World Concern
Seattle-based World Concern is a nonprofit, international humanitarian aid organization serving families in need in 13 operational countries and 11 partnership countries. We seek to alleviate the physical and spiritual suffering of the poor through relief and development programs, providing them hope and opportunity to be in right relationship with God, one another and creation. World Concern is a division of CRISTA Ministries.
Relieve human suffering through disaster response and development programsin the name of Christ.
1.God's Intentions for the Human Future
We believe God's redemptive intentions are to reconcile all people to Himself, to reconcile people to one another, to enable all people to meet their basic human needs - to live life with dignity and to see His creation restored. God intends that all that was ruptured in the fall will be restored in its fullness through Jesus Christ as His return and His reign of justice, righteousness and peace established in the earth.
2.God's Role in History
We affirm that God is the Lord of history and is actively at work in history to see His redemptive intentions realized. He has chosen to work principally through His church to advance His Kingdom intentions in the world. But He is also at work in all churches and places seeking to manifest His loving Kingdom. We have the obligation to discern how God is already at work in the culture and community of those with whom we work.
3.Humankind Created in Image of God
Since humankind was created in the image of God, persons have innate worth and value. Clearly, God's intention is to reconcile all people to Himself so that we can more fully live out His intentions in our lives and advance His Kingdom in the world. While He redeems us individually, His intention has always been to create a people for Himself. . .a new community. It is through community of God's people that He intends to flesh out the values and advance the intentions of His Kingdom.
4.God's Intention. . .the Church's Mission
We believe the church derives its intention in mission from the redemptive intentions of God. In other words, the church in imitating Christ is called to reconcile people to God, to one another and help people meet their basic human needs. The people of God are challenged to place the mission of God at the center of life working for righteousness, justice and peace. . . to see His reign established throughout the earth.