Final Report

Geneva Global, which provided the funding for the Internet café project requires a final report on the impact of the project. This falls into two parts – statistics (which are important) and narrative accounts. Please fill in the following short form and email to by Friday 3rd December along with any photos of your icafe in operation. Photos showing M’s using the icafe are very welcome. Extra comments can be attached. Stories about converts are very welcome. New icafes just share what your reasonable vision is for the icafe. When this final report is done we will be able to apply for funding for 20 more icafes to reach Muslims for Jesus.


Name and location of icafe:                                                          



Date computers were received:                                Date icafe was opened to the public:




1.     How many people use the icafe on an average day?               How many use the icafe per month?


2.     How many are in classes (computer classes, English classes etc) run from the icafe? What services does the icafe offer? How is the community utilizing these services?


3.     How are the finances?
Is the icafe able to support the Christian workers – and at what level (percentage of adequate monthly salary)?


4.     How many Muslims or members of UPGs have made enquiries about the Christian faith?


5.     How many have made a commitment to Christ?


6.     How many (if any) have been baptized?


7.     Has a house church /fellowship group been established? Are there actual plans for one to be established?




8.     Generally speaking how has the Internet café helped your ministry to Muslims?


9.     How has the icafe helped the churches / ministries in your area?


10.   How has the icafe helped your relationships with the community and your ability to make contacts? Has it been a useful platform for entry into the community?


11.   How has the icafe helped develop the capacity of your organization? Has it been a stimulating and stretching challenge?


12.   Other comments?

Faith (for Content):