UCSCT is an organization of volunteer and community chaplains.
UCSCT's mission is to prepare and equip ministers and lay people to serve those in need in various areas such as hospitals, nursing homes, correctional institutions, shelters, treatment facilities, precincts, local communities and in crisis situations everywhere.
UCSCT's mission is to prepare individuals with a strong commitment to a life of service and to the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in accordance with the Holy Scriptures, and who have a calling to work as Community or Volunteer Chaplains.
UCSCT's mission is to alleviate pain and suffering by helping individuals and families through practical service, spiritual guidance and helping them to recognize that they are important and loved.
UCSCT seeks to provide aid and assitance to institutions and organizations that service the community.
UCSCT seeks to develop constructive liaisons with churches, local communities, institutions, law enforcement and govermental organizations for the purpose of providing spiritual guidance to those in need or crisis.
UCSCT seeks to guide individuals and families towards a positive relationship with God as Creator, Savor and Lord.
UCSCT seeks to alleviate pain and suffering by helping individuals and families in need, through practical service and spiritual guidance.
UCSCT seeks to develop new and innovative programs that will address the practical and spiritual needs of the community.
term chaplain comes to us from a fourth-century legend of Martin of Tours. St. Martin of Tours was a member of the Roman army who was born about 316 A.D in Pannonia, a Roman province that includes modern Hungary, to a pagan family. Approximately, at age 21, one very cold day he passed the gates of Amiens in Gaul (what is today France) and saw a man freezing on the side of the road. Martin moved with compassion after seeing and hearing the pleas of the beggar being ignored by several others who had ridden by on their horses, he decided to help. Martin had little himself, he took the one valuable possession he owned-his cape-and cut it in half. He kept half as his own shelter from the cold and gave the other to the beggar.
That night, as the story goes, Martin had a vision in which he came to understand that the beggar was none other than Christ Himself! The vision shook Martin to the core. After that experience he decided to follow the Christian faith and was baptized by Bishop St. Hillary When he related the story to others, the remaining half of the cape became a relic and an object of value as a reminder of the event. The cape (Latin cappa) was kept in a special container made for it. The container was called the cappella. Thus, we get the term chapel-that place where the robe of Christ is shared, not stored. The keeper of the cape was known as the cappellanus (the keeper of the cape). The cappellanus, is where we get the word chaplain, for chaplains are the ones who share God's love and care with those in need wherever people are. Thus, pastoral care refers to the ministry offered by men and women committed to foster the psycho-social-spiritual growth and shalom of each human being God sends to them.