william ahiable

Organization Description: 

OUR ACTIVITIES: Blessed Little angels is not for profit, non-governmental organization working to assist the vulnerable, abandoned, destitute, marginalized and deprived in society through education and other integrated rural development programmes such as youth developmental programmes, off the street activities, youth and children empowerment through vocational education, health education and agricultural development programmes to supplement the deprived in the society.
The organization shall provide youth with the essential resources, motivation and encouragement needed to support themselves to decide freely and responsibly. We aim to initiate projects in communities (schools, clinics, orphanages, and community centres) by process of infrastructures and facilitation of programmes, through volunteerism, fundraising and donations.
We can now boast of over 500 youth empowered through our youth development programmes in Ghana as a whole.
The group is also developed to assist rural and urban dwellers in times of natural or man-made disasters, education, health, environment, empowerment of women through micro-enterprises, and promoting cultural diversity programmes.
The organization works with all ages, genders and ethnic groups, especially at the rural level. The group runs its objectives with the kind donations/contributions from individuals, churches, groups/organizations, corporate sectors, concern philanthropists, and individual volunteers.
(The organization can provide guest houses and host families, transportation and food for an affordable fee that can be used to accommodate volunteers throughout their stay and participation in the project placement.) optional...
To achieve our mission we are committed to:
1. The provision of quality voluntary services to the deprived in society in terms of education, health, and food supplement (through agricultural development programmes) etc...
2. Ensuring the welfare and motivation of our children
3.Recruiting and retaining the best human resources in carrying out efficient and effective selfless work.
4. Promoting spiritual growth of our children through quality Christian faith programmes.
5.Empowerment of our children/youth to be responsible citizens in their communities to take up responsible roles.
6.To develop the manpower base in the rural communities for effective running of affairs of children.
7.Blessed Little Angels, a non-governmental organization is committed to raising children/youth to be responsible members of the society and in their families as a whole.
1. To promote the development of Ghana's children/youths.
2. Provide support to the rural folks in terms of education and crop farming.
3. provide primary health care to the vulnerable and disadvantaged in our communities.
4. Rise funds for the children's trust funds.
5. Support education.
6. Empower women through micro enterprise activities.
7. Promote volunteerism and involve volunteers in programmes that enable rural communities to help themselves.
8. Promote cultural diversity programmes.

P.O.Box 1348 kn accra ghana
accra, P.O.Box 1348 kn,
Mission Statement: 

Our mission is to support orphans, the aged and helping to alleviate poverty. To assist the physically challenged, the needy and the vulnerable in the communities. To create awareness of child abuse and child protection issues within the society in order to create a safe environment for the optimal growth of the children.

Organizational Statement of Faith: 



Ghana charity Reg No
Do You Require Formal Orientation Training for Volunteers?: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
International Volunteers: 
Organization Affiliation: 
Program Types: 
Organization Membership Type: