World Radiance International
World Radiance International is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) legally registered under section 10 of the NGO Coordinating Act of Kenya. -. We are a non profit-making organization formed on 13th September 2007 and registered in December 2007 under Reg:No. OP.218/051/207/0429/5017. The organization purposed to champion good governance and leadership, moral ethics of religious values and democracy and to enhance livelihoods in the community especially among the youths We are a strong advocate for good governance that translates to equal opportunities for all in our community and beyond. We take pride in working with the youths who translates into true champions of good leadership and governance and protectors of undue exploitation of the underprivileged. We empower and mentor the youths to become astute leaders who would contribute meaningfully to the nation building within their homes, Counties and Country. We are proud of having impacted the lives of many youths especially in informal secondary schools within Nairobi and peripheries: such include Streetneizers Ministry Transformation Centre in Kiambu, and several schools in Racecourse where we worked in partnership with AISCEC RIARA University under the leadership of AISCEC President Yuri Thaddeus Zambarakji in hosting volunteers and interns in education programs. On one occasion of our youth talent nurturing for livelihood forum in April 2006, we received Clare Ludlow Project officer of British High Commission in Dagoretti who endorsed our projects and motivated the youths. WRI is equipped with the necessary human capacity and competencies that enables us to fulfil our mandate in various fields of our operation. Our organization is ever ready to collaborate with likeminded organizations to realize our objectives.
To uphold that which is good: in governance, leadership, ethics, and in livelihoods
To become the leading organization championing good governance, moral ethics of religious values, leadership and enhanced livelihoods for positive social transformation worldwide through the ambassadorship of youths. We envision an egalitarian society where everyone is someone.