Volunary Misssions Overseas (VMO)
Voluntary Missions Overseas (VMO) is a non-governmental organisation , supporting and working with charities helping people in the developing countries .
Our Operations:
Our operations are throughout Africa but currently in Uganda with head offices in Kampala. Every year, we provide opportunities to hundreds of volunteers to work in communities in Africa providing desperately needed support, volunteers teach in schools, churches, build homes for impoverished people, provide vocational training and programs for street kids and have worked in co-operation with local organizations and churches to distribute aid and improve the quality of life for people throughout Uganda.
Volunteers bring their knowledge and skills in ways that bring lasting change and help alleviate poverty through education, creating self-reliance and building strong communities
Our-mission: To bring social change and improve the quality of life for vulnerable people, women and children to sustainable development and education improvement.
As it is said ?GO YE AND REACH OUT TO OTHERS?, spreading the GOOD NEWS to the population in the communities both young and old, preach ing the GOOD NEWS to orphans, needy, widows and less privileged by giving them words of encouragement, distribute bible, booklets of bible stories and showing of videos of Jesus the Christ and as well as other prophets.