Tabasamu orphanage Foundation

Organization Description: 

Tabasamu Africa is also intending to provide parental care to those children who dont stay in tabasamu child care centre. This will help us to get small money to buy food, dresses, and money for hospital during child sickness of children. Our aim is to see the society progressing, developing and moving forward in all spheres of life socially, economically, politically and culturally. Therefore Tabasamu child care & orphanage centre will foster the vulnerable children starting from childhood to adulthood and provides them the skills on how to conduct business, cookery, tailoring, weaving, embroidery, drawing, decoration, and other economic activities such as gardening. Note that these all activities will be done by children after reach 18 years old.

Arusha, PQ 328-usa-river
Mission Statement: 

Tabasamu orphanage Foundation is one the mission in republic of Tanzania where by its main objective is to support, initiative approach, and help the most vulnerable kids, abandon babies, widows, elders, and pregnancy poor women who can?t support themselves during and after delivery. The mission of the Foundation is to improve children?s and orphans life in nutrition, education, economic and social spheres of life. In fact we have received much appreciation from our own community, international organization, US embassy, international individual volunteers and friends from different countries.

TABASAMU CHILD CARE & OPHANAGE FOUNDATION is a Swahili name which means (smiling) the correlation of a word itself with our mission is we have need to take time to smile and cherish with the orphans, abandon babies and other people who are living in miserable life. Since 1986 after an official eruption of HIV/AIDS in east Africa as the most killing and dangerous diseases, it has witnessed an increasing of the death, separation of families, poverty, homeless children and an increase of ignorance since the parents have already died of HIV/AIDS. Moreover most of pregnant women are dying because of excessive blood loosing during delivering. It?s normal to see the mother dying and leave her baby without care. It is your responsibility, and TABASAMUCHILDCARE& ORPHANAGE FOUNDATION?S responsibility, it is our responsibility, to save, support, care, love, smile, and cherish with the African child. We are also excited to help the handicapped, and mental disorder kids in African.

The specific objectives of the Foundation as agreed by the founding Trustees Members are as follows:

i) To serve the children, orphans, widows and the distressed in any manner necessary for their safety, health, education and welfare. ii) To engage and serve the needy by giving them education, medical relief, clothing and shelter absolutely free of cost. iii) To promote equality in all spheres of life and to facilitate the establishment of centers for youth to be able to practice practical education for self employment and independent. iv) To open schools, centers, colleges and providing financial assistance to the needy.

v) To support children and youth suffering from Leukemia (blood cancer), Human immunity Disease, Malaria and other diseases.

vi) To open and operate or assist Youth Counseling Centers.

vii) To support orphans and widows in economic and social life.

viii) To open volunteer tourism programs.

ix) To promote use and simulation of information and communication technology, science and technology and engineering in our country.

x) To open radio and television stations for the aim of educating people.

xi) To promote and facilitate awareness in environmental matters.

xii) To establish, maintenance, repair, improve, beautify, and renovate education centers for the benefit of public by co-coordinating donors and sponsors who will provide funding, equipments and material and promote the establishment of education corridor and education parks across the country. The received volunteer will be expected to do the following responsibilities. ? Managerial volunteer ? Teaching English

? Assist and aid the younger children eating

? Assist the older children with their homework

? Plan and organize recreational activities

? Help with housework chores and daily activities ? Outreach volunteer coordinator ? Volunteer coordinator ? Helping sending kids to school where needed.

Dear volunteers we are glad to inform you that we are receiving an individual volunteer, group of volunteers, family volunteers, or couple volunteer. a) The importance of you to volunteer with us is including with getting award you a letter of recommendation after your volunteering period. b) Helping you with an invitation letter of your visa before land to Tanzania. c) For non-English speakers will get to improve your English since you will use English as your communication. d) Enjoying the culture of Tanzania, language, people, food, and environment e) You will have an opportunity to enjoy tourism in Tanzania eg Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt meru Ngorongoro with Big five, Zanzibar a historical town, hot water spring few to mention. The organization run main program to work with kids and educated them to do some simple counting, reading, supervise kids in doing home work. Volunteer in management areas. However the institution hasn?t yet partner with any organization.

Organizational Statement of Faith: 

Believe on the same baptism and one faith. And helping each other

Do You Require Formal Orientation Training for Volunteers?: 
Do you have a listing of your volunteer opportunities on your organization’s website?: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
City Vision Site Interest: 
Primary Types of Volunteer Opportunities: 
International Volunteers: 
Organization Membership Type: