Welcome seeks to provide a faithful response to poverty and to improve the quality of life for individuals in our community by providing: hospitality; education; food; and referrals for housing, health care and drug and alcohol treatment.
Together, members of Welcome have developed a multi-faceted response to poverty in our neighborhood, based on the following principles:
All people, regardless of their economic condition or residential status, are children of God and equally deserving of respect, friendship, compassion and care;
God commands us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Our neighbors include residents, merchants, other religious communities and homeless people in our neighborhood;
We are called to seek harmony among all neighbors as well as dignity for all;
It is our Christian responsibility to help the poor and those most in need, which include our homeless neighbors;
It is our Christian responsibility to open the doors of our church to all God’s people and enthusiastically embrace all seekers, regardless of socioeconomic status.