarian charity project in Iganga district of Uganda , dedicated to bringing developmental services to the poor villages of Uganda. Suubi's goals include Education,provision of medical care and empowerment through self help income generating projects.
Through our foundation we will bring technology, skills and energy to these goals, while respecting people's culture and existing resources.
Suubi medical health centre is in Iganga district in the Eastern part of Uganda.