young mens christian association
The Matara ymca was inangurated in 1990 with a small membership.We became members of the international movement with the affiliation to the national ymcas of srilanka in 1993.The activities of our ymca is geared towards the growth of talents and abilities not only of the youth but community as a whole in Matara.A particular emphasis has been our involvement in human rights activities.Specialy we are working with youth and children.we have youth club and children club.Now we have 504 members of our aria .
Sri Lanka
ymca is to mobilize the spirit and action of youth to unite all peoples to usher in and preserve justice prosperity and peace,through exemplary spiritfilled living,righteous action and collective social endeavour,upholding and protecting the God -given rights of every human being and sustaining Gods's creation for the extention of his kindom on earth.
The young men chriastian association seeks to unite those young men who regarding Jesus Christ as their saviour,according to the holy scriptures desire to be his disciples in their faith and in their life and to assocaite their efforts for the extention of his kingdom amongst young men.