United Gospel Mission
United Gospel Mission is registered with government of India as a Non Profit (Public Trust Act) Organisation and is a member of North India Christian Mission Association (NICMA).
A member of North India Christian Mission Association, New Delhi.
Membership with EFCA & IMA is in process.
Our Focus: ‚?The North India ‚? Hindi belt‚?,this area stretches across north & central covering nine states:
Jammu & Kashmir,Punjab,Uttar Pradesh,Himachal Pradesh,Haryana,Delhi,Bihar,Madhya Pradesh,Rajasthan
Ministries: Chruch Planting, Child Reach, Community Devlopment works.
“United Gospel Mission exists to fulfil the great commission in a tangible way, as a direct response to the scriptural mandate of Lord Jesus Christ, by Training, Sending, Equipping, and supporting the body of Christ at grass-root level to Plant indigenous, self supportive churches among the ethnic groups of North India, via Evangelistic and charity works”.
1.The Holy Bible, both New Testament and Old Testament as the supernaturally inspired, infallible word of God which is divinely authoritative standard for every age and every life.
2.One true God eternally exits and reveals himself in three distinct persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each of whom is fully and equally worthy of the same worship and service.
3.The Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ who was fully God and fully Man, born of virgin, lived sinless life. He was crucified shed his blood and died to pay the penalty of our sins and was raised bodily from the dead on third day. His mediator intercession ends his personal return in power and glory. He is the only savior of mankind.
4.The salvation as the gift of God, received by man through personal faith in Jesus Christ. It is justification through grace by faith apart from works, regenerated and enabled by Holy Spirit to live a godly life.
5.The bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost, they that are saved into everlasting glory and the unsaved into Judgment and everlasting conscious punishment.
6.The Spiritual Unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, who comprise the church the body of Christ.
7.The ministry into the Holistic development of man as a token of compassion and fulfillment of the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.