YouthWorks Canadian Mission Services

Organization Description: 

YouthWorks is a non-profit, multi-denominational youth missions organization that has been running short-term summer mission trips for teenagers since 1994. We are based in Minneapolis and have 85 sites throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico. College and post-college age staff are needed to lead these sites. Spend a summer living in a diverse community. Facilitate mission trips for 65 students and adults that come each week ready to see. Experience. Love. Change.

Potential summer staff must be at least one year out of high school to meet our minimum application requirements. Candidates must demonstrate good judgment and problem-solving skills, able to handle responsibility and have leadership experience. Staff are needed who love youth and are passionate about serving. See our website for more detailed information about qualifications.

Some things we value:

Youth Minded
We love teenagers! You?ve probably guessed it?it?s in our name. All that we do is focused in providing life-changing mission experiences for 12-19 year olds. We design our trips to meet the needs of this age group?and we create ministry experiences that will challenge them. We do not believe youth are the church of tomorrow?they are part of the church today. They too, can do God?s work if we invite them to join us!

Servant Leadership
The world is thirsting for leadership?the kind the church can provide. We need selfless, humble, obedient,
servant leaders who follow Christ. We desire to emulate the model of Christ, our servant leader (John 13). By serving the church, youth ministers and adult leaders, we believe servant leadership will be contagious. Adults will serve teens, teens will serve communities, and
communities will serve the world. By serving these, as Christ commands, we also serve Christ Himself.

Relationship Oriented
Our ministry philosophy is a relational one?one that has at its core a ministry of presence. It is our deep desire to create and be in relationship with the people we serve. We believe that by following Jesus? example, loving as he loved, and embodying a ?Christ-in-the-flesh? model, we will make friends. We believe it is in real friendship that we give and receive without
demeaning each other or stripping one another of dignity. The work we do on our

Life Change
We believe the message of Christ is about life change. It was impossible for Jesus? disciples not to have had the direction of their lives changed forever! We desire to present the message of Christ and challenge of Christ in all aspects of our mission trips. We trust God will work powerfully to create life change in our lives, and in the lives of every student that participates in a YouthWorks mission trip.

We love the church, and believe it is instrumental in God?s plan to reach the world. There is so much that divides and separates us in the church today. The interesting thing is that the focus on denominational similarities and differences tends to be an adult thing?most youth don?t seem to care. United by our shared love of Christ, we believe our denominational differences only make us stronger in our diversity. We
celebrate the richness of all our Christian traditions.

Ministry Focused
Our primary work is ministry. Although we use the building and repairing homes as a way to see the love of Christ (1 John 3:18), this is not a be all and end all. We also love community children and elderly, and serve with local ministries. We do not call our trips ?work camps.? We do not spotlight new or repaired houses, or highlight what we?ve accomplished during our stay. The ?works? in our name are the ?works? God will do in our heart and lives if we allow it. Needless to say, all we are and all we hope to be, is Christ-centred

Organizational Email:
311-2902 West Broadway
vancouver, BC V6K 2G8
Mission Statement: 

Quite simply, our purpose is to provide life-changing, Christ-centred youth mission opportunities. This is our reason for being. We create extraordinarily fun and significant adventures, targeted to the needs and capabilities of youth, ages 12-19.

By crossing borders of race and culture, and by placing students outside their comfort zones, we find something wonderful
happens: God gets their attention! Without the distractions of everyday life, God uses YouthWorks to work in the lives of
thousands of teenagers. By attempting to be faithful to our purpose, we find God is also at work in each of the communities we serve. Yea God!

Do You Require Formal Orientation Training for Volunteers?: 
Are more than one-third of the participants in your organization/programs low income (below 150% of the poverty level)?: 
International Volunteers: 
Denominational Affiliation: 
Program Types: 
Organization Membership Type: