United Action for Children (UAC) is a Non-Governmental Organization based in Buea, South West Province, Cameroon. UAC is a non-profit, philanthropic, and non-political organization committed to developing a caring society for children and young people. The organization was created in 1996 as a response to concerns about children?s education and development in the South West Province. With the help of local staff and international volunteers, UAC has grown to include a number of exciting programs to assist Buea?s children and their community.
In order to meet our primary goal of developing a caring society for children and young people through innovative programs, UAC?s members have agreed upon the following objectives to guide the organization?s growth and activities:
- To provide quality and affordable nursery and primary education
- To help rectify problems existing in the local education system
- To address the issue of school dropout and failure
- To introduce an alternative education approach in Cameroon
- To offer a secure and stable learning environment for children
- To help parents and teachers take an active role in child development
-Use sports as medium to encourage children and young people channel their energy towards productive activities and to become useful in their various communities
?Our mission: to create a caring society for children and young people through innovative programs?