Youth Exploration for Human Conquest
Our Objectives
• Providing learning, and self-development opportunities among young and vulnerable people to strengthen their capacity in Socio-Economic development;
• Supporting collaboration among diverse organizations, institutions and groups to create synergies for the consolidation of human freedom and durable development;
• Promoting, improving and extending the design and implantation of policies and programs to increase the awareness and participation of young and vulnerable people in the development process.
Needs We Address
Needs of Young People
Inspiration, information and involvement: three key elements that young people generally lack, but need to effectively participate in social economic issues. Young people are not bored by nature, but many are instead uninspired. They lack information about the issues, and a personal connection or imperative for action. Even if inspired, many youth lack a pathway to action, such as comprehensive and accessible information on opportunities for participation, models to replicate, funds to access and networks to join, rarely do youth participate meaningfully in policy development, meaning they lack frameworks, support and legitimacy for sustained action.
Needs of the Community
YEHCO is a local organisation driven by community needs, so we seek to understand and deal with the root causes of poverty and inequality. This is why we are caught up in a wide range of initiatives. Currently, we have an MOU with the various VDC’s and the Area Councils.
What we Do
YEHCO prepares young people to take action around issues at the top of national and global agenda. We will therefore take on a unique combination of programs that identify best practices, and develop ground-breaking participation tools. This will comprise a seminal set of handouts; a portfolio of resources; and an array of outreach activities on the following themes:
Issue Based Initiatives:
• Capacity Building
• Human Rights and Equity
• Peace, Conflict and Governance
• Health and wellness
• Youth women and Children
Capacity Building:
The vast majority of young people especially Africans are victims of unemployment and extreme poverty, ensuing from the tremendous ascendancy of illiteracy and ineptitude, and the discrimination of indigenous youth.
The area of building the capacity of youth therefore, will take centre stage in the work of Youth Exploration for Human Conquest (YEHCO).
Building the Continuity Bridge
Schools used to provide a place to make choices, learn skills, and find peer groups. Yet increasingly, the best learning and development initiatives happen outside the classroom. Young people often go away inspired but without a trial to continued involvement.
YEHCO’s position at the intersection of key national trends enables us to support young people in acting as a force for change today and into the future.
We provide the tools and the space for young people to be heard and those voices will, in turn be inspired more to speak.
The youth Exploration for Human Conquest (YEHCO) draws a variety of resources in fulfilling its mission, a broad set of partners:
• Partners – YEHCO works with an extensive network of partners, including NGO’s, academic Institutions, INGO’s, government agencies and the international community.
Who we are
YEHCO is a youth-led organisation developed through a deep reflection of the complex challenges facing humanity. We are a local non-profit organisation registered as a charity, based in the Gambia, and we connect with youth, institutions and varied organisations around the world in the discharge of our mandate.
Youth Exploration for Human Conquest (YEHCO) envisions a world where Humanity is free:
• From injustice and fear, so that our lives and livelihoods are not ripped apart by violence and war;
• To live in dignity, governed by our own authority, under law, in a society where all can speak, worship and associate freely;
• From want, so that the death sentences of extreme poverty and infectious diseases are lifted from our lives.
YEHCO undertakes this mission by:
• Informing, inspiring and preparing young people to augment their Involvement in Socio-Economic development; and
• Promoting and protecting and their holistic freedom.