Volunteer Partnerships for West Africa
Volunteer Partnerships for West Africa (VPWA) is non profit, non governmental organization legally incorporated in the Republic of Ghana with the Registrar Generals Department, Social Welfare Dept as a Charity and Internal Revenue Service as a tax exempt Organization.
The Organization works particularly in Ghana and presently involved with the community of GA West Municipality with population of more than 400,000 people. Within a few period of our existence, we have engage over 100 selfless volunteers from around the world to work with us in these deprive communities
We work in the following areas:
* Provision of bore hole water for needy communities
* Building and renovating schools in needy communities
* Raising Funds for community projects
* Micro-Finance for active poor women.
* Foreign Exchange Programs
* Providing accommodation for the needy and poor in our communities.
* Organization of workshops and community entry.
* Sensitizing community on health related issues including Malaria,HIV AIDS, Tuberculosis and Buruli Ulcer.
* Volunteer Recruitment and placement.
* Scholarship and sponsorship for brilliant but needy girls in deprive communities to the highest level of education.
* Helping to eradicate incidence of child labor.
* Sensitizing communities on the Millennium Development Goals(MDG's)
* Human Rights and Gender Equity
Posted by Volunteer Partnerships for Wes
Accra, 99999