Hardware Donations Information
Hardware Donations Information
Note: AC4 currently does not provide Computer Donations to organizations, but does provide information on organizations that do.
Operating System Software Licenses
Organizations receiving donated computers without operating system licenses can get them through DiscounTech. Licenses for Microsoft Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Professional may be purchased for $15 per license. In addition, upgrade licenses to Windows XP Professional may be purchased for an addition $6 (after the $15 license). For more information visit: http://www.techsoup.org/DiscounTech/dcosprogram.asp
Organizations refurbishing over 49 computers each year may apply become a Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher. This provides new licenses of Windows 98 or 2000 Professional for $6 per license.
Secular Organizations for Computer Donations
Share the Technology
P.O. Box 548; Rancocas, NJ 08073
Gifts In Kind International
333 North Fairfax Street; Alexandria, VA 22314
703-836-2121; Fax: 703-549-1481
- Must be a 501(c)(3) non-profit and use hardware/software for service to community
- $125 to register and $225 for 5 used computers (486 & above laptops/desktops) for organizations in the USA
- Provides great discounts (90% off) on office products, projectors, clothes, etc.
World Computer Exchange
- Can ship large numbers of computers (400-430) to countries throughout the world
- Generally charge about $60 per computer
- Generally must buy a whole container (400-430 computers) at a time
Christian Organizations for Computer Donations
PC Sources
2287 Corrine Ave; Muskegon, MI 49444
231-739-1368; 616-739-1368
pcsources@praisenet.com; PCSources@earthlink.net
- Provides used PCs with special pricing for Christian workers and missionaries
Missionary Computer Fellowship
Orlando, FL; 407-422-9265
Computer Mission Task Force
Menlo Park Presbyterian Church
950 Santa Cruz Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025
650-323-8600; Fax: 650-323-8645; JVanDeman@finnav.com
Equipping The Saints
254 Keezletown Road; Weyers Cave, VA 24486