Tim Greenwood Ministries
Tim Greenwood Ministries began in 1997 after its founder and President, Tim Greenwood, received his miraculous healing from a terminal heart condition.
Open heart surgery - CABG X4 at age 46, thirty days after undergoing an angiogram and quadruple bypass surgery, Tim was rushed back to the hospital where after eight days of tests and a second angiogram, he received 'the bad news.' Tim in hospital.
The surgery had failed, and there was nothing more they could do for him. He was released, and sent home to die. Caught in a vortex of depression that took him to the very bottom, he was literally one 'thought' away from completely giving up and letting death take him. Sent home to die.
He says, "Have you ever been in a really dark place, so dark that you couldn't see your hand in front of your face? It was like I was holding a tiny candle and my entire universe was that little orb of light. And, every day, that orb would shrink smaller and smaller until it was so small that it began to smother me."
Well, you can read Tim's testimony for your self, but the short version is: He learned that healing was part of the Atonement. He learned, that God's word says that 'By HIS (Jesus') stripes, he (Tim) was healed.' He learned that he had AUTHORITY over satan and all of his darkness (including depression, sickness and disease). He learned that Jesus gave him His (Jesus') own armor, sword and shield, and Tim learned how to use it ALL!
As he learned and was equipped, piece by piece, he put what he learned into action in his life. And as he did, he was incrementally healed over several months, by literally 'Walking in Faith.' And now, (Praise God!), he is totally healed.
That is not the end of the story, but rather just the beginning!
After years of 'running' away from the call to ministry, Tim, now with the infilling and gifts of the Holy Spirit has with great thanksgiving, accepted that ministry call to preach, teach and heal.
Tim's wife Marcia, who was right there with him every step of the way, also learned as he learned, received the infilling and gifts of the Holy Spirit, and has also accepted the call to ministry. And today Tim and Marcia serve together, as a powerful ministry team.
At Tim Greenwood Ministries Our God Given Vision is:
Diminishing the Darkness By Lifting Up the Marvelous Light of Jesus Christ
Rom 13:12 ...let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the amour of light.
And To Do This Through
SAVING – saving the lost
EQUIPPING – equipping the saved (Saints)
EDIFYING – edifying the equipped (Believers)
DELIVERING – delivering the oppressed
* FAITH – teaching the faith that pleases God
* AGAPE’ LOVE – teaching love for God and mankind
* INSTRUCTION – providing instruction for the renewal of the mind
* TRAINING – providing training for leadership
* HEALING – providing healing for the sick
This Vision is Our Passion and we invite you to Make It Your Passion too.
Statement of Faith
·We believe in one God-Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Creator of all things.
· We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, was crucified, died, was buried, was resurrected, ascended into heaven, and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father and is true God and true man.
· We believe the Bible in its entirety to be the inspired Word of God and the infallible rule of faith and conduct.
· We believe in the resurrection of the dead, the eternal happiness of the saved, and the eternal punishment of the lost.
· We believe in personal salvation of believers through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
· We believe in sanctification through the Word of God and by the Holy Spirit, and we believe in personal holiness, purity of heart and life.
· We believe in divine healing, through faith in the Name of Jesus Christ, and that healing is included in the Redemption.
· We believe in water baptism, in the Baptism in the Holy Spirit as distinct from the New Birth, in speaking with tongues as the Spirit of God gives utterance (Acts 2:4), in the gifts of the Spirit, and the evidence of the fruit of the Spirit. We believe that all of these are available to believers.
· We believe in the Christian's hope-the soon-coming, personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ.