Ticket to Work Voucher Program

Ticket to Work Voucher Program (Dept. of Labor)


What is the Ticket to Work Program?

This US Federal program allows any faith-based or community program (Employment Networks) to provide necessary services to individuals entitled to SSI and SSDI benefits based on disability to find, enter and retain employment. Employment Networks can start collecting payments from the Social Security Administration following the very first month a beneficiary gets his paycheck.


Who qualifies for SSI or SSDI?

All SSI and SSDI disability cash beneficiaries except:

  • Beneficiaries whose conditions are expected to improve, and who have not had at least one continuing disability review
  • Beneficiaries who have not attained age 18 or who have attained age 65 (SSI) or Full Retirement Age (SSDI)
  • Childhood SSI beneficiaries who have attained age 18, but who have not had a redetermination under the adult disability standard[1]


Benefits of the Ticket to Work Program

The main benefit is to be able to collect payment for each individual for each month they retain their job for up to 5 years according to the following rates:

  • SSI: $197 per month for up to 60 months = $11,820
  • SSDI: $328 per month for up to 60 months = $19,680


What are the Primary Requirements?

  • Report on whether a beneficiary is making timely progress toward self sufficiency
  • Give information about a beneficiary’s work activity and earnings so that in order for the Social Security Administration can determine their effect on entitlement to benefits and benefit amounts


 What are the restrictions on faith with T2W funding?

The formal Ticket to Work training may not contain any faith component, but sites that are able to provide the training for less than the amount received from the federal government may use such funding for anything without restrictions. Beneficiaries in the Ticket to Work program may not be required to participate in faith activities.


To Get Involved or to Apply

  • Contact Mildred Owens at Social Security Administration at mildred.owens@ssa.gov (410) 965-6451
  • Register to become an employment network at http://www.yourtickettowork.com/rfp
  • Identify qualified SSI or SSDI individuals who have received a government voucher for training and provide them with job training.


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