"Show and Tell" - Teaching Public Speaking (Meg Aceto 08-09)

Member Name: Meghan Aceto

Service Site: Lawrence HERC

Site Location: Lawrence, MA

Project Description:

For her replicable project, Meghan Aceto developed an assignment in public speaking for her students at Lawrence HERC as an exercise in communication, confidence, and community building.  The objective was for her students to give a 5-10 minute oral presentation along with a demonstration of one of their hobbies.  Meghan assigned this task as a long term project and created weekly steps with check-ins with her to make the task seem less daunting.

Attached are Meghan's PowerPoint presentation introducing the project to her students and the document of her guidelines for creating a speech outline.  

Show-Tell Outline.doc26 KB
Show-Tell.ppt218 KB


Organization Affiliation: 
Faith (for Content):