Tujifunze Project
Tujifunze:-The Centre for Information Technology :-is non-profit organization
?Tujifunze? in Swahili means learning. This programme involves working with a Tanzanian non-profit organization located in Mwanza and Bukoba, Tanzania EAst Africa. The organization is committed to uplifting and empowering communities, especially disadvantaged groups, such as Orphans/Children, Women and the Elderly. The organization tries to use the information, communication and technology .
Tujifunze:- The Centre for Information Technology (TCIT) . is authorised legally to operate in Tanzania main land,began to operate in Kagera and Mwanza region
The Organization mission shall be to enhance co-operation and participation among the deprived Urban/Rural Communities through Collaboration of both local and External stake holders who share common development interest to bring about peoples, dignity, understanding and confidence
Our NGO . name Tujifunze :Centre information Technology NGO?s in Lakezone Mwanza and kagera Region , we are dealing with Orphanage, Kindergarten and HIV/AIDS
We are Request Partnership and working our community
Thanking you in advance for your consideration
Sincerely Yours
Tujifunze :center information Technology NGO?s in East Africa Tanzania P.o.box 245, Mwanza
Tanzania ,East Africa
Email kokutekeleza@yahoo.com