Workforce Investment Act: Dislocated Worker Programs (Government Grant)
The purpose of these programs is to provide workforce investment activities that increase the employment, retention and earnings of participants, and increase occupational skill attainment by the participants. This aims to re-employ dislocated workers, improve the quality of the workforce and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the Nation's economy. Individuals eligible for assistance include workers who have lost their jobs, including those dislocated as a result of plant closings or mass layoffs, and are unlikely to return to their previous industry or occupation; formerly self-employed individuals; and displaced homemakers who have been dependent on income of another family member, but are no longer supported by that income. Nonprofits, including faith-based and community organizations, are eligible to apply.
FY 2006 Appropriation: $1,471,903,360
Application Deadline: States are responsible for setting the application deadline. Please check with the point of contact below for State contact information.