YUGO Ministries
In Mexico, YUGO's resident missionaries work to evangelize Mexicans, plant churches and train Mexican pastors. In North America, YUGO's unique ministry brings teams from the U.S. and Canada to enhance our church planting efforts in Mexico by working alongside local Mexican churches. You and your church group can be a strategic partner in this program.
YUGO's most visible ministry has been the participation of over 3,000 North Americans each year on evangelistic outreaches in Mexico. Typically, for every outreach participant who attends, one Mexican receives Christ. Mexicans receiving Christ as a result of this ministry are then put into contact with a local church pastor.
YUGO is also committed to the development and education of Mexican pastors through our Bible Institute ministry and church planting efforts. In more recent years, YUGO has created and expanded our Mercy Ministries program, assisting the Mexican people in very practical, hands-on ways. Truly, we have seen that Mexico is ripe for harvest!