CCDA Audio

Title Download link Speaker Cause/Topic
“Welcome Home”: Building a Comprehensive Prison Aftercare Network – Panel Discussion: CCDA 2006 Audio Ernest McNear, Jacob Stone, Kevin Lucas, Linward Crowe, Peter Solomon, Richard Smith, Robben Washington Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
“Wholistic” Urban Ministry by John Perkins John Perkins History/Documentary
(re) Building Communities with Art by Mandy Smith CCDA Conference 2008 Mandy Smith Arts and Social Justice, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
– A Church-School Partnership Model
25 Years of CCD in Haiti by Jean Thomas CCDA Conference 2008 Jean Thomas Developing Countries, Incarnational Ministry, Economic Development, Education/Literacy, Peace Movement
8 Components of CCD: Starting a Ministry by Wayne Gordon CCDA Conference 2008 Wayne Gordon Racial Reconciliation, Economic Development, Poverty, Organizational Development
A Shalom Rite-of-Passage: Youth Violence Prevention by Mark Harden & Mayme McCorison CCDA Conference 2008 Mark Harden; Mayme McCorison Churches, Domestic Violence/Abuse, Families, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Peace Movement, Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
A Theology of Assessing Ministry Impact by Heidi Unruh CCDA Confrence 2008 Heidi Unruh Outcomes/Evaluation, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
A.R. Bernard: Thursday Evening Plenary Session: CCDA 2007 Audio
Aaron Graham: Tools for Advocacy 101: CCDA 2009 Audio Aaron Graham Legal Aid Services/Advocacy, Poverty
Abby Kuzma: Predatory Lending: CCDA 2005 Audio Abby Kuzma Economic Development, Poverty
Access to Civil Justice by Steve Thompson & Sulma Mendoza-Rios CCDA Conference 2008 Steve Thompson, Sulma Mendoza-Rios Peace Movement, Legal Aid Services/Advocacy
Accounting for Churches: CCDA 2004 Audio Accounting/Finance, Churches, Organizational Development
Adam Taylor: Prophetic Advocacy 101: CCDA 2007 Audio
Adam Taylor: Uniting and Mobilizing the Church to End Proverty: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Adam Taylor Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Poverty
Adam Taylor: Vote Out Poverty: CCDA 2007 Audio
Al Tizon & Wayne Gordon: Urban-Suburban Partnerships: Do’s & Don’ts: CCDA 2007 Audio
Al Tizon: Preaching and Practicing the Missional Scripture: CCDA 2011 Audio Al Tizon Discipleship, Urban Evangelism, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Alex Manes, Craig Wong, Jenny Yang, Lisa Watson, Matthew Soerens: Church-based Models for Welcoming “Strangers”: CCDA 2011 Audio Alex Manes, Craig Wong, Ian Danley, Jenny Yang, Lisa Watson, Matthew Soerens Racial Reconciliation, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, International, Latinos, Immigration/Refugee, Global Issues
Alexander Gee Jerome Dillard: Voices Beyond Bars Life Coach: CCDA 2010 Audio Alexander Gee, Jerome Dillard Prison & Ex-Offender Ministry
Alexander Gee: Pastors to the Fatherless: Empowering Fatherless Men: CCDA 2010 Audio Alexander Gee Men
Alexander Gee: Pastors to the Fatherless: Empowering Fatherless Men: CCDA 2010 Audio Alexander Gee Families
Alexia Salvatierra: Faith-Rooted Organizing for Economic Justice: CCDA 2009 Audio Alexia Salvatierra Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Legal Aid Services/Advocacy, Poverty
Alexia Salvatierra: Faith-Rooted Public Policy Advocacy for Immigration and Education Reform: CCDA 2011 Audio Alexia Salvatierra Theology & Biblical Social Justice, International, Latinos, Immigration/Refugee, Legal Aid Services/Advocacy, Reconciliation & Culture
Alicia La Hoz & Maria Buchanan: Strategies for Developing a Healthy Marriage Education Program: CCDA 2011 Audio Alicia La Hoz & Maria Buchanan Men, Women, Nonprofit Startup, Families
Alicia La Hoz: How Anger Interrupts Emotional Healing: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Alicia La Hoz Addiction/Recovery, Health
Alicia LaHoz & Debbie Speck: Understanding the Federal Healthy Marriage Initiative: CCDA 2005 Audio Alicia LaHoz, Debbie Speck Families, Political Justice
Allan & Andi Tauber: Stories from the Streets: CCDA 2005 Audio Allan Tauber, Andi Tauber Women, Racial Reconciliation, Social Class, Poverty
Allan Barsema & Brian Dejewski: Technology-Supported Management System For Resource Planning and Coordination: CCDA 2011 Audio Allan Barsema & Brian Dejewski Computers/Technology, Organizational Development
Allan Barsema: Agents of Change– Implement Collaborative Case Management: CCDA 2009 Audio Allan Barsema Partnerships, Legal Aid Services/Advocacy
Allen Weeks & Julie Weeks: Turning Your School Around Through Christian Community Development: CCDA 2011 Audio Allen Weeks & Julie Weeks Education/Literacy, Organizational Development
Alvin Bibbs: Developing Urban & Suburban Partnerships: CCDA 2007 Audio
Alvin Bibbs: Developing Urban/Suburban Partnerships: CCDA 2006 Audio Alvin Bibbs Churches, Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Alvin C. Bibbs, Sr. and Debbie Kreml: Navigating Mobilization Through Partnership: CCDA 2006 Alvin Bibbs, Debbie Kreml Churches
Amy Hetletvedt, Tim Olsen & Matthew Watts – Creative Models of Affordable Housing: CCDA 2011 Amy Hetletvedt, Christine Cindy Larson, Im Hyepin, Jill shook, John Liotti, Matthew Watts, Tim Olsen Discipleship, Urban Evangelism, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Amy Sherman and Wayne Hast: Resources For Youth Entrepreneurship Programs: CCDA 2004 Audio Amy Sherman, Wayne Hast Education/Literacy, Urban Youth Ministry
Amy Sherman: Business Skills Used for Justice and Shalom: CCDA 2011 Audio Amy Sherman Economic Development
Amy Sherman: Colonialism, Reconciliation, and Christian Community Development: CCDA 2011 Audio Amy Sherman After-School Programs, Partnerships, Education/Literacy, Families, Youth
Amy Sherman: Measure Your Ministry’s Effectiveness– Tools and Best Practices: CCDA 2009 Audio Amy Sherman Outcomes/Evaluation, Churches, Nonprofit Management
Amy Sherman: Your Ministry’s Value To Donors, Documentation And Communication: CCDA 2010 Audio Amy Sherman Churches
Amy Williams: Church with No Walls: Reach “Turned Off” Youth: CCDA 2009 Audio Amy Williams Churches, Urban Youth Ministry
An Introduction to Community Development and Organizing by Richard Townsell CCDA Conference 2008 Richard Townsell
Andi Tauber & Ali Tauber: Stories from the Streets: CCDA 2009 Audio Ali Taube, Andi Tauber Churches, Partnerships, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Urban
Andrae Crouch: Saturday Evening Plenary Session: CCDA 2002 Audio Andrae Crouch Plenary/Keynote Talks
Andre Norman: Prisoner Re-Entry from an Ex-Prisoner’s Perspective: CCDA 2005 Audio Andre Norman Nonprofits/Parachurches
Andrea Ferich & Chris Haw: Practicing Resurrection in Industrial Wastelands: CCDA 2006 Audio Andrea Ferich, Chris Haw Environmental Justice
Andrew Draper & Royce Mitchell: How to Lead a Church to Christian Community Development: CCDA 2011 Audio Andrew Draper & Royce Mitchell Partnerships, Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Organizational Development
Andrew Marin: Acculturating Church and Organizational Leadership to the GLBT Community: CCDA 2006 Audio Andrew Marin Culture/Ethnic Identity
Andrew Marin: Building Bridges within the Gay Community: CCDA 2007 Audio Andrew Marin
Andrew Marin: Practical Bridges Toward the Gay and Lesbian Community: CCDA 2009 Audio Andrew Marin Culture/Ethnic Identity, Sexual & Pornography Addiction
Andrew McLeod: Holy Cooperation–Rebuilding the Acts Community: CCDA 2009 Audio Andrew McLeod Incarnational Ministry, Partnerships
Andrew Sears: How to Start and Grow a Computer Technology Ministry: CCDA 2000 Audio Andrew Sears Plenary/Keynote Talks
Andrew Sears: Jesus, Justice and Technology: CCDA 2004 Audio Andrew Sears Plenary/Keynote Talks, Computers/Technology, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Andrew Sears: Reconciliation Across Social Class: CCDA 2005 Audio Andrew Sears Racial Reconciliation, Social Class
Andrew Sears: Using Technology Programs in Community Development: CCDA 2002 Audio Andrew Sears Plenary/Keynote Talks
Andrew Stern, Len Scruggs & Barry Henning: Core Values of Community Churches: CCDA 2007 Audio
Andy Bales and Leo Hurtado: Overcoming NIMBY and Other Systems of Injustice on Behalf of the Homeless: CCDA 2006 Audio Andy Bales, Leo Hurtado Nonprofits/Parachurches, Homelessness
Andy Bales: Not In My Backyard–Overcome NIMBYISM: CCDA 2009 Audio Andy Bales Homelessness
Andy Bales: Overcoming NIMBY and Other Systems of Injustice on Behalf of the Homeless: CCDA 2007 Audio
Andy Bales: Relocation: CCDA 2009 Audio Andy Bales Incarnational Ministry, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Andy Krumsieg & Leroy Gill Jr.: Saturday Morning Plenary: CCDA 2007 Audio Andy Krumsieg, Leroy Gill Jr. Plenary/Keynote Talks
Andy Krumsieg: Urban Ministry 101–Ignorance Isn’t Bliss–Understanding CCD Organizational Structures: CCDA 2009 Audio Andy Krumsieg Leadership, Nonprofit Management, Partnerships
Andy Krumsieg: Urban Ministry 101…Where Do I Get Started?: CCDA 2007 Audio
Andy Walter, Ashlee Starr, Donna Barber, Katherine Hankins, Leroy Barber: Are You a Strategic Neighbor?: CCDA 2011 Audio Andy Walter, Ashlee Starr, Billie Walker, Cheryl Case, Donna Barber, Katherine Hankins, Leroy Barber Urban Evangelism
Angela Gordon and Patrice Casey: Ministry Kids Keep On Keeping On: CCDA 2004 Audio Angela Gordon, Patrice Casey Women, Families, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Urban Youth Ministry
Angela Gordon: Growing Up in the Hood: CCDA 2006 Audio Angela Gordon Vocation/Calling, Women, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Angela Toussaint: Predictions of the New Millennium: CCDA 2005 Audio Angela Toussaint Women, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Answering Tough Questions on Sexual Identity by Andrew Marin CCDA Conference 2008 Andrew Marin Gender, Sexual & Pornography Addiction
Anton Flores: Where Do We Go From Here?: When There’s Chaos in Community: CCDA 2007 Audio Anton Flores
Archie Honrado: Soul Care Retreat: For Christian Community Activists and Youth Workers: CCDA 2011 Audio Archie Honrado Health
Arloa Sutter & H Spees: Friday 7pm Evening Plenary: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Arloa Sutter, H Spees Plenary/Keynote Talks
Art Erickson: Engaged Leadership: Faith-Based Board of Directors: CCDA 2006 Audio Art Erickson Leadership, Health, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
Art Jones, Bruce Miller & Kevin Lum: A Look at the U.S. Healthcare System and Its Uninsured: CCDA 2009 Audio Art Jones, Bruce Miller, Kevin Lum Health, Legal Aid Services/Advocacy
Asset-Based Community Development by Jay Van Groningen CCDA Conference 2008 Jay Van Groningen
Audu Johnson: An African Model for Reaching Women in Prostitution and Trafficking: CCDA 2009 Audio Audu Johnson Africa, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Human Trafficking & Slavery
B.J. Thompson: Don’t Waste Your Creativity– Write Inspiring Lessons that Challenge the Heart: CCDA 2009 Audio B.J. Thompson Discipleship, Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Barbara Williams Skinner & Mary Nelson: Moving From Broken Communities to Beloved Communities: CCDA 2007 Audio
Barbara Williams-Skinner & Noel Castellanos: Reconciliation: CCDA 2009 Audio Barbara Williams-Skinner, Noel Castellanos Racial Reconciliation
Barbara Williams-Skinner & Soong-Chan Rah: Wednesday Evening Plenary–SUBVERSION: Pursuing New Approaches to Activism: CCDA 2009 Barbara Williams-Skinner, Soong-Chan Rah Plenary/Keynote Talks, Incarnational Ministry, Racial Reconciliation, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Bart Campolo & Alexia Salvatierra : Friday Evening Plenary–SOLIDARITY: CCDA 2009 Audio Alexia Salvatierra, Bart Campolo Plenary/Keynote Talks, Incarnational Ministry, Domestic Violence/Abuse, Poverty
Becoming King: A Local Movement’s by Troy Jackson CCDA Conference 2008 Troy Jackson Incarnational Ministry, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Being a Missionary Order: How the Rhythms of Order Sustain Us in the Urban Landscape by Tim Lockie & John Hayes CCDA 2008 John Hayes, Tim Lockie Incarnational Ministry, International, Urban
Being Missional and Multi-ethnic: Global Shalom by Jim Spoonts & Guests CCDA Conference 2008 Jim Spoonts Culture/Ethnic Identity, Global Missions, Peace Movement
Ben Lowe & Steve Fortenberry: Cultivating the Kingdom Through Christ-Centered Community Gardening: CCDA 2011 Audio Ben Lowe & Steve Fortenberry Urban Evangelism, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Partnerships, Organizational Development
Bethany Dudley & Ronnie Harris: No Justice, No Shalom; Know Justice, Know Shalom: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Bethany Dudley, Ronnie Harris Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Peace Movement
Bethany Dudley & Ronnie Harris: The Importance of Listening and Identifying with the Poor: CCDA 2009 Audio Bethany Dudley & Ronnie Harris Incarnational Ministry, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Poverty
Betty Glover-Palmer: Ministry Business Planning: Giving Voice to Your Vision: CCDA 2007 Audio
Betty Jean Wolfe: Building Healthy Urban Families: CCDA 2006 Audio Betty Jean Wolfe Families, Health, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Urban
Bil Mooney-McCoy: Protecting Youth from Porn and Other Internet Dangers: CCDA 2006 Audio Bil Mooney-McCoy Computers/Technology, Families, Youth, Online Safety, Sexual & Pornography Addiction, Urban Youth Ministry
Bill Clark & Pam Jenkins: Using History and Place to Build Community Capacity Bill Clark, Pam Jenkins Nonprofits/Parachurches
Bill Curry and Martell Hixson: No Superstars Needed: A Network Approach to Youth Development: CCDA 2005 Audio Bill Curry, Martell Hixson Nonprofits/Parachurches
Bill Dillon: Raising Ministry Funds Through Personal Solicitation: CCDA 2006 Audio Bill Dillon Fundraising
Bill Dillon: Raising Ministry Funds through Personal Solicitation: CCDA 2007 Audio
Bill McCartney: Saturday Evening Plenary: CCDA 1995 Audio Bill McCartney Plenary/Keynote Talks
Bob Campbell & Liz Caton: Homeownership Counseling: CCDA 2011 Audio Bob Campbell & Liz Caton Housing, Mentoring
Bob Lupton and others: Housing for All–Resurrecting Hope from a Financial Train Wreck: CCDA 2009 Audio Bob Lupton, Chad Schwitters, Jill shook, Jim Bergdoll, Keisha Woods, Matthew Watts, Philip Hannam, Stacey Flint Housing
Bob Lupton, Leroy Barber, and others: How Urban Collectives Can Transform a Neighborhood: CCDA 2009 Bob Lupton, Jim Wehner, Leroy Barber, Linda Langstraat, Nate Ledbetter Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Economic Development, Housing
Bob Lupton: A Free-Wheeling Hour with Dr. Bob Lupton: CCDA 2007 Audio
Bob Lupton: Empowerment: CCDA 2009 Audio Bob Lupton Incarnational Ministry, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Economic Development
Brain Jenkins: Coaching the “E” Generation in Business: CCDA 2011 Audio Brain Jenkins College Students, Entrepreneurship, Urban , Youth, Organizational Development
Brenda Salter-McNeil: Wednesday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2010 Audio Brenda Salter-McNeil Plenary/Keynote Talks
Brian Jenkins: Introduction to Youth Entrepreneurship for Your Ministry: CCDA 2007 Audio
Brian Jenkins: StartingUp Now: 24 Steps to Launch Your Own Business: CCDA 2011 Audio Brian Jenkins Economic Development, Entrepreneurship, Organizational Development
Brooke Sexton & Michael Brix: How Collaborative Arts Education Can Make a Difference in a Child’s Life: CCDA 2006 Audio Brooke Sexton, Michael Brix Arts and Social Justice, Urban Youth Ministry
Bruce Jackson & Jimmy Rowe: Church Based Community Development– Build Partnerships for the Kingdom of God: CCDA 2009 Audio Bruce Jackson, Jimmy Rowe Churches, Partnerships, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Bruce Jackson: Collaboration of Churches and Community Development Corporations: CCDA 2007 Audio
Bruce Jackson: Providing Health Care in Urban and Rural Communities: CCDA 2005 Audio Bruce Jackson Health
Bruce Jackson: The Uninsured and Underserved in the Inner City – Understanding and Serving: CCDA 2006 Audio Bruce Jackson Health
Bruce Miller & Steve Noblett: Is there a Doctor in the Hood? Creating Healthier Communities: CCDA Conference 2008 Bruce Miller, Steve Noblett Health
Bryan Hudson: Use New Media and Net-Connected Devices in 10 Affordable, Effective Ways: CCDA 2011 Bryan Hudson Computers/Technology
Bryan Orander: Executive Transition Management and Succession Planning: CCDA 2005 Audio Bryan Orander Organizational Development
Build From Faith: Affordable Housing in Your Community: CCDA 2011 Audio Allison Johnson Homelessness, Housing, Poverty
Building a Cross-Cultural Learning Community by Arloa Sutter & Keith Johnson CCDA Conference 2008 Arloa Sutter, Keith Johnson Leadership, Education/Literacy
Building Beloved Community by Mary Nelson & Onleilove Alston CCDA Conferece 2008 Mary Nelson, Onleilove Alston Incarnational Ministry, Economic Development, Poverty
Building Bridges with Gays and Lesbians by Andrew Marin CCDA Conference 2008 Andrew Marin Gender, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Sexual & Pornography Addiction
Building Community Between Church and Neighborhood Residents by Betty Glover Palmer CCDA Conference 2008 Betty Glover Palmer Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Housing
Building Cross-Cultural Competence Vince Bantu & Soong Chan Rah Culture/Ethnic Identity, Racial Reconciliation, Social Class, Reconciliation & Culture
Camela Echols, Sara Babb, Ruth Lomo & Matthew Watson: Empowering Resettled Refugees: CCDA 2009 Audio Camela Echols, Matthew Watson, Ruth Lomo, Sara Babb Immigration/Refugee
Can There Be Peace Without Fathers? by Carey Casey CCDA Conference 2008 Carey Casey African-Americans, Churches, Families, Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Carey Davis: Urban/Suburban Partnerships that Strengthen Communities and Develop Disciples: CCDA 2006 Audio Carey Davis Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Carole Hawke: Middle Eastern Immigrants to American Cities: CCDA 2007 Audio
Cary Casey: Thursday Evening Plenary: CCDA 1997 Audio Cary Casey Plenary/Keynote Talks
CCDA 1988 Bob Lupton Sermon Bob Lupton Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1988 Dolphus Weary Sermon Dolphus Weary Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1988 John Perkins Sermon John Perkins Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1988 Opening Session Part 1 CCDA Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1988 Opening Session Part 1 CCDA Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1988 Opening Session Part 2 CCDA Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1988 Opening Session Part 2 CCDA Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1988 Ted Travis Sermon Ted Travis Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1988 Wayne Gordon Sermon Wayne Gordon Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1995 For Such A Time As This CCDA Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1995 For Such A Time As This CCDA Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1995 Making Great Salsa in the Barrio: Noel Castellanos Noel Castellanos Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1995 Reconciliation: Too Little Too Late? Raleigh Washington CCDA Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1995 Reconciliation: Too Little Too Late? Raleigh Washington CCDA Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1995 Saturday Evening Plenary CCDA Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1995 Saturday Evening Plenary CCDA Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1995 The Urban Family Album CCDA Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1995 The Urban Family Album CCDA Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1995 Worship Service: Pastor Ted Travis Ted Travis Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1998 John Perkins Sermon: Sunday Morning Bible Study John Perkins Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1998 Leroy Gill Sermon: Sunday Morning Service Leroy Gill Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1998 Lynn Philips Saturday Evening Plenary Lynn Philips Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1998 Tom Sine Sermon: Friday Morning Plenary Tom Sine Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 1998 Tom Sine Thursday Morning Bible Study Tom Sine Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2000 Barbara Skinner: Friday Evening Plenary Barbara Skinner Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2000 Dr. John Perkins: Friday Morning Bible Study Dr. John Perkins Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2000 Dr. John Perkins: Saturday Morning Plenary Dr. John Perkins Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2000 Reconciliation Panel CCDA Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2000 Reconciliation Panel CCDA Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2000 Wayne Gordon: Friday Evening Plenary Wayne Gordon Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2001 Tony Evans Sermon: Thursday Morning Tony Evans Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2002 – Dr. John Perkins Sermon Thursday Morning John Perkins Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2002 – Dr. John Perkins Sermon: Worship Service II John Perkins Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2002 – Father Bishoy El Antony: Friday Evening Plenary Father Bishoy El Antony Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2002 – Larry Acosta: Saturday Evening Plenary Larry Acosta Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2002 – Vinay Samuel: Friday Evening Plenary Vinay Samuel Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2002 – Wayne Gordon & Viv Grigg Sermon:Thursday Morning Plenary Wayne Gordon & Viv Grigg Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2002 Dream Center Sermon Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2002 Noel Castellanos Sermon Noel Castellanos Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2006 – Saturday Morning Panel Discussion Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2007 – A.R. Bernard Sermon: Thursday Evening Plenary A.R. Bernard Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2007 – John Perkins: Friday Morning Bible Study Dr. John Perkins Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2007 – John Perkins: Thursday Morning Bible Study John Perkins Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2007 – Phil Jackson & Efrem Smith: Beyond the Walls of Paternalism Phil Jackson & Efrem Smith Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2008 – Juanity Irizarry and Michael Mata and AR Bernard: Wednesday Evening Plenary Juanity Irizarry, Michael Mata and AR Bernard Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2008 – Wayne Gordon and Leah Gaskin-Fitchue: Friday Morning Plenary Wayne Gordon and Leah Gaskin-Fitchue Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2009 – Matthew Watts and Shane Claiborne, Saturday Evening Plenary Matthew Watts Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2010 – Friday Evening Plenary with Noel Castellanos Noel Castellanos Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2010 – Friday Morning Plenary – Re-imagine: A Panel of Young CCDA Leaders
CCDA 2010 – Friday Morning Plenary with Eboo Patel Eboo Patel Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA 2010 – Thursday Evening Plenary with Cheryl Broejte Cheryl Broejte
CCDA 2010 – Thursday Evening Plenary with Harvey Carey Harvey Carey Theology & Biblical Social Justice
CCDA2010-Alexander Gee-Pastors to the Fatherless- Empowering Fatherless Men Alexander Gee Youth
CCDA2010-Andrew Marin- Enemy Love Andrew Marin Domestic Violence/Abuse
CCDA2010-Andy Bales- You Are The Mission Andy Bales Homelessness
CCDA2010-Angela Carson-Recruiting Retaining and Managing Volunteers Angela Carson Nonprofit Management
CCDA2010-Anna Kalepo-Training for Trainers Anna Kalepo Mentoring
CCDA2010-Antoine Bennet, Patty Prasada Rao, From the Corner to the Cafe Antoine Bennet, Patty Prasada Rao Economic Development
CCDA2010-Bethany Dudley-Community Listening Bethany Dudley Families, Urban
CCDA2010-Bob Campbell, Liz Caton-Making Home Affordable Bob Campbell, Liz Caton
CCDA2010-Bob Hahn, Inevett Perez Hahn- Strategic Planning Bob Hahn, Inevett Perez Hahn Leadership, Urban
CCDA2010-Brenda Salter McNei-Leading Multiethnic Churches Brenda Salter McNei Churches
CCDA2010-Bruce Jackson, Michael Jones-Collaborative Community Transformation Bruce Jackson, Michael Jones Urban
CCDA2010-Bruce Jackson, Michael Jones-Collaborative Community Transformation Bruce Jackson, Michael Jones Urban
CCDA2010-Caleb Rosado-Why Blacks and Latinos Are Not Making It In School Caleb Rosado African-Americans, Latinos
CCDA2010-Caleb Rosado-Why Blacks and Latinos Are Not Making It In School Caleb Rosado African-Americans, Latinos
CCDA2010-Carla LaFayette, Nicole Anthone-Youth Adult Partnerships Carla Lafayette, Nicole Anthone Partnerships
CCDA2010-Carrie Gatlin, Siqueiros Bert Paras- Rentry and Discharge Planning Carrie Gatlin, Siqueiros Bert Paras Prison & Ex-Offender Ministry
CCDA2010-Carrie Gatlin, Siqueiros Bert Paras- Rentry and Discharge Planning Carrie Gatlin, Siqueiros Bert Paras Prison & Ex-Offender Ministry
CCDA2010-Chad Hale, Ella Duffy- Food Coops For Low Income Families Chad Hale, Ella Duffy Hunger/Food Ministry
CCDA2010-Chris Jaros- Environmental Contamination in the Community Chris Jaros Environmental Justice
CCDA2010-Chris Lahr-What Can White People Do About Racism Chris Lahr Caucasians
CCDA2010-Chris Wong, Chris Rice-Why Church Matters Chris Rice, Chris Wong Churches
CCDA2010-Dana Adams, Toni Stove- City Mission Academy Dana Adams, Toni Stove Education/Literacy
CCDA2010-Daniel White Hodge-The Soul of Hip-Hop Daniel White Hodge Christian Hip Hop
CCDA2010-Delphine Allen-Navigating Spiritual Warfare Delphine Allen Discipleship
CCDA2010-Edith Yoder-How Can I Help? Edith Yoder Volunteering
CCDA2010-Edward Gilbreath Curtiss, Paul De Young-Blue Eyed Souls Edward Gilbreath Curtiss, Paul De Young Urban
CCDA2010-Felicia Laboy, Liz Ver Hage Being Mary in a Martha Kind of World Felicia Laboy, Liz Ver Hage Women
CCDA2010-Gabriel Salguero, Jeanette Salguero-Making the Case For Immigration Gabriel Salguero, Jeanette Salgureo Immigration/Refugee
CCDA2010-Gabriel Salguero, Jeanette Salguero-Making the Case For Immigration Gabriel Salguero, Jeanette Salgureo Immigration/Refugee
CCDA2010-Gisele Kalonzo Douglas-Risk Management Gisele Kalonzo Douglas Microfinance
CCDA2010-Gisele Kalonzo Douglas-Risk Management Gisele Kalonzo Douglas Microfinance
CCDA2010-Glen and Lonni Kehrein , Tim and Stacy Streett-But What About the Kids Glen and Lonni Kehrein, Tim and Stacy Streett Youth
CCDA2010-Hal Mertz- Federal and Private Funding Hal Mertz Economic Development
CCDA2010-Hans Tokke-Current Trends in Non-Profit Hans Tokke Nonprofit Management, Nonprofit Startup
CCDA2010-Heidi Unruh-No More Children Born Heidi Unruh Poverty
CCDA2010-Ian Danley,Allison Johnson-Immigration Toolkit Allison Johnson, Ian Danley Immigration/Refugee
CCDA2010-Jamilia Shipman- Grassroots Fundraising Strategies Jamilia Shipman Fundraising
CCDA2010-Jan Martinez-Christ Kitchen Jan Martinez Microfinance
CCDA2010-Jay Van Groningen -Breaking Through Isolation Jay Van Groningen Mentoring
CCDA2010-Jay Van Groningen -Breaking Through Isolation Jay Van Groningen Mentoring
CCDA2010-Jennifer Kottler ,Michelle Warren-Prophetic Advocacy 101 Jennifer Kottler, Michelle Warren Spiritual Gifts
CCDA2010-Jennifer Kottler ,Michelle Warren-Prophetic Advocacy 101 Jennifer Kottler, Michelle Warren Spiritual Gifts
CCDA2010-Jill Shook, Lowell Noble-A Theology of Land Jill shook, Lowell Noble Housing
CCDA2010-Jill Shook, Lowell Noble-A Theology of Land Jill shook, Lowell Noble Housing
CCDA2010-Jill Shook, Patty Prasada Rao-Twelve Paths to Housing Affordability Jill shook, Patty Prasada Rao Housing
CCDA2010-Jill Shook, Patty Prasada Rao-Twelve Paths to Housing Affordability Jill shook, Patty Prasada Rao Housing
CCDA2010-Jimmy Dorrell, Janet Dorrell-Mobilizing Middle Class Christians Janet Dorrell, Jimmy Dorrell Poverty
CCDA2010-Jimmy Dorrell, Janet Dorrell-Mobilizing Middle Class Christians Janet Dorrell, Jimmy Dorrell Poverty
CCDA2010-John Liotti, Jenni Ingram-Your Ministrys Value to Donors Jenni Ingram, John Liotti Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
CCDA2010-John Liotti, Jenni Ingram-Your Ministrys Value to Donors Jenni Ingram, John Liotti Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
CCDA2010-John Marshall-The Representative Payee Program John Marshall Economic Development
CCDA2010-John Marshall-The Representative Payee Program John Marshall Economic Development
CCDA2010-John Singletary, Samantha Oakley-Launching Your Congregation Into Community Ministry John Singletary, Samantha Oakley Discipleship
CCDA2010-John Singletary, Samantha Oakley-Launching Your Congregation Into Community Ministry John Singletary, Samantha Oakley Discipleship
CCDA2010-John Teter- Get the Word Out John Teter Urban Evangelism
CCDA2010-John Teter- Get the Word Out John Teter Urban Evangelism
CCDA2010-June Evans-Sex And The City 2 June Evans Youth
CCDA2010-June Evans-Sex And The City 2 June Evans Youth
CCDA2010-Keisha Woods,John Liotti-Helping Families Navigate the Foreclosure Crisis John Liotti, Keisha Woods Housing
CCDA2010-Keisha Woods,John Liotti-Helping Families Navigate the Foreclosure Crisis John Liotti, Keisha Woods Housing
CCDA2010-Keith Jagger-A Spirituality for Social Presence Keith Jagger Discipleship
CCDA2010-Kenneth Young-Dismantling Racialization Kenneth Young Racial Reconciliation
CCDA2010-Lanita Tademy-Circle of Support Lanita Tademy Mentoring
CCDA2010-Leroy Barber,Donna Barber- Marriage and Ministry Donna Barber, Leroy Barber Families
CCDA2010-Les Dlabay-Connecting Cultures Les Dlabay Culture/Ethnic Identity
CCDA2010-Leslie Draper,Toddrick Gordon-Beyond Tutoring Programs Leslie Draper, Toddrick Gordon Mentoring
CCDA2010-Mae Cannon- Developing A Dynamic Staff Team Mae Cannon Board Development
CCDA2010-Marilyn Siden, Lilada Gee- Guilty Until Proven Innocent Lilada Gee, Marilyn Siden Arts and Social Justice
CCDA2010-Matt Bates,Christian Fundraising Matt Bates Fundraising
CCDA2010-Matt Belgie-Youth and Child Well Being Matt Belgie Youth
CCDA2010-Matt Farmer, Albus Brooks-Circle Of Manhood Albus Brooks, Matt Farmer Men
CCDA2010-Matthew Soerens,Jenny Hwang-Engaging Local Churches for Immigration Jenny Hwang, Matthew Soerens Immigration/Refugee
CCDA2010-Matthew Watts, Jill Shook-Developing Housing While Developing People Jill shook, Matthew Watts Housing
CCDA2010-Megan Magel, Chris Bolz- Mental Illness Healthy Responses Chris Bolz, Megan Magel Health
CCDA2010-Melissa Hunt-Conscious Discipline Melissa Hunt Health
CCDA2010-Mike Broad-Working for Justice Mike Broad Arts and Social Justice
CCDA2010-Neale Mansfield, Rusty Peterman-Overcoming the Lessness in Homelessness Neale Mansfield, Rusty Peterman Homelessness
CCDA2010-Nicole Anthony-Youth Adult Partnerships II Nicole Anthony Partnerships
CCDA2010-O’Dell Merryman, Tony Wiles, Dan Krebs-An Alternative to Predatory Lending Dan Krebs, O’Dell Merryman, Tony Wiles Economic Development
CCDA2010-Patricia Johnson – Collaborating Without Compromise Patricia Johnson Partnerships
CCDA2010-Phil Hissom-From Service Projects to Development Phil Hissom Volunteering
CCDA2010-Phil Jackson-Worship and the Arts Phil Jackson Arts and Social Justice, Gospel Music
CCDA2010-Randy White-Understanding Connecting with and Transforming Your City Randy White Rural , Urban
CCDA2010-Reynolds Chapman, David Bailey-Melody and Memory David Bailey, Reynolds Chapman Gospel Music
CCDA2010-Robert Steinhagen-Press Exposure That Expands Your Reach Robert Steinhagen Arts and Social Justice
CCDA2010-Rudolph Carrasco-Business Can Be Your Urban Ministry Rudolph Carrasco Churches, Urban
CCDA2010-Ryan Messmore- Effective Approaches to Transforming Lives Ryan Messmore Arts and Social Justice
CCDA2010-Ryan Oberly-Legal Issues in Fundraising Ryan Oberly Economic Development
CCDA2010-Ryan VerWys, Crissy Brooks-A Healthy Debate On Immigration Reform Crissy Brooks, Ryan VerWys Immigration/Refugee
CCDA2010-Sally Wagenmaker-Employment Law for Non Profits Sally Wagenmaker Nonprofit Management
CCDA2010-Scott Chapman,Bill Yaccino-City Transformation Bill Yaccino, Scott Chapman Urban
CCDA2010-Scott Lundeen-Urban Entry Scott Lundeen Suburban/Urban Partnerships
CCDA2010-Shawn Lantz-Living With Unmet Desires Shawn Lantz Housing
CCDA2010-Sheri Lawson-Launching Point Sheri Lawson Nonprofit Startup
CCDA2010-Steve Corbett – When Helping Hurts Steve Corbett Poverty
CCDA2010-Terry Shoemaker,John David Ryan-Reimagining Resource Development John David Ryan, Terry Shoemaker Nonprofits/Parachurches
CCDA2010-Todd Bowman, Anna Zach-A Pathway to Authentic Youth Engagement Anna Zach, Todd Bowman Youth
CCDA2010-Tommy Carrington-Whatever It Takes Tommy Carrington Youth
CCDA2010-Veronica Ponce, Noah Toly- Bridges To College Noah Toly, Veronica Ponce Education/Literacy
CCDA2010-Vince Campbell-Building Effective Multicultural Churches Vince Campbell Culture/Ethnic Identity, Churches
CCDA2010-Wayne Gordon,John Perkins-The 8 Components of Christian Community Development John Perkins, Wayne Gordon Churches
CCDA2010-Wayne Gordon-Loving Your Neighborhood Wayne Gordon Urban
CCDA2010-Yvonne Sawyer, Linda Freeman-Modern Day Orphans Linda Freeman, Yvonne Sawyer Orphans & Foster Care
CCDA2010: Mental Illness, Healthy Responses – Megan Magel & Chris Bolz Chris Bolz, Megan Magel Disabilities Ministry
Cecelia Edwards : Friday Morning Plenary: CCDA 2001 Cecelia Edwards Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Cecil Murray & Fame Men’s Choir: Wednesday Evening Plenary Session:CCDA 2002 Audio Cecil Murray, Fame Men’s Choir Plenary/Keynote Talks
Cecil Murray: Wednesday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2002 Audio Cecil Murray Plenary/Keynote Talks
Chad Brennan, Michaela Gregory, Richard Johnson– 7 Principles for Sharing Life in Multi-Ethnic Community: CCDA 2009 Audio chad brennan, Michaela Gregory, Richard Johnson Culture/Ethnic Identity, Racial Reconciliation, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Chad Hale & Ella Duffy Haynes: Food Cooperatives for Low-Income Families: From Handout to Empowerment: CCDA 2009 Audio Chad Hale, Ella Duffy Haynes Health, Poverty
Chanequa Walker-Barnes: Recognizing Trauma and Preventing Compassion Fatigue: CCDA 2011 Audio Chanequa Walker-Barnes Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Health, Mentoring
Charles Marsh: Taking Care of Unfinished Business – John M. Perkins and the Civil Rights Movement: CCDA 2005 Audio Charles Marsh Racial Reconciliation
Charles Ware: Counseling Urban Youth: CCDA 2005 Audio Charles Ware Urban Youth Ministry
Charles Ware: How to Ignite a Social Justice Revolution in Your City: CCDA 2005 Audio Charles Ware Nonprofits/Parachurches, Political Justice
Cheryl Broetje: Thursday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2010 Audio Cheryl Broetje Plenary/Keynote Talks
Cheryl Miller: Housing Programs Built to Empower: CCDA 2011 Audio Cheryl Miller Housing
Cheryl Tokke: The Value of Volunteerism: CCDA 2007 Audio
Chico Fajardo-Heflin & Tatiana Fajardo-Heflin: Preserving Community in a Technological Society: CCDA 2009 Audio Chico Fajardo-Heflin, Tatiana Fajardo-Heflin Men, Computers/Technology, Women
Chico Fajardo-Heflin: Your Soup Kitchen is Impoverishing the World: CCDA 2007 Audio
Chris Brooks: Developing Citywide Strategic Relationships: CCDA 2007 Audio
Chris Jaros & Keith Veil: Environmental Contamination in the Community–Assessing Risks and Promoting Safe Solutions: CCDA 2009 Chris Jaros & Keith Veil Environmental Justice, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Chris Jaros, Brad Beaubien & Chris Harrell: City Partnerships for Redevelopment: CCDA 2011 Brad Beaubien & Chris Harrell, Chris Jaros Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Urban
Chris Jehle: Tools for Sustaining Leaders in Ministry – Accountability: CCDA 2009 Audio Chris Jehle Leadership, Churches, Nonprofit Management
Chris Jehle: Tools for Sustaining Leaders in Ministry – Accountablity DeVos: CCDA Conference 2008 Chris Jehle Leadership, Mentoring
Chris Lahr: Walking Through Reconciliation: What White People Can Do About Racism: CCDA 2011 Audio Chris Lahr African-Americans, Caucasians, Racial Reconciliation, Rural , Urban
Chris Provence & Mary Provence: “Createdness” & “Individinuity:” A Non-Hierarchical View of Kingdom on Earth: CCDA 2009 Audio Chris Provence, Mary Provence Leadership, Churches, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Chris Provence: Rebuilding the Wall, One Family at a Time: CCDA 2005 Audio Chris Provence Families, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Chris Rice & Emmanuel Katongole: Reconciliation in a Broken World: A Christian Vision for Justice, Peace & Healing: CCDA 2008 Chris Rice, Emmanuel Katongole Racial Reconciliation
Chris Rice: From Genocide in Rwanda to Social and Church Brokenness in America: CCDA 2005 Audio Chris Rice Developing Countries, Churches
Chris Rice: Reconciling All Things: Get Beyond Jesus Without Justice and Justice Without Jesus: CCDA 2009 Audio Chris Rice Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Chris Rice: Why I’m Skeptical About Reconciliation: Toward a Deeper Vision: CCDA 2007 Audio Chris Rice
Chris Schaffner: Dealing with Self-Injury: CCDA 2009 Audio Chris Schaffner Domestic Violence/Abuse, Health, Urban Youth Ministry
Chrissy Brooks & Effy Sanchez: Community Organizing: Act on the Issues People Care About: CCDA 2009 Audio Chrissy Brooks, Effy Sanchez Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Political Justice, Legal Aid Services/Advocacy
Christa Mazzone: Prophetic Advocacy 101: CCDA 2005 Audio Christa Mazzone Economic Development, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Political Justice
Christian Community Development: The BIG Picture by Jay Van Groningen CCDA Conference 2008 Jay Van Groningen Incarnational Ministry, Churches, Education/Literacy, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Christine Sine: Life Beyond the Stress Race: CCDA 2004 Audio Christine Sine Nonprofits/Parachurches
Christopher Peterson: Fundraising for the Long Haul: Building Relationships with Individuals: CCDA 2006 Audio Christopher Peterson Organizational Development
Christopher Posey: Organizational Capacity Building for Community and Economic Development: CCDA 2011 Audio Christopher Posey Leadership, Partnerships
Christopher Posey: Shifting Toward Sustainable Economic Development Business Models: CCDA 2011 Audio Christopher Posey Nonprofit Management, Economic Development, Entrepreneurship, Organizational Development
Church-Based Community Development by Wayne Gordon CCDA Conference 2008 Wayne Gordon
Church-Prison Collaboratives for Re-entry by Wil McCall & James Reed CCDA Conference 2008 James Reed, Wil McCall Vocation/Calling, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Prison & Ex-Offender Ministry
Churches and Non-Profits: Building Collaborations by Bruce Jackson CCDA Conferece 2008 Bruce Jackson Churches, Partnerships, Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Peace Movement
Clark Baurer: Everybody Deserves Good Design: Re-Create Your Ministry Space: CCDA 2009 Audio Clark Baurer Churches, Nonprofit Management
Clark Baurer: How to Design and Construct a Physical Space to Fulfill Your Mission: CCDA 2007 Audio
Componentes 8 de la Convención: El Comienzo de su Ministerio por Wayne Gordon CCDA Conference 2008 Wayne Gordon Racial Reconciliation, Economic Development, Poverty, Organizational Development
Conectando con la Comunidad Hispana en Desarrollo Comunitario Cristiano por Robert Guerrero CCDA Conference 2008 Robert Guerrero Culture/Ethnic Identity, Latinos
Conflict Engagement in Community Organizations by Brandon Sipes & Kyle Meyers CCDA Conference 2008 Brandon Sipes, Kyle Meyers Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Conflict Management for Leaders by David Warren & Jude Del Hierro CCDA Conferece 2008 David Warren, Jude Del Hierro Discipleship, Leadership, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
Corryne Deliberto: Seeking Justice: The Role of Advocacy in Transformational Development: CCDA 2007 Audio
Craig Wong & Bob Kaiser: The Budget as Moral Document: How U.S. Militarism Promotes Poverty: CCDA 2009 Audio Bob Kaiser, Craig Wong Peace Movement, Political Justice, Poverty
Craig Wong & John Liotti: Redistribution: CCDA 2009 Audio Craig Wong, John Liotti Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Economic Development
Craig Wong & Shane Claiborne: Redistribution: CCDA 2007 Audio
Craig Wong & Terry Toy: War, the Urban Poor and the Church: CCDA 2007 Audio Craig Wong, Terry Toy
Craig Wong and Shane Claiborne: Redistribution: Working Towards a Just Distribution of Resources: CCDA 2006 Audio Craig Wong, Shane Claiborne Plenary/Keynote Talks, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Craig Wong, George Yancey & 8 Panelists: Black, White & Beyond: The Church’s Witness of Multi-Ethnicity: CCDA Conference 2008 Craig Wong, George Yancey Culture/Ethnic Identity, Incarnational Ministry, Churches
Craig Wong, Shane Claiborne & Jimmy Dorrell: Why Ecclesiology Matters: CCDA 2007 Audio Craig Wong, Jimmy Dorrell, Shane Claiborne
Craig Wong: How the Lord’s Supper Changes the Immigration Conversation: CCDA 2011 Craig Wong Asians and Asian-Americans, Racial Reconciliation, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, International, Latinos, Immigration/Refugee, Global Issues
Creating Space for Community Listening by Delia Caderno & Michael Philip CCDA Conference 2008 Delia Caderno, Michael Philip Incarnational Ministry
Crissy Brooks & Susie Kook: Women in Ministry: Wrestling with our Fears: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Crissy Brooks, Susie Kook Gender, Leadership, Women
Cross Cultural Fundraising by Rob Robertson, Rudy Carrasco & Christy Lambertson CCDA Conference 2008 Christy Lambertson, Rob Robertson, Rudy Carrasco Fundraising
Curt Gibson: Tools for Sustaining Leaders in Ministry–Leverage (DeVos): CCDA 2009 Audio Curt Gibson Leadership
Cynthia Burton: Tools for Sustaining Ministry – Empowerment: CCDA 2007 Audio
Dan Krebs, O’Dell Merryman, Tony Wiles: Alternative Model to Predatory Lending: CCDA 2011 Audio Dan Krebs, O’Dell Merryman, Tony Wiles Accounting/Finance, Economic Development, Entrepreneurship
Dan Reeve: How To Re-Start An Urban Church In A Transitional Community: CCDA 2007 Audio
Dana Adams & Kathy Sweeney: Dusk Till Dawn at City Mission – Keeping Kids Off the Streets: CCDA 2005 Audio Dana Adams, Kathy Sweeney Urban Youth Ministry
Dana Vallangeon: Health Disparities in Under-Resourced Communties: CCDA 2009 Audio Dana Vallangeon Social Class, Health, Poverty
Daniel Bismark-Pettit, Pekary Shannon, Hans Tokke: Sports and Recreation as Community Development: CCDA 2011 Audio Daniel Bismark-Pettit, Hans Tokke, Pekary Shannon After-School Programs, Urban Youth Ministry
Daniel Carroll, Alexia Salvatierra and others–Immigration Reform and the Church: CCDA 2009 Audio Alliston Johnson, Craig Wong, Daniel Carroll, Gabriel Salguero & Alexia Salvatierra, Ian Danley, Kit Danley, Matthew Soerens Latinos, Immigration/Refugee
Daniel Carroll: Can the Bible Help Us with Immigration? The Heart of God for the Stranger in Scripture: CCDA 2009 Audio Daniel Carroll Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Immigration/Refugee
Daniel Carroll: Thursday Morning Plenary: CCDA 2010 Audio Daniel Carroll Plenary/Keynote Talks
Daniel White Hodge: Developmental Youth Ministry: CCDA 2009 Audio Daniel White Hodge Youth, Mentoring, Urban Youth Ministry
Daniel White Hodge: Tha Hostile Gospel: Missionaly Embracing the Theology of Hip Hop: CCDA 2009 Audio Daniel White Hodge Christian Hip Hop, Culture/Ethnic Identity
Daniel White-Hodge: Baptized in Dirty Waters: The Gospel of Peace According to Tupac: CCDA Conference 2008 Daniel White-Hodge Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Peace Movement, Urban
Daniels: Mentoring Urban Youth for Life Change: CCDA 2005 Audio Daniels Urban Youth Ministry
Danny DeLeon: Thursday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2002 Audio Danny DeLeon Plenary/Keynote Talks
Darin Peterson & Will Samson: Economic Conspiracy – Sparking Imagination for Relational Redistribution: CCDA 2007 Audio
Darin Peterson: Philanthropy to Friendship–A Call for Economic Conspiracy: CCDA 2009 Audio Darin Peterson Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Economic Development, Poverty
Darryl Webster: Spiritual Boot Camp for Men: CCDA 2011 Audio Darryl Webster Men, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Mentoring, Spiritual
Dave Arnold & Angie Arnold: Hospitality in the City: Reach People Through Neighborliness: CCDA 2009 Audio Dave Arnold & Angie Arnold Immigration/Refugee
Dave Howe: Generation Next Challenge: CCDA 2007 Audio
David Apple: Mercy Ministry with At-Risk People: CCDA 2007 Audio David Apple
David Apple: Set Appropriate Limits in Homeless Ministry: CCDA 2009 Audio David Apple Leadership, Nonprofit Management, Homelessness
David Bowers, Sam Marullo, Deborah Stevenson: Faith-Based Development for Low-Income Communities: CCDA 2011 Audio David Bowers, Deborah Stevenson, Sam Marullo Discipleship, Partnerships, Families, Rural , Urban
David Doty: Small Business Development for Sustainable Funding: CCDA 2011 Audio David Doty Organizational Development
David Park, James McGee III: Exploring Ethnic Identity: CCDA 2010 Audio David Park, James Mcgee III Culture/Ethnic Identity
David Park, James McGee III: Exploring Ethnic Identity: CCDA 2010 Audio David Park, James Mcgee III Culture/Ethnic Identity
David Spickard & Daniel Alexander: Help Those You Serve Find (and Keep) Meaningful Employment: CCDA 2011 Audio David Spickard & Daniel Alexander Economic Development, Employment
David Spickard & Paula Bryan: “I Need A Job” – Helping Those We Serve Find And Keep Meaningful Employment: CCDA 2007 Audio
David Spickard & Paula Bryan: Elevating Lives through Work: CCDA 2009 Audio David Spickard, Paula Bryan Employment
David Warren & Michelle Warren: Managing Personal Finances: CCDA Conference 2008 audio David Warren, Michelle Warren Accounting/Finance
David Warren & Ted Travis: Pursue Synergy Through Organizational Management: CCDA 2009 Audio David Warren, Ted Travis Leadership, Nonprofit Management
Davis Hillis and Patricia Talton: God’s View of the City and Your Call to Leadership: CCDA 2006 Audio Davis Hillis, Patricia Talton Leadership, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
Debbie Kreml: Designing Effective Serving Experiences in Partnership: CCDA 2007 Audio
Delia Caderno & Bethany Dudley: The Glass is Half-Full: An Introduction to Asset Based Community Development: CCDA 2009 Audio Bethany Dudley, Delia Caderno Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Economic Development, Entrepreneurship, Urban
Delia Caderno: “Inside Out”: CCDA 2010 Audio Delia Caderno Rural , Urban
Delia Perez: Community Organizing: CCDA 2007 Audio Delia Perez
Delphine Allen: Medicine 101: How to Navigate the Medical System of Today: CCDA 2007 Audio Delphine Allen
Dennis Nordmoe: Location, Location: Adding Value to Urban Neighborhoods Through Public Art: CCDA 2011 Audio Dennis Nordmoe Arts and Social Justice, Partnerships, Families, Urban , Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Developing Global CCD Partnerships by Troy Jackson, Boler Cuy-Castellanos & Diana Cuy-Castellanos CCDA Confrerence 2008 Boler Cuy-Castellanos, Diana Cuy-Castellanos, Troy Jackson Fair Trade & Globalization, Partnerships
Developing Student Leaders by Tommy Carrington CCDA Conference 2008 Tommy Carrington Leadership, Youth, Mentoring, Urban Youth Ministry
Development Urban & Suburban Partnerships by Alvin Bibbs CCDA Conference 2008 Alvin Bibbs
Diane Miller: Relocation to Suburbia! My Journey as Part of an Emerging Evangelical Church in LA: CCDA 2009 Audio Diane Miller Incarnational Ministry, Suburban/Urban Partnerships
Disciple Making, a Kingdom Priority CCDA Urban Evangelism, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Partnerships
Disciple Making, a Kingdom Priority CCDA Urban Evangelism, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Partnerships
Dolphus Weary and Bob Lupton: Evening Session: CCDA 1990 Audio Bob Lupton, Dolphus Weary Plenary/Keynote Talks
Domestic Abuse: Implications for Community Shalom and Safety (traduccion disponible) by Kate Johnson CCDA Conference 2008 Kate Johnson Domestic Violence/Abuse, Peace Movement
Don Davis: Saturday Morning Plenary: CCDA 2002 Audio Don Davis Plenary/Keynote Talks
Donna Barber: Making the Grade in an Urban Classroom: CCDA 2007 Audio Donna Barber
Donna Broughton & Barbara Schneider: Economic Education for Urban Youth: CCDA 2005 Audio Barbara Schneider, Donna Broughton Economic Development, Education/Literacy
Don’t Get Served by Volunteers! Utilizing Service Teams and Missionaries by Eric Iverson CCDA Conference 2008 Eric Iverson Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Volunteering
Dorothy Moore: The Unique Role of the ‘Women in the Hood’: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Dorothy Moore Gender, Leadership, Women, Racial Reconciliation, Urban
Doug Logan: Helping Kids, Families & Communities Who Hurt: CCDA 2006 Audio Doug Logan Families, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Dr. Alicia La Hoz: Helping Couples in Crisis: CCDA 2006 Audio Alicia LaHoz Social Class
Dr. Alyn Waller: Wednesday Evening Plenary Session: CCDA 2006 Audio Alyn Waller Culture/Ethnic Identity, Plenary/Keynote Talks, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. Amy Sherman: Biblical Foundations of Economic Literacy: CCDA 2006 Audio Amy Sherman Women, Economic Development
Dr. Amy Sherman: Economic Literacy: Biblical Foundations: CCDA 2007 Audio
Dr. Amy Sherman: How FASTEN Resources Your Ministry: CCDA 2006 Audio Amy Sherman Organizational Development
Dr. Amy Sherman: The Economics Demo: CCDA 2006 Audio Amy Sherman Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. Anthony J. Cannon: Diabetes Awareness: CCDA 2006 Audio Anthony J. Cannon Health
Dr. Arthur Jones: Advocating for a Just Health Care System: CCDA 2006 Audio Arthur Jones Social Class, Health, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Political Justice
Dr. Barbara Williams Skinner & Dr. Isaias Mercado: Reconciliation: CCDA 2007 Audio
Dr. Betty Palmer: Enhancing Community Economic Development; Organizational Effectiveness: CCDA 2006 Audio Betty Palmer Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
Dr. Bob Lupton: Gentrification with Justice: CCDA 2006 Audio Bob Lupton Social Class, Economic Development, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Poverty
Dr. Bob Lupton: Saturday Evening Plenary Session: CCDA 2000 Audio Bob Lupton Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Bob Lupton: Empowerment: CCDA 2005 Audio Bob Lupton Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. Bob Lupton: Empowerment: CCDA 2007 Audio
Dr. Bob Lupton: Shifting from Service Ministries to Real Estate Development: CCDA 2006 Audio Bob Lupton Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil: Friday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2001 Audio Brenda Salter McNeil Plenary/Keynote Talks, Women
Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil: Friday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2004 Audio Brenda Salter McNeil Plenary/Keynote Talks, Women
Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil: Friday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2005 Audio Brenda Salter McNeil Plenary/Keynote Talks, Women, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. Caleb Rosado: From Fragmentation to Wholeness – How Context Determines Content in Urban Ministry: CCDA 2005 Audio Caleb Rosado Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. Caleb Rosado: My People are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge – Why Blacks and Latinos Are Not Making It in School: CCDA 2006 Caleb Rosado African-Americans, Culture/Ethnic Identity, Economic Development, Latinos
Dr. Caleb Rosado: What Is Multicultural Ministry, What Makes It Work, What Hinders It?: CCDA 2006 Audio Caleb Rosado Racial Reconciliation
Dr. Carl F. Ellis: Understanding the Islamic Challenge: CCDA 2005 Audio Carl F. Ellis African-Americans, Culture/Ethnic Identity, Racial Reconciliation, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Global Missions
Dr. Christopher Gray & Dr. Rebecca Gray: Facing the Urban Education Challenge: CCDA 2007 Audio
Dr. David Apple: Setting Limits in Ministry with Homeless Persons: CCDA 2005 Audio David Apple Homelessness
Dr. David Apple: Setting Limits with Con Artists: CCDA 2006 Audio David Apple
Dr. Dean Trulear: You, the Ministry & The Kingdom: CCDA 2006 Audio Dean Trulear Nonprofits/Parachurches, Urban Youth Ministry
Dr. DeYoung, Dr. Emerson, Dr. Chai Kim, Dr. Yancey: Friday Morning Panel Discussion: CCDA 2005 Audio Chai Kim, DeYoung, Emerson, Yancey Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Edith Davis & Dr. Anthony Davis: Women in Leadership: CCDA 2006 Audio Anthony Davis, Edith Davis Vocation/Calling, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Dr. Gary Oswald: Lead with Authenticity, Discover and Develop Your Own Leadership Style: CCDA 2006 Audio Gary Oswald Leadership
Dr. Glen Kehrein: Trapped by the Clash of History? Follow-Up Discussion: CCDA 2007 Audio
Dr. Gordon Murphy: I Want a Better Organization But Do I Have to Work with Business People?: CCDA 2005 Audio Gordon Murphy Organizational Development
Dr. Harold D. Davis: TALKS Mentoring: Development Leadership Skills and Role Models: CCDA 2011 Audio Dr. Harold D. Davis Families, Youth, Mentoring, Urban Youth Ministry
Dr. Harold D. Davis: TALKS Mentoring: Development Leadership Skills and Role Models: CCDA 2011 Audio Dr. Harold D. Davis Education/Literacy, Families, Youth, Mentoring, Urban Youth Ministry
Dr. Isaias Mercado: Estableciendo Una Iglesia Comunitaria en El Barrio: CCDA 2006 Audio Isaias Mercado Churches, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Latinos, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu: Friday Morning Plenary: CCDA 1999 Audio Jawanza Kunjufu Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Jean LaCour: Building JOY in Substance Abuse Ministry: CCDA 2005 Audio Jean LaCour Addiction/Recovery
Dr. Jimmy Dorrell and Janet Dorrell: Church With the Poor: New Wineskins at Church Under the Bridge: CCDA 2006 Audio Janet Dorrell, Jimmy Dorrell Women, Churches, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Dr. Jimmy Dorrell: Wholistic Ministry: CCDA 2005 Audio Jimmy Dorrell Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. Joe Stowell: Thursday Morning Plenary: CCDA 1999 Audio Joe Stowell Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Joe Stowell: Thursday Morning Plenary: CCDA 1999 Audio Joe Stowell Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Fuder: Seeking and Serving the Lord in the City – A Spirituality for Urban Ministry: CCDA 2006 Audio John Fuder Plenary/Keynote Talks, Leadership, Vocation/Calling, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Dr. John Hay, Jr.: Stop Providing Services – Offer Hospitality: CCDA 2005 Audio John Hay Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. John Perkins & Dr. Vera Mae Perkins: Leaving a Legacy: CCDA 2006 Audio John Perkins, Vera Mae Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks, Leadership
Dr. John Perkins & Rev. Wayne Gordon: 8 Components of CCDA: CCDA 2007 Audio
Dr. John Perkins: Africa: CCDA 2002 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Bible Study I: CCDA 1992 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Bible Study I: CCDA 1994 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Bible Study II: CCDA 1992 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Bible Study III: CCDA 1992 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Bible Study III: CCDA 1994 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: CCDA 101 John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. John Perkins: Friday Bible Study: CCDA 2002 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Friday Bible Study: CCDA 2004 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Friday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 1995 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Friday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 1996 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Friday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 1997 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Friday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 1998 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Friday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 1999 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Friday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2001Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Intro to Christian Community Development: CCDA 1994 Audio John Perkins
Dr. John Perkins: Saturday Bible Study: CCDA 2002 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Saturday Bible Study: CCDA 2004 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Saturday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 1995 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Saturday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 1996 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Saturday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 1998 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Saturday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 1999 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Saturday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2001 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Sunday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 1995 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Sunday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 1996 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Sunday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 1997 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Sunday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 1998 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Sunday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 1999 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Thursday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2004 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Chairman’s Perspective: CCDA 1997 Audio John Perkins
Dr. John Perkins: Friday Morning Bible Study with Dr. John Perkins: CCDA 2009 Audio John Perkins Discipleship, Plenary/Keynote Talks, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Dr. John Perkins: Friday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2005 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Dr. John Perkins: Friday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2006 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks, Churches, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. John Perkins: Saturday Bible Study with Dr. John Perkins: CCDA 2009 Audio John Perkins Discipleship, Plenary/Keynote Talks, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Dr. John Perkins: Saturday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2005 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Dr. John Perkins: Saturday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2006 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks, Leadership
Dr. John Perkins: Sunday Bible Study with Dr. John Perkins: 2009 Audio John Perkins Discipleship, Plenary/Keynote Talks, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Dr. John Perkins: Sunday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2005 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Dr. John Perkins: Sunday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2006 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Sunday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2007 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: The Past, Present & Future: CCDA 2004 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. John Perkins: Thursday Morning Bible Study with Dr. John Perkins: CCDA 2009 Audio John Perkins Discipleship, Plenary/Keynote Talks, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Dr. John Perkins: Thursday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 1995 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Thursday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 1998 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Thursday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 1999 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. John Perkins: Thursday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2005 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Dr. Juan Hernandez: Thursday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2005 Audio Juan Hernandez Plenary/Keynote Talks, Latinos, Immigration/Refugee
Dr. Juan Hernandez: A Conversation with Dr. Juan Hernandez About Immigration Reform: CCDA 2006 Audio Juan Hernandez Culture/Ethnic Identity, Latinos, Immigration/Refugee
Dr. Kimberlee Johnson: Filling in the Gaps – Programming for Youth Development: CCDA 2005 Audio Kimberlee Johnson Education/Literacy, Urban Youth Ministry
Dr. Larry Acosta: Being a Leader Who Remains True at Heart: CCDA 2005 Larry Acosta Plenary/Keynote Talks, Leadership
Dr. Larry Acosta: Developing a Fundraising Strategy for Your Emerging Ministry: CCDA 2006 Audio Larry Acosta Fundraising, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. Leah Gaskin Fitchue: Wednesday Evening Plenary: CCDA 1999 Audio Leah Gaskin Fitchue Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Lester Meriwether: Literacy Connexus – Redeeming the Community Through Literacy Ministry: CCDA 2005 Audio Lester Meriwether Education/Literacy
Dr. Luis Carlos & Dr. Ray Rivera: Una Teologia de Ministerio Latino: CCDA 2006 Audio Luis Carlos, Ray Rivera Culture/Ethnic Identity, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Latinos, Immigration/Refugee
Dr. Luis Carlos & Dr. Raymond Rivera: Theological Perspectives of Radical Redemption in Captivity: CCDA 2005 Audio Luis Carlos, Raymond Rivera Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Dr. Luis Carlos and Nancy Murphy: Domestic Violence: CCDA 2004 Audio Luis Carlos, Nancy Murphy Domestic Violence/Abuse, Families, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. Mary Nelson & Dr. John Perkins: Plenary Session: CCDA 1994 Audio John Perkins, Mary Nelson Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Mary Nelson – Creating Jobs and Community Venture Mary Nelson Economic Development, Employment, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. Mary Nelson: Going Up the River-From Programs to Changing Things: CCDA 2006 Audio Mary Nelson Plenary/Keynote Talks, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
Dr. Mary Nelson: Passing the Torch-Succession Planning and Action: CCDA 2006 Audio Mary Nelson Leadership, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
Dr. Mary Nelson: Creating Economic Development Opportunities for the Hood: CCDA 2005 Audio Mary Nelson Women, Economic Development, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. Mary Nelson: Economic Development in the Hood: CCDA 2007 Audio
Dr. Michael Emerson: Saturday Morning Plenary: CCDA 2001 Audio Michael Emerson Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Randy White: Equipping College Students to Transform the City Without Doing Harm: CCDA 2006 Audio Randy White Leadership, Short-Term Missions, Urban Youth Ministry, Volunteering
Dr. Ray Bakke: Plenary Session: CCDA 1994 Audio Ray Bakke Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Ray Bakke: Saturday Morning Plenary: CCDA 1999 Audio Ray Bakke Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Ray Bakke: Saturday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2005 Ray Bakke Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Ray Rivera and Dr. Luis Carlos: Listening to the Community: CCDA 2006 Audio Luis Carlos, Ray Rivera Culture/Ethnic Identity, Plenary/Keynote Talks, Leadership, Churches, Families, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. Ray Rivera: Thursday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2004 Audio Ray Rivera Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Rick Donlon & Nathan Cook: The Three R’s, Memphis Style. What We’ve Learned in Five Years: CCDA 2007 Audio
Dr. Sharron Underwood: Wednesday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2005 Audio Sharron Underwood Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Stanley Carlsen-Thies: Thursday Afternoon Plenary: CCDA 2000 Audio Stanley Carlsen-Thies Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Steve Smith: Mentoring the Children of Inmates: CCDA 2007 Audio
Dr. Tommy Goode: City Core Initiative – Community Roadmap: CCDA 2005 Audio Tommy Goode Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. Tony Campolo: Friday Evening Plenary Session: CCDA 1999 Audio Tony Campolo Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Tony Evans: Thursday Evening Plenary: CCDA 1999 Audio Tony Evans Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Tony Evans: Thursday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2001 Audio Tony Evans Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Valerie K. Ginyard: Using Technology to Strengthen Church Ministries: CCDA 2006 Audio Valerie K. Ginyard Computers/Technology, Churches
Dr. Virgilio Elizondo: CCDA 2006 Audio: Saturday Evening Plenary Session Virgilio Elizondo Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Virgilio Elizondo: Saturday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2006 Audio Virgilio Elizondo Plenary/Keynote Talks, Churches
Dr. Wayne & Ann Gordon, Austin & Angela Gordon: Raising a Family in the Hood: CCDA 2005 Audio Andrew Gordon, Angela Gordon, Ann Gordon, Wayne Gordon Incarnational Ministry, Women, Families, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Housing, Urban
Dr. Wayne Gordon: Church-Based CCD: CCDA 2006 Audio Wayne Gordon Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. Wayne Gordon: Indigenous Leadership Development: CCDA 2005 Audio Wayne Gordon Leadership, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. Wayne Gordon: Saturday Morning Plenary: CCDA 2004 Audio Wayne Gordon Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Wayne Gordon: Thursday Morning Plenary: CCDA 2001 Audio Wayne Gordon Plenary/Keynote Talks
Dr. Wayne Gordon: Friday Morning Plenary: CCDA 2006 Audio Wayne Gordon Plenary/Keynote Talks, Churches, Social Class, Economic Development, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr. Wayne Gordon: Indigenous Leadership Development: CCDA 2005 Audio Wayne Gordon Leadership, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Dr.John Perkins: Thursday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2006 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Duane Shank: The Impact of the War in Afghanistan at Home and Abroad, and How to Help: CCDA 2011 Audio Duane Shank Culture/Ethnic Identity, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Global Issues
E. Eugene Williams, Karen Florence: Working with Children of Incarcerated Parents: CCDA 2009 Audio E. Eugene Williams, Karen Florence Youth, Prison & Ex-Offender Ministry
Earl James: Jesus and the Disinherited: CCDA 2005 Audio Earl James Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Earl James: Taking Your Church Leadership to Higher Leadership Levels: CCDA 2006 Audio Leadership, Churches
Earl James: Taking Your Church Leadership to Higher Leadership Levels: CCDA 2006 Audio Earl James Leadership, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Eboo Patel & Panel of Young CCDA Leaders: Friday Morning Plenary – Re-imagine: CCDA 2010 Audio Eboo Patel Plenary/Keynote Talks
Ecclesiology and Urban Mission (God’s Purpose for the Church) Craig Wong & Michael Bowling Discipleship, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Organizational Development
Economic Development in the Hood by Mary Nelson CCDA Conference2008 Mary Nelson
Eddie Broussard & Connie Milton & Laura Jenkins: Building Blocks of Disciple-Making: A Kingdom Priority–Part 2: CCDA 2009 Audio Connie Milton, Eddie Broussard, Laura Jenkins Discipleship, Churches, Small Groups
Eddie Broussard & Connie Milton & Laura Jenkins: Foundations of Disciple-Making: A Kingdom Priority–Part 1: CCDA 2009 Audio Connie Milton, Eddie Broussard, Laura Jenkins Discipleship, Urban Evangelism
Eddie Broussard & Dave Buehring: Disciple Making, a Kingdom Priority: CCDA 2011 Audio Eddie Broussard & Dave Buehring Discipleship, Spiritual Gifts, Urban Evangelism, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Eddie Broussard, Connie Milton & Laura Jenkins: The Work of Disciple-Making: A Kingdom Priority: CCDA 2009 Audio Connie Milton, Eddie Broussard, Laura Jenkins Discipleship, Urban Evangelism, Global Missions
Edith Yoder: 9 Steps To Building A Strong Board Of Directors: CCDA 2007 Audio
Edith Yoder: Starting a New Ministry – Responding to God’s Call: CCDA 2005 Audio Edith Yoder Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Edward Gilbreath: Reconciliation Blues: Black in a White Evangelical World: CCDA 2007 Audio Edward Gilbreath
El Contexto Determina el Contenido Caleb Rosado CCDA Conference 2008 Incarnational Ministry
Elder D’Jaris Canty & Minister Lois Hall: The Importance of Strong Church Leadership: CCDA 2005 Audio D’Jaris Canty, Lois Hall Leadership, Churches
Eldon Kibbey & Michael Boler: Spiritual Reproduction: CCDA 2011 Eldon Kibbey & Michael Boler Discipleship, Leadership, Mentoring
Ellen Edens: Mind, Body and Soul: The Church and Mental Health: CCDA 2007 Audio
Emerging Church Meets CCDA Daniel Hill Churches, Racial Reconciliation, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Emmanuel Katongole & Chris Rice: The Journey of Reconciliation: CCDA 2006 Audio Chris Rice, Emmanuel Katongole Developing Countries, Churches, Global Missions, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Emotionally Healthy Leaders: Leading from Within by Peter Scazzero CCDA Conference 2008 Peter Scazzero Leadership, Health
Engaging Hip-Hop Culture for Shalom’hood by Marque Jensen, Jesse Ross & Stacey Jones CCDA Conference 2008 Jesse Ross, Marque Jensen, Stacey Jones Peace Movement
Equipping Youth for Financial Literacy by Amy Sherman CCDA Conference 2008 Amy Sherman
Eric Howard: Creating a Street Outreach Program for Homeless Young People: CCDA 2005 Audio Eric Howard Homelessness, Urban Youth Ministry
Eric Jacobsen: New Urbanism, Community, and Justice: CCDA 2006 Audio Eric Jacobsen Nonprofits/Parachurches
Essential Building Blocks for Starting a Mentoring Program Save Our Youth by Luis Villarreal & Trudy Swain CCDA Conference 2008 Luis Villarreal, Trudy Swain Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Youth, Mentoring, Urban Youth Ministry
Evagnelismo Integrál: El Ser Hacer y Decir de la Misión que habla el Robert Guerrero CCDA Conference 2008 Robert Guerrero Incarnational Ministry, Latinos
Evangelical Does Not Equal Republican…or Democrat by Lisa Harper CCDA Conference 2008 Lisa Harper Political Justice
Experiental Tools to Train “New Gen” Urban Leaders by Phil Skei & Beth Eckloff CCDA Conference 2008 Beth Eckloff, Phil Skei Leadership, Education/Literacy, Peace Movement, Urban Youth Ministry
Faith-Based Real Estate Development: Empowering Churches and Neighborhoods by Joe Holland CCDA Conference 2008 Joe Holland Economic Development, Housing
Falicia Brewer: The 4 E’s of Grants Management: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Execution & Evaluation: CCDA 2007 Audio
Falicia Brewer: The Case: Telling Your Story to Get Funded: CCDA 2009 Audio Falicia Brewer Fundraising
Father Bishoy El Antony Sermon: Friday Evening Plenary Father Bishoy El Antony Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Frank Alexander & Richard Twiss: Thursday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2011 Audio Frank Alexander, Richard Twiss Plenary/Keynote Talks
Franklin Ballenger, Joel Hamernick & Aaron Roy: Building Staff Like-Mindedness Across Racial Lines: CCDA 2006 Audio Aaron Roy, Franklin Ballenger, Joel Hamernick Culture/Ethnic Identity, Racial Reconciliation, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
Franklin Ballenger: The Sanikofa Experience: CCDA 2007 Audio
Friday Morning Plenary: Alvin Bibbs Alvin Bibbs Plenary/Keynote Talks, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
From Fragmentation to Wholeness (Shalom) by Caleb Rosado CCDA Conference 2008 Caleb Rosado Incarnational Ministry
Gabe Veas & Glen Peterson: Mentoring by Senior Leadership: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Gabe Veas, Glen Peterson Leadership, Mentoring
Gabriel Salguero & Jim Wallis:Thursday Evening Plenary–SYNERGY: Pursuing a New Commitment to Partnership: CCDA 2009 Audio Gabriel Salguero, Jim Wallis Plenary/Keynote Talks, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Partnerships, Latinos
Gabriel Salguero: Espiritualidad y Justicia Social: Buscando Balance: CCDA 2009 Audio Gabriel Salguero Latinos, Latin America
Garrett & Mindy Smith: Mutually Transforming Mentoring: CCDA 2011 Garrett & Mindy Smith Urban Evangelism, Families, Urban , Youth, Mentoring, Urban Youth Ministry
Generational Acculturation by Gilbert Contreras CCDA Conference 2008 Gilbert Contreras Culture/Ethnic Identity, Families, Immigration/Refugee
Gerald Davis: Building a People of Relational Power: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Gerald Davis Incarnational Ministry, Churches
Gerald Twombly: Funding Your Vision: CCDA 2005 Audio Gerald Twombly Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
Gerson Cardona: Church Planting: A Cohesive Multiethnic Model for Pastors and Ministry Leaders: CCDA 2011 Audio Gerson Cardona Discipleship, International, Latinos, Urban , Organizational Development
Get Off the Couch: Honoring God with Our Bodies by Noel Castellanos CCDA Conference 2008 Noel Castellanos Health
Getting to Justice by Jay Van Gronginen & Adam Taylor CCDA Conference 2008 Adam Taylor, Jay Van Gronginen Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Peace Movement
Ginger Sinsabaugh MacDonald: Beyond the Used Car Seat – Reaching Out to Teen Moms: CCDA 2006 Audio Ginger Sinsabaugh MacDonald Families, Urban Youth Ministry
Glen Kehrein, John Perkins: Evening Session: CCDA 1990 Audio Glen Kehrein, John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Glen Kehrein: The Historical Clash of Race, Politics and Church: CCDA 2007 Audio
Glen Peterson: Board Leadership – Governance Excellence: CCDA 2005 Audio Glen Peterson Leadership, Organizational Development
Glen Peterson: Board Leadership: Governance Excellence: CCDA 2007 Audio
Global Shalom: Not Just for Us by Brandon Sipes & Curt Luthye CCDA Conference 2008 Brandon Sipes, Curt Luthye Global Missions, Peace Movement
Global Warming and American Cities by R. Pritchard, N. Osborne & N. Toly (from CCDA 2007) presented again in CCDA 2008 N. Osborne, N. Toly, R. Pritchard Environmental Justice
Gordon Murphy: Thursday Morning Plenary – Panel on Kingdom Economics: CCDA 2007 Audio Gordon Murphy Plenary/Keynote Talks
H. Spees: Affair-Proof Your Marriage– Build Your Family while Building Your Community: CCDA 2009 Audio H. Spees Men, Women, Families
H. Spees: Seeing God Who Sees: A Theological Framework of LFA: CCDA 2007 Audio
Hal Merz: An Introduction To Grants For Faith-Based Community Developers: CCDA 2007 Audio
Hal Merz: Current Federal and Private Funding Opportunities for Faith Based Community Developers: CCDA 2009 Audio Hal Merz Fundraising, Churches, Nonprofit Management
Haman Cross: Thursday General Session: CCDA 1991 Audio Haman Cross Plenary/Keynote Talks
Hans Tokke & Melvin Hadley: Urban Consumerism and the Credit Crisis (traducción disponible): CCDA Conference 2008 Hans Tokke, Melvin Hadley Accounting/Finance, Economic Development, Housing
Hans Tokke: Confronting Consumptionism – The Prophetic Challenge to Urban Marketing: CCDA 2007 Audio
Harnessing the Foreclosure Crisis: Turning Lemons into Lemonade (Traducción Disponible) by Bob Lupton & Nate Ledbetter CCDA 2008 Bob Lupton, Nate Ledbetter Housing
Harvey Carey: Thursday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2010 Audio Plenary/Keynote Talks
He is Our Peace: Shalom in the Church Through Music & Worship by James Ward CCDA Conference 2008 James Ward
Hector Alicea & Chris Ramsey: Prayer, Peace & the Poor: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Chris Ramsey, Hector Alicea Peace Movement, Poverty
Heidi Aspinwall & Krista Dutt: Utilizing Volunteers Without Community disEmpowerment: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Heidi Aspinwall, Krista Dutt Nonprofits/Parachurches, Volunteering
Heidi L. Lyda, MaryBeth Jackson: See Life Differently Through Photography: CCDA 2011 Audio Heidi L. Lyda, MaryBeth Jackson Arts and Social Justice
Heidi Unruh & Phil Olson: Showing & Sharing Jesus Beyond the Walls: Best Practices & Pitfalls of Evangelism: CCDA 2007 Audio
Heidi Unruh: The Path from Faith to Action: How Churches Learn to Do Community Ministry: CCDA 2006 Audio Heidi Unruh Women, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Heidi Unruh: Research in the Service of Christian Community Development: CCDA 2007 Audio
Heidi Unruh: Single-Parent Family Ministry Fundamentals: CCDA Audio Heidi Unruh Discipleship, Spiritual Gifts, Families, Health
Help Those You Serve Find (and Keep) Meaningful Employment CCDA Vocation/Calling, Employment
Help Those You Serve Find (and Keep) Meaningful Employment CCDA Vocation/Calling, Employment
Henry Bouma, Mr. Stanley Ratliff and Joseph Williams: Prison Aftercare: How Church Can Welcome Ex-Offenders: CCDA 2006 Audio Henry Bouma, Joseph Williams, Stanley Ratliff Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Prison & Ex-Offender Ministry
Hip Arts: Using the Arts to Bring Peace to Schools by Gilbert Chaidez & Demone Carter CCDA Conference 2008 Demone Carter, Gilbert Chaidez Arts and Social Justice, Education/Literacy, Peace Movement, Urban Youth Ministry
Hip-Hop Concert: CCDA 2005 Audio African-Americans
Holistic Hardware: Tools for Preparing Prisoners and Preventing Recidivism by Joe Holland CCDA Conference 2008 Joe Holland Addiction/Recovery, Poverty, Prison & Ex-Offender Ministry
How Asset Mapping Can Unite a Community by Monika Grasley CCDA Conference 2008 Monika Grasley Churches, Economic Development, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Peace Movement, Organizational Development
How to Experience Shalom in Marriage, Parenting, Life & Ministry by Ty Schenzel CCDA Congerence 2008 Ty Schenzel Families
How to Find Assets in Under-Resourced Communities
I Need a Job! (Helping People Keep Work) by David Spickard & Paula Bryan CCDA Conference 2008 David Spickard, Paula Bryan Churches, Education/Literacy, Employment, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Prison & Ex-Offender Ministry
Including the Excluded: Mental Illness and Recovery by Jimmy Dorrell, Shannon Ford, Mary Girard & Matthew Standford CCDA 2008 Jimmy Dorrell, Mary Girard, Matthew Standford, Shannon Ford Addiction/Recovery, Health, Sexual & Pornography Addiction
Intro to CCD by John Perkins CCDA Conference 2008 John Perkins Leadership
Irene Cho: Stress in the City: Beat Burnout in Urban Youth Ministry: CCDA 2009 Audio Irene Cho Urban Youth Ministry
Isolation Perpetuates Poverty – Breaking Through Isolation Jay Van Groningen & Jerry Woods Economic Development, Poverty
Ivan Paz: Re-imagining the War on Gangs: CCDA 2011 Audio Ivan Paz Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Urban , Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
J. Pepe Montenegro: Helping Parents Change Chaotic Behavior in Teens: CCDA 2001 Audio Pepe Montenegro Families, Urban Youth Ministry
Jamail & Nicole Aikens: Living in the City: CCDA 2005 Audio Jamail Aikens, Nicole Aikens Incarnational Ministry, Families, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Housing, Urban
James T. Roberson, III and David Spickard: Jobs for Life – Building Lives, One Job at a Time: CCDA 2006 Audio David Spickard, James T. Roberson Churches, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Jane VanderPloeg: Building Up from the Grassroots: CCDA 2011 Audio Jane VanderPloeg Economic Development, Entrepreneurship
Janet Dorrell: Mobilizing Middle Class Christians: The Poverty Simulation: CCDA 2006 Audio Janet Dorrell Social Class, Economic Development, Poverty
Jared Onserio:The Kingdom of God in Kenya–Preventative Healthcare and Green Consciousness: CCDA 2009 Audio Africa, Environmental Justice, Health, Poverty
Jay Van Groningen & Jerry Woods: Isolation Perpetuates Poverty – Breaking Through Isolation: CCDA 2011 Audio Jay Van Groningen & Jerry Woods Urban Evangelism, Families, Housing, Urban , Poverty
Jay Van Groningen: Community Transformation – It’s a Big, Complex Task: CCDA 2005 Audio Jay Van Groningen Nonprofits/Parachurches
Jay Van Groningen: Effective Case Management and Mentoring: CCDA 2007 Audio Jay Van Groningen
Jay Van Groningen: Get to Justice–Name and Change Systems that Keep People Poor: CCDA 2009 Audio Jay Van Groningen Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Legal Aid Services/Advocacy, Poverty
Jeffrey Park: From Homelessness to Hope and Home: CCDA 2009 Audio Jeffrey Park Partnerships, Homelessness
Jeffrey Trask & Nita Skeels: Turning A Vision Into Reality: CCDA 2007 Audio
Jember Teferra: Wholistic Christ-Centered Ministry In Ethiopia: CCDA 2007 Audio
Jember Teferra:Social Justice in East Africa: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Jember Teferra Africa, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Peace Movement
Jember Tefferra, Pastor Jerod, and Pastor Senburg: International CCD Practitioners: CCDA 2006 Audio Jember Tefferra, Jerod, Senburg Plenary/Keynote Talks, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Jenni Ingram & John Liotti: Beyond the Checkbook– Teach Youth “Life Economics”: CCDA 2009 Audio Jenni Ingram, John Liotti Economic Development, Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Jeremy Del Rio & Curt Gibson: 2020 Vision for Schools: Transforming Public Education Within a Single Generation: CCDA 2008 Curt Gibson, Jeremy Del Rio Education/Literacy, Families, Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Jeremy Del Rio & Rudy Carrasco: A Conversation to/with the Next Generation of Leaders: CCDA 2005 Audio Jeremy Del Rio, Rudy Carrasco Churches, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Urban Youth Ministry
Jeremy Del Rio, John Teter & Crissy Brooks: Saturday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2011 Audio Crissy Brooks, Jeremy Del Rio, John Teter Plenary/Keynote Talks
Jeremy Del Rio: Leadership Development of Indigenous Leaders: CCDA 2007 Audio
Jeremy Del Rio: WebSpace: Relocation When the Neighborhood Moves Online: CCDA 2007 Audio Jeremy Del Rio
Jeri Warner: A Vision of Change, A Vision to Growth: CCDA 2005 Audio Jeri Warner Nonprofits/Parachurches, Homelessness, Organizational Development
Jeri Warnerf & Shelley Landis: Mentoring Relationships With Adults: CCDA 2011 Audio Jeri Warnerf & Shelley Landis Mentoring, Prison & Ex-Offender Ministry
Jerome Garciano: Housing Tax Credits 101 – Financing Affordable Housing Ministries in Your Local Community: CCDA 2006 Audio Jerome Garciano Economic Development, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Housing
Jerry Stephens: Organizing for Excellence: CCDA 2006 Audio Jerry Stephens Nonprofits/Parachurches
Jerry Stephens: Solving the Compensation Dilemma: CCDA 2006 Audio Jerry Stephens Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Jesse Miranda: Friday Evening Plenary: CCDA 1997 Audio Jesse Miranda Plenary/Keynote Talks
Jill Schook: Making Housing Happen: CCDA 2007 Audio
Jill Shook & Jim Bergdoll, Jr.: Redistribution Strategies– Models of Affordable Housing: CCDA 2009 Audio Jill shook, Jim Bergdoll Partnerships, Housing
Jill Shook & Lowell Noble: Celebrate a Theology of Land, Housing, Ownership & Jubilee Justice: CCDA 2009 Audio Jill shook, Lowell Noble Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Housing
Jill Shook & Mary Nelson: Fighting Gentritfication: Housing Policy 101: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Jill shook, Mary Nelson Nonprofit Management, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Housing, Political Justice
Jim Ortiz & Charles Ware: Latino and African American Reconciliation: CCDA 2005 Charles Ware, Jim Ortiz African-Americans, Racial Reconciliation, Latinos
Jim Swearingen & James Brown: Radicial Unity in a Racially Divided World: CCDA Conference 2008 James Brown, Jim Swearingen Racial Reconciliation
Jim Swearingen: A Proven Strategy for the Suburban Church to Transform the Inner City Through CCD: CCDA 2005 Audio Jim Swearingen Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Jim Swearingen: A Really Great Commission: Crossing Class & Racial Barriers in Our Outreach & Discipleship: CCDA 2007 Audio
Jim Swearingen: Suburban and Urban Partnering that Leads to Transformed Communities: CCDA 2009 Audio Jim Swearingen Suburban/Urban Partnerships
Jim Wallis & Arthur Brooks: Thursday Morning Plenary: CCDA 2011 Audio Jim Wallis & Arthur Brooks Plenary/Keynote Talks
Jimmy & Janet Dorrell: Church With The Poor: Church Under The Bridge: CCDA 2007 Audio
Jimmy & Janet Dorrell: Mobilizing Middle-Class Christians: The Poverty Simulation: CCDA 2007 Audio Janet Dorrell, Jimmy Dorrell
Jimmy Dorrell: Wholistic Ministry: CCDA 2007 Audio
Joan & Randy Nabors: Wednesday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2010 Audio Joan Nabors, Randy Nabors Plenary/Keynote Talks
Joe & Stacey Atkins, Noel & Marianne Castellanos, Wayne & Anne Gordon: Staying in the Hood for the Long Haul: CCDA 2006 Audio Anne Gordon, Joe Atkins, Marianne Castellanos, Noel Castellanos, Stacey Atkins, Wayne Gordon Women, Social Class, Families, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Joe Miller: A Charge to Keep – Legal Compliance 101 for Executive Staff and Board Members: CCDA 2005 Audio Joe Miller Legal Aid Services/Advocacy
Joel Hamernick & Rev. Franklin Ballenger: Building Staff Like-Mindedness Across Cultural Lines: CCDA 2004 Audio Franklin Ballenger Asians and Asian-Americans, African-Americans, Culture/Ethnic Identity, Caucasians, Racial Reconciliation, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Latinos, Native Americans, Organizational Development
Joel Wallen: College to City – Preparing for Urban Ministry While in College: CCDA 2007
Joel Wallen:4 College Students By College Students-Laying a Foundation for Urban Ministries While in College: CCDA 2006 Audio Joel Wallen Nonprofits/Parachurches, Urban Youth Ministry
John & Vera Mae Perkins: Honorary Luncheon: CCDA 2000 Audio John Perkins, Vera Mae Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Blake & Bianca Mangum: Enough is Enough: Kids are in Pain!: CCDA 2007 Audio
John Fix: Fitting In–From the Big City to the Small City: CCDA 2009 Audio John Fix Incarnational Ministry, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Rural
John Fuder: A Spirituality For The City: CCDA 2007 Audio
John Fuder: A Spirituality for the City: CCDA 2009 Audio John Fuder Spiritual Gifts, Incarnational Ministry, Urban
John Fuder: A Spirituality for the City: CCDA Conference 2008 audio John Fuder Incarnational Ministry, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Urban
John Girton Jr.: Increase Productivity Through Emerging Communication Technology: CCDA 2011 John Girton Jr. Computers/Technology
John Hayes & Erika Philip: Dark Night, Second Sight: Finding Hope While Experiencing Depression in Ministry: CCDA 2011 John Hayes & Erika Philip Discipleship, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
John Leonard: Islam and the City: CCDA 2006 Audio John Leonard Culture/Ethnic Identity, Racial Reconciliation, Nonprofits/Parachurches
John Lewis & Fred Oduyoye: Nurture the Spark of Spirituality in this Generation: CCDA 2009 Audio Fred Oduyoye, John Lewis Discipleship, After-School Programs, Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
John Liotti & Heather Starnes: When the Sand Shift: Personal Leadership transition for Emerging Leaders: CCDA Conference 2008 Heather Starnes, John Liotti Leadership
John Liotti & Heather Starnes: When the Sand Shifts: Personal Leadership Transition for Emerging Leaders: CCDA 2009 Audio Heather Starnes, John Liotti Leadership
John Liotti: Credit Unions as a Vehicle For Economic Justice: CCDA 2007 Audio
John Perkins & Wayne Gordon: An Introduction to Christian Community Development: CCDA 2009 Audio John Perkins, Wayne Gordon Incarnational Ministry, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
John Perkins & Wayne Gordon: Q & A with Dr. John Perkins & Dr. Wayne “Coach” Gordon: CCDA 2007 Audio
John Perkins & Wayne Gordon: The 8 Key Components of Christian Community Development: CCDA 2009 Audio John Perkins, Wayne Gordon Incarnational Ministry, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
John Perkins, Peter Slade, Shane Claiborne and others: The Theological Legacy of John Perkins: CCDA 2009 Audio Charles Marsh, Lisa Harper, Mae Cannon, Noel Castellanos, Peter Heltzel, Peter Slade, Shane Claiborne, Soong Chan Rah Theology & Biblical Social Justice
John Perkins, Wayne Gordon & Noel Castellanos: Q & A With CCDA’s Leaders: CCDA 2009 Audio John Perkins, Wayne Gordon & Noel Castellanos Incarnational Ministry, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
John Perkins, Wayne Gordon, Bob Penton: Morning Session: CCDA 1990 Audio Bob Penton, John Perkins, Wayne Gordon Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Perkins: CCDA 1991 Bible Study 1: CCDA 1991 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Perkins: CCDA 1991 Bible Study 3: CCDA 1991 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks, Leadership
John Perkins: Introduction To Christian Development: CCDA 1990 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Perkins: Saturday Bible Study: CCDA 2000 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Perkins: Thursday Bible Study: CCDA 2000 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Perkins: What Is CCDA?: CCDA 2000 Audio John Perkins
John Perkins: CCDA 1991 Bible Study 2: CCDA 1991 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Perkins: Friday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2005 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
John Perkins: Friday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2002 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
John Perkins: Friday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2007 Audio Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Perkins: Friday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2011 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Perkins: Plenary: Bible Study with John Perkins Friday 9am: CCDA Conference 2008 audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Perkins: Plenary: Bible Study with John Perkins Saturday 9am CCDA Conference 2008 audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Perkins: Plenary: Bible Study with John Perkins Thursday 9am: CCDA Conference 2008 audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Perkins: Plenary: Worship, Bible Study & Communion with John Perkins Sunday 9am: CCDA Conference 2008 audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Perkins: Saturday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2007 Audio Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Perkins: Saturday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2011 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Perkins: Sunday Morning Worship: CCDA 2011 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Perkins: Thursday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2007 Audio Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Perkins: Thursday Morning Bible Study: CCDA 2011 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Perkins: Tuesday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2010 Audio John Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
John Teter and Alex Gee: Jesus and the Hip Hop Prophets: Urban Evangelism: CCDA 2006 Audio Alex Gee, John Teter Christian Hip Hop, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Jonathan & Melinda Carter: Parnters in Peace: Shalom in Marriage and Ministry Together: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Jonathan Carter, Melinda Carter Gender, Leadership, Families
Jonathan Bradford & Roberta Ahmanson: Beauty and Justice – Designing and Building for Shalom: CCDA 2005 Audio Jonathan Bradford, Roberta Ahmanson Nonprofits/Parachurches
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove & Chanequa Walker-Barnes: Church Beyond the Color Line: CCDA 2007 Audio
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove & Chanequa Walker-Barnes: Church Beyond the Color Line: CCDA 2009 Audio Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove & Chanequa Walker-Barnes Culture/Ethnic Identity, Churches, Racial Reconciliation
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove: God’s Economy: Redefine the “Health and Wealth” Gospel: CCDA 2009 Audio Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove Discipleship, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Economic Development
Joseph Elkerton Nicole Woodcox: Human Trafficking and the Ongoing Fight Against Injustice: CCDA 2011 Joseph Elkerton Nicole Woodcox Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Human Trafficking & Slavery, Political Justice, Global Issues
Joseph Garlington: Saturday Evening Plenary: CCDA 1996 Audio Joseph Garlington Plenary/Keynote Talks
Joseph Holland: Faith-Based Real Estate Development: A Paradigm from Harlem: CCDA 2007 Audio Joseph Holland
Joseph Holland: Holistic Hardware: Tools That Build Lives: CCDA 2007 Audio
Josh Kaufman-Horner & Yawo Tekpa: International Liberty and Justice For All: CCDA 2006 Audio Josh Kaufman-Horner, Yawo Tekpa Developing Countries, Economic Development, International, Political Justice, Poverty
Josh Kaufman-Horner: International Revolutions and Outsourced Slavery: CCDA 2011 Josh Kaufman-Horner Fair Trade & Globalization, Human Trafficking & Slavery, Global Issues, Organizational Development
Josh Wilson & Jonathon McIntosh: Church on Mission: CCDA 2007 Audio
Joy Davis & Marc Henkel: S.A.Y. Yes! Transform Your Community Through Wholistic After-School Ministry: CCDA 2009 Audio Joy Davis, Marc Henkel After-School Programs, Urban Youth Ministry
Juanita Irizarry: El Papel de La Abogacía en la Comunidad Latina: CCDA 2006 Audio Juanita Irizarry Culture/Ethnic Identity, Racial Reconciliation, Latinos
Juanity Irizarry, Maryann Bolton & Travis Clark: Calm in the Storm? Seeking Shalom in the Midst of Gentrification: CCDA 2008 Juanity Irizarry, Maryann Bolton, Travis Clark Economic Development, Political Justice, Urban
Juanity Irizarry, Michael Mata & AR Bernard: Wednesday 7pm Evening Plenary: CCDA Conference 2008 audio AR Bernard, Juanity Irizarry, Michael Mata Plenary/Keynote Talks
Judy Van Dyke & Raul Garcia:: Developing Local Leaders as Community Connectors for Community Transformation: CCDA 2011 Audio Judy Van Dyke & Raul Garcia Partnerships, Families, Rural , Urban , Organizational Development
Julia McDonald: Perplexed, But Not in Despair: Bringing Hope to Impoverished Rural Communities: CCDA 2007 Audio
Julie Divine & Steve Rabey: Telling Your Story – Organizational Identity & Public Relations: CCDA 2005 Audio Julie Divine, Steve Rabey Organizational Development
Julie Rodgers & Mindy Smith: Youth and Sexuality: CCDA 2011 Audio Julie Rodgers & Mindy Smith Families, Health, Youth, Reconciliation & Culture
K. Scott Enns & Troy Jackson: Neighborly Negotiations: Across the Street & Around the World: CCDA 2006 Audio K. Scott Enns, Troy Jackson Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
K. Scott Enns: Neighborly Negotiations – Leveraging Partnerships Together: CCDA 2005 Audio K. Scott Enns Partnerships, Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Organizational Development
K.J. & Jim Swearingen: City Vision: Multiplying Christian Community Development to a Whole City: CCDA 2006 Audio Jim Swearingen, K.J. Swearingen Nonprofits/Parachurches
Kathy Dudley, Dr. John Perkins: Opening Plenary Session: CCDA 2001 Audio John Perkins, Kathy Dudley Plenary/Keynote Talks
Kathy Dudley, Dr. John Perkins: Saturday Evening Plenary Session: CCDA 2001 Audio John Perkins, Kathy Dudley Plenary/Keynote Talks
Keeping Shalom in Times of Change, Crisis & Chaos by Paul Baker CCDA Conference 2008 Paul Baker Leadership, Churches, Nonprofit Management, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Peace Movement, Organizational Development
Keith Phillips: Friday Evening Plenary: CCDA 1997 Audio Keith Phillips Plenary/Keynote Talks
Kelvin Jackson & Denise Fase: Teen Leadership Development: CCDA 2011 Audio Kelvin Jackson & Denise Fase Leadership, Families, Rural , Urban , Youth, Mentoring, Urban Youth Ministry
Kemi Ingram: How to Create a Sustainable Social Enterprise: CCDA 2006 Audio Kemi Ingram Vocation/Calling, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Kenneth Kalina: Healthy Communication & Problem Solving Skills that Bless Marriages, Churches & Communities: CCDA 2007 Audio
Kenny House: Seeing Shalom: The City of God: CCDA 2007 Audio
Kevin Brown: Hurricane Katrina – Tales of the Storm: CCDA 2006 Audio Kevin Brown Environmental Justice, Legal Aid Services/Advocacy
Kimberly Oram & Elizabeth Skjodal: How to Develop Margin: The Space Between Our Loading and Our Limit: CCDA Conference 2008 Elizabeth Skjodal, Kimberly Oram Health
Kimi Zimmerman & Charlotte Johnson: Seeing and Using the Church as a Neighborhood Asset: CCDA 2011 Audio Kimi Zimmerman & Charlotte Johnson Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Kirk Scott: Youth Ministry Relationships And The Gospel: CCDA 2007 Audio
Kirsten Strand & Clayton Muhammad: A Church-School Partnership Model: CCDA 2011 Audio Kirsten Strand & Clayton Muhammad Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Education/Literacy, Families, Youth
Kirsten Strand & Obe Arellano: Foundations of Urban Church Planting: CCDA 2009 Audio Kirsten Strand, Obe Arellano Urban Evangelism, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Partnerships
Kit & Ian Danley: Blessing not a Burden: A Theological Approach to the Immigration Issue: CCDA 2007 Audio
Kit Danely, Ava Steaffans & 4 panelists: Christians’ Engagement with Immigration: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Ava Steaffens, Kit Danely Immigration/Refugee
Kit Danely, Ian Danely & Craig Wong: Fire or ICE: Being a Community of the Spirit for Immigrants Under Siege: CCDA 2008 Craig Wong, Ian Danely, Kit Danely Incarnational Ministry, Immigration/Refugee
KJ Swearingen & Shelly Travis: Balancing Competing Time Demands: CCDA 2007 Audio
Kyle Meyers: Yoga & Conflict Resolutions: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Kyle Meyers Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Domestic Violence/Abuse, Health, Peace Movement, Poverty
Lance Wescher: Individual Development Accounts: Asset Building and the Opportunity for Holistic Ministry: CCDA 2009 Audio Lance Wescher Economic Development, Poverty
Lance Wescher: Savings, Assets, and Financial Training in Economic Development: CCDA 2011 Audio Lance Wescher Economic Development, Employment, Poverty
Lanita Tademy & Bruce Hayes: Faith-based Mentoring: Circle of Support: CCDA 2011 Audio Lanita Tademy & Bruce Hayes Discipleship, Mentoring
Lariosa: Youth Track – Developing the Next Generation Leaders Around You: CCDA 2005 Audio Lariosa Leadership, Urban Youth Ministry
Larry Acosta & Don Davis: Wednesday Evening Plenary: CCDA 1998 Audio Don Davis, Larry Acosta Plenary/Keynote Talks
Larry Acosta: Discover Your Leadership Identity and Capacity: CCDA 2009 Audio Larry Acosta Leadership
Larry Smith: Divining a Strategy for Success: Capacity Building in Faith-Based Organizations: CCDA 2011 Audio Larry Smith Organizational Development
Larry, Kathie and Nathan Stoess: Is it Time to Move? The Risk and Reward of Relocation: CCDA Conference 2008 Kathie Stoess, Larry Stoess, Nathan Stoess Incarnational Ministry
LaShon Williams-McCants: Make a Fresh Start….On the Road to Recovery: CCDA 2006 Audio LaShon Williams-McCants Addiction/Recovery, Families
Launch an Effective After-School Tutoring Program: CCDA 2011 Audio CCDA After-School Programs, Families, Entrepreneurship, Youth, Organizational Development
Launch an Effective After-School Tutoring Program: CCDA 2011 Audio CCDA After-School Programs, Families, Entrepreneurship, Youth, Organizational Development
Leah Fitchure, Craig Wong, Glen Kehrein, Noel Castellanos: Reconciliation Panel: CCDA 2000 Audio Craig Wong, Glen Kehrein, Leah Fitchure, Noel Castellanos Asians and Asian-Americans, Women, Racial Reconciliation, Latinos
Leah Gaskin Fitchue & Wayne Gordon: Thursday 8:30am Morning Plenary: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Leah Gaskin Fitchue, Wayne Gordon Plenary/Keynote Talks
Leanne Krueger-Braneky: Economic Development from the Bottom Up: CCDA 2006 Audio Leanne Krueger-Braneky Economic Development, Employment, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Poverty
Leneita Fix & John Fix: For Men: Supporting Developing & Encouraging Women in Ministry: CCDA Conference 2008 John Fix, Leneita Fix Gender, Leadership, Families, Mentoring
Leneita Fix: Walking with Parents in a Successful After School Program: CCDA 2009 Audio Leneita Fix After-School Programs, Families, Mentoring, Urban Youth Ministry
Leneita Fix: Woman, Leader, Wife, Mom: CCDA 2009 Audio Leneita Fix Gender, Women
Leonetta Elaiho & Gary Combs: Youth Empowerment Programming (World Vision): CCDA 2009 Audio Gary Combs, Leonetta Elaiho Leadership, Mentoring, Urban Youth Ministry
Leonetta Elaiho & Lina Thompson: Advocate for a Better World for Children (World Vision): CCDA 2009 Audio Leonetta Elaiho, Lina Thompson Youth, Legal Aid Services/Advocacy
Leonetta Elaiho: Youth As Agents of Change: Civic Engagement and Advocacy World Vision: CCDA Conference 2008 Leonetta Elaiho Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Leonetta Espy-Elaiho & Lina Thompson: An Introduction to Advocacy: CCDA 2011 Audio Leonetta Espy-Elaiho & Lina Thompson Legal Aid Services/Advocacy, Mentoring
Leonetta Espy-Elaiho & Matt Belgie: Youth Empowerment Programming: CCDA 2011 Audio Leonetta Espy-Elaiho & Matt Belgie Families, Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Leroy Barber & Donna Barber: Marriage and Ministry: CCDA 2009 Audio Donna Barber, Leroy Barber Men, Women, Families
Leroy Barber & Jonathan Brooks: Morning Plenary- Education Panel: CCDA 2011 Audio Jonathan Brooks, Leroy Barber Plenary/Keynote Talks, Education/Literacy
Leroy Barber & Nate Ledbetter: Collective Leadership: A Beautiful, Messy, Unpredictable Kingdom Adventure!: CCDA 2009 Audio Leroy Barber, Nate Ledbetter Leadership, Nonprofit Management
Leroy Barber & Nate Ledbetter: Neighboring: Basic to Following Jesus: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Leroy Barber, Nate Ledbetter Incarnational Ministry, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Leroy Gill, Jr. & Andy Krumsieg: Authentic Long-Term Cross-Cultural Partnerships: CCDA 2007 Audio
Leslie Draper & Toddrick Gordon: Innovative Options for Educating Urban Youth: CCDA 2011 Audio Leslie Draper & Toddrick Gordon African-Americans, Education/Literacy, Urban , Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Lessons from Nehemiah Bob Lupton Plenary/Keynote Talks, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Economic Development, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Lewis: Taking Youth Night to the Next Level: CCDA 2005 Audio Lewis Urban Youth Ministry
Lina Thompson & Anna Kalepo: Community Youth Development, an Approach to Community Transformation: CCDA 2011 Audio Lina Thompson & Anna Kalepo Spiritual Gifts, Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Lina Thompson & Gary Combs: Community Youth Development-(World Vision): CCDA 2009 Audio Gary Combs, Lina Thompson Leadership, Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Lina Thompson & Paul Patu: Young People as Agents of Change: Community Youth Development (CYD): CCDA 2007 Audio
Lisa Harper: Shalom and the Kingdom of God: CCDA 2009 Audio Lisa Harper Discipleship, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Lisa Ramirez and Noel Castellanos interview Nicole Baker Fulgham of Teach for America: Friday Morning Plenary: CCDA 2011 Audio Lisa Ramirez, Noel Castellanos & Nicole Baker Fulgham Plenary/Keynote Talks
Lowell Noble & Ronald Potter: A Theology of Society: CCDA 2006 Audio Lowell Noble, Ronald Potter Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Lowell Noble: A Theology of the Kingdom – Oppression, Justice, Shalom: CCDA 2004 Audio Lowell Noble Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Lowell Noble: Our Current Economic Crisis Has Historical Roots: CCDA 2009 Audio Lowell Noble Poverty
Lowell Noble: Spirit, Kingdom, and Justice: CCDA 2007 Audio
Lowell Noble: The Church’s Role in Bringing Justice Back to the Juvenile Justice System: CCDA 2011 Angela Sedeno, Bruce Jackson, Jackson Brooke, Lowell Noble Families, Urban , Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Lowell Noble: The Kingdom of God: CCDA 2005 Audio Lowell Noble Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Luis Villarreal, Jill Meyer & Trudy Swain: Build Your Mentoring Manual for Effective Mentoring: CCDA 2007 Audio
Lula Bailey Balton & Lisa Cummins: Expand Your Vision for Community Engagement: CCDA 2009 Audio Lisa Cummins, Lula Bailey Balton Education/Literacy, Housing
Lula Balton: Healing the City, Beyond the Temple: CCDA 2004 Audio Lula Balton Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
Lynn Phillips: Saturday Evening Plenary: CCDA 1998 Audio Lynn Phillips Plenary/Keynote Talks
M. Glenn, T. Larson & B. Fieldhouse: Prayer, Christian Community Development, and City Reaching: CCDA 2009 Audio B. Fieldhouse, M. Glenn, T. Larson Spiritual Gifts, Urban Evangelism, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Mae Cannon: Social Justice Handbook: Small Steps for a Better World: CCDA 2009 Audio Mae Cannon Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Legal Aid Services/Advocacy
Mae Cannon: Social Justice: Moving Your Congregation From Apathy To Advocacy: CCDA 2007 Audio
Making Children in Poverty a National Priority by Heidi Unruh CCDA Conference 2008 Heidi Unruh Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Political Justice, Poverty, Urban Youth Ministry
Making Housing Happen: Affordable Faith-Based Housing Models by Jill Shook CCDA Conference 2008 Jill shook Churches, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Housing
Mandy Smith: A Playful Spirit– “Quite Time” Without Quite or Time: CCDA 2009 Audio Mandy Smith Discipleship, Spiritual Gifts
Manny Ortiz: Friday Morning Plenary: CCDA 1996 Audio Manny Ortiz Plenary/Keynote Talks
Marcos Gamez & David Vega: The Realities of Spiritual Warfare in Community Development: CCDA Conference 2008 audio David Vega, Marcos Gamez Spiritual Gifts, Urban Evangelism
Maria Garriott: Barely Surviving Or Biblically Thriving? Living, Learning & Loving In A Distressed Community: CCDA 2007 Audio
Mark Charles: Contextualizing Worship: My Journey to Worship God as a Navajo Christian: CCDA 2009 Audio Mark Charles Culture/Ethnic Identity, Racial Reconciliation, Native Americans
Mark Charles: Immersion Education and Indigenous Leadership Development: CCDA 2011 Audio Mark Charles Education/Literacy
Mark Charles: Racial Reconciliation: How Would Jesus Do It?: CCDA 2009 Audio Mark Charles Culture/Ethnic Identity, Racial Reconciliation, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Mark Harden: Understanding Urban Survival Culture and the Poor: CCDA 2007 Audio
Mark Joeckel: How Denominational Churches Can Partner to Plant New Churches & Ministries in the City: CCDA 2005 Audio Mark Joeckel Churches, Partnerships, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Marvin Cannon: Cause Related Marketing (CRM): How It Can Work For Your Organization: CCDA 2006 Audio Marvin Cannon Organizational Development
Marvin Gainer: Selecting Cross-Cultural Personnel: CCDA 2005 Audio Marvin Gainer Asians and Asian-Americans, African-Americans, Culture/Ethnic Identity, Caucasians, Latinos, Native Americans, Organizational Development
Mary Glenn & Brad Fieldhouse: How to Care for and Partner with Your Local Law Enforcement Agency: CCDA 2007 Audio
Mary Glenn: Build Relationships with Police in Your Neighborhood and City: CCDA 2009 Audio Mary Glenn Partnerships, Prison & Ex-Offender Ministry
Mary Nelson & Mildred Wiley: Building Financial Assets in Community: CCDA 2007 Audio Mary Nelson, Mildred Wiley
Mary Nelson & Mildred Wiley: Talking to Christians About Politics and Justice: CCDA 2011 Audio Mary Nelson & Mildred Wiley Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Mary Nelson & Stacey Flint: Two Loaves and Five Fishes: Economic Development in Hard Times: CCDA 2009 Audio Mary Nelson, Stacey Flint Economic Development, Entrepreneurship, Legal Aid Services/Advocacy, Poverty
Mary Nelson, Gianna Baker, Mildrerd Wiley & Carol Johnson: Empowerment Revisited: CCDA 2009 Audio Carol Johnson, Gianna Baker, Mary Nelson, Mildrerd Wiley Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Economic Development, Legal Aid Services/Advocacy, Poverty
Mary Nelson: Friday Morning Plenary: CCDA 2002 Audio Mary Nelson Plenary/Keynote Talks, Women
Mary Nelson: Opening Plenary Session: CCDA 2000 Audio Mary Nelson Plenary/Keynote Talks, Women
Mary Nelson: Thursday Evening Plenary: CCDA 1997 Audio Mary Nelson Plenary/Keynote Talks, Women
Mary Nelson: Economic Development: CCDA 2006 Audio Mary Nelson Economic Development
Mary Nelson: Listening to the Community: CCDA 2009 Audio Mary Nelson Incarnational Ministry, Poverty
Mary Nelson: Passing the Torch – Transition: CCDA 2007 Audio
Maryann Bolton & Rev. Lorri Baldwin: Taking Back Your Community Through Prayer: CCDA 2005 Audio Lorri Baldwin, Maryann Bolton Women, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Maryann Bolton and Rev. Lorri Baldwin: Your Community Through Prayer: CCDA 2004 Audio Lorri Baldwin, Maryann Bolton Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Matt Belgie & Carla LaFayette: Understanding Youth and Child Well-Being: CCDA 2011 Matt Belgie & Carla LaFayette Families, Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Matt Belgie & Nicole Anthony: Youth-Adult Partnerships–An Introduction (World Vision): CCDA 2009 Audio Matt Belgie, Nicole Anthony Partnerships, Youth, Mentoring
Matt Belgie: Youth-Adult Partnerships–Getting More People on Board (World Vision): CCDA 2009 Audio Matt Belgie Leadership, Partnerships, Youth, Mentoring
Matthew J. Watts: Education Advocacy: CCDA 2011 Matthew J. Watts Education/Literacy, Families, Youth, Mentoring
Matthew Watts & Shane Claiborne: Saturday Evening Plenary–SIMPLICITY: Pursuing New Perspectives on Redistribution: CCDA 2009 Matthew Watts, Shane Claiborne Plenary/Keynote Talks, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Poverty
Matthew Watts: A 21st Century Strategy for Evangelizing Children, Youth and Teens: CCDA 2007 Audio
Matthew Watts: The 21st Century Strategy for Comprehensive Youth Development, Mentoring, Evangelism and Discipleship: CCDA 2009 Matthew Watts Discipleship, Mentoring, Urban Youth Ministry
Matthew Weaver & Jonathan Hughes: A Sustainable Model for Food Security and Urban Community Improvement: CCDA 2011 Audio Matthew Weaver & Jonathan Hughes Health, Hunger/Food Ministry
Mayra Nolan: Tools for Sustaining Leaders in Ministry – Balance DeVos: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Mayra Nolan Leadership
Mayra Nolan: Tools for Sustaining Leaders in Ministry–Balance (DeVos): CCDA 2009 Audio Mayra Nolan Leadership
Measuring Your Effectivness; Tools and Best Practices by Amy Sherman CCDA Conference 2008 Amy Sherman Board Development, Outcomes/Evaluation, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Mentoring Principles for Advanced Practitioners by Luis Villarreal & Trudy Swain CCDA Conference 2008 Luis Villarreal, Trudy Swain Mentoring
Michael Faulkner & Stephen Kemp: When Did the Church Stop Being a Good Place to Train Leaders?: CCDA Conference 2008 Michael Faulkner, Stephen Kemp Leadership, Churches
Michael Mata: Conflict Transformation – Peace-Building in an Age of Conflict: CCDA 2005 Audio Michael Mata Racial Reconciliation, Peace Movement
Michael Mata: Dignity, Justice, Peace & Hope: Transformational Development 101: CCDA 2007 Audio
Michael Mata: Foundations for Community Transformation: CCDA 2011 Michael Mata Urban Evangelism, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Middle Class Shalom and CCD by George Montoya & Dan Hutt CCDA Conference 2008 George Montoya; Dan Hutt Churches, Social Class, Peace Movement
Mike Broadway: On-the-Ground Theology: Seminaries Learning from Faithful Practices: CCDA 2007 Audio
Mike Ivers: Seeing Christologically: Jesus and the City: CCDA 2007 Audio
Mike Ivers: Seeing the City as Parish: Methodological Framework of St. Paul, Cities, Churches: CCDA 2007 Audio
Militarism and Poverty: The Cost of War by Craig Wong & Bob Kaiser CCDA Conference 2008 Bob Kaiser, Craig Wong Peace Movement, Political Justice, Poverty
Mindy Finnerty: Launching Point – Getting the Ministry Started: CCDA 2007 Audio
Ministering to Latinos Victor Rodriquez Culture/Ethnic Identity, Churches, Racial Reconciliation, Latinos, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Monika Grasley: How to Find Assets in Under-Resourced Communities: CCDA 2011 Audio Monika Grasley Discipleship, Spiritual Gifts, Urban Evangelism, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Monika Grasley: Tear Down the Walls– Why the Poor Stay Poor: CCDA 2009 Audio Monika Grasley Economic Development, Poverty
Mr. Brad Smith: Reclaiming Business for Community Brad Smith Economic Development, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Mr. Darin Petersen: Embezzlement, The Sin of Contemporary Christianity: CCDA 2006 Audio Darin Petersen Economic Development
Mr. Darryl Walls: Leadership Defined: Building Our Leadership Disciplines: CCDA 2006 Audio Darryl Walls Leadership
Mr. Doug Hartman: A Study of Isaiah-History, Sin, Justice, and Restoration: CCDA 2006 Audio Doug Hartman Plenary/Keynote Talks, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Mr. Jay Van Groningen: Community Transformation – It’s a BIG, Complex Task: CCDA 2006 Audio Jay Van Groningen Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Mr. Joel Shaffer: Creation as a Theological Foundation for Redeeming out Communities: CCDA 2006 Audio Joel Shaffer Nonprofits/Parachurches
Mr. Joseph Williams: Thursday Morning Plenary: CCDA 2004 Audio Joseph Williams Plenary/Keynote Talks
Mr. Shane Claiborne: Becoming Peculiar People: Church as a Strange Culture: CCDA 2006 Audio Shane Claiborne Culture/Ethnic Identity, Suburban/Urban Partnerships
Mr. Steve McCullough – Exceptional Leadership in Challenging Times Steve McCullough Leadership, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
Mr. Ted Travis: Unleashing Leadership Potential: CCDA 2006 Audio Ted Travis Leadership, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Mr. Tronn Moller: Community Organizing: CCDA 2006 Audio Tronn Moller Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
Ms. Deborah Killam: Lessons Learned in Bringing the Faith Community Together Around Aging Issues in Rural Maine: CCDA 2006 Audio Deborah Killam Nonprofits/Parachurches, Volunteering
Ms. Delia Perez and Mr. Paul Green: Developing a Community Vision: CCDA 2006 Audio Delia Perez, Paul Green Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Ms. Jill Shook: Making Housing Happen: Faith-based Affordable Housing Models: CCDA 2006 Audio Jill shook Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Housing
Ms. Marian Wright Edelman: Friday Evening Plenary: CCDA Audio 2006 Marian Wright Edelman Plenary/Keynote Talks, Women, Churches
Ms. Stephanie Sheeler: A Moment to Surrender – The Heart of a Servant-leader in the 21st Century: CCDA 2006 Audio Stephanie Sheeler Leadership
Ms. Tina Mata: Why Can’t We Just Get Along? Moving Productivity Through Conflict: CCDA 2005 Audio Tina Mata Racial Reconciliation, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Nathan Glasser & Robert Leming: Using Online Tools to Strengthen Real World Communities: CCDA 2006 Audio Nathan Glasser, Robert Leming Computers/Technology, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Nelson, Cross, Pagan: Opening Session: CCDA 1990 Audio Haman Cross, Mary Nelson, Pagan Plenary/Keynote Talks
Nes Espinosa: Bagged Lunch & A Drop of Oil: Multiplying Resources for Urban Ministry: CCDA 2006 Audio Nes Espinosa Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
Nicole Anthony & Dena Parmer: Positive Partnerships with Schools and Public Agencies (World Vision): CCDA 2009 Audio Dena Parmer, Nicole Anthony Churches, Nonprofit Management, Partnerships
Nika Skeels & Jeffrey Trask: Creative Ways to Get a Christian Health Center Off the Ground: CCDA 2005 Audio Jeffrey Trask, Nika Skeels Health, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
Niki Bryte, Philip Hissom: Serving With the Homeless: CCDA 2011 Niki Bryte, Philip Hissom Homelessness, Hunger/Food Ministry, Poverty, Volunteering
Nina Miles & Sarah Nelson: Using Games in Urban Education and Community Development: CCDA 2011 Audio Nina Miles & Sarah Nelson Education/Literacy
Noel Castellanos & Brian McLaren: Saturday 10am Morning Plenary: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Brian McLaren, Noel Castellanos Plenary/Keynote Talks
Noel Castellanos, Wayne Gordon & John Perkins: Q & A with CCDA’s Leaders: CCDA Conference 2008 audio John Perkins, Noel Castellanos, Wayne Gordon Leadership
Noel Castellanos: Saturday Evening Plenary: CCDA 1999 Audio Noel Castellanos Plenary/Keynote Talks
Noel Castellanos: Friday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2010 Audio Noel Castellanos Plenary/Keynote Talks
Noel Castellanos: Get Off the Couch – Honoring God with Our Bodies: CCDA 2007 Audio Noel Castellanos
Noel Castellanos: Saturday Morning Plenary: Message from the CEO: CCDA 2009 Audio Noel Castellanos Plenary/Keynote Talks, Incarnational Ministry, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Norma Mull & Howard Russell: Affordable Healthcare for Your Ministry: Biblical Solutions that Work: CCDA 2009 Audio Howard Russell, Norma Mull Health
Organizing Faith Communities for Environmental Justice by Rachel Anderson & Lisa Harper CCDA Conference 2008 Lisa Harper, Rachel Anderson Environmental Justice
Pam Dechert: Grabbing Online Technology and Making it Work for Your Faith Based Ministry: CCDA 2007 Audio
Pamela Toussaint: Beauty for Ashes: Ministering Shalom to the Brokenhearted: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Pamela Toussaint Addiction/Recovery, Leadership, Health
Pamela Toussaint: Beauty for Ashes: Ministering to the Brokenhearted: CCDA 2007 Audio
PANEL on Violence & Youth In Philadelphia: CCDA 2006 Audio Nonprofits/Parachurches, Urban Youth Ministry
Parenting and Teaching with Music for Shalom by Robert Triggs & Ron McCrary CCDA Conference 2008 Robert Triggs, Ron McCrary After-School Programs, Churches, Families, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Pastor Darryl Saffore: Am I My Brother’s Keeper?: CCDA 2007 Audio Darryl Saffore
Pastor Gil Contreras: Otorgándole Poder a los Jóvenes Latinos: CCDA 2006 Audio Gil Contreras Churches, Latinos, Urban Youth Ministry
Pastor Glenn Bone & Susan Demel: Kingdom Connection that Changes Lives: CCDA 2005 Audio Glenn Bone, Susan Demel Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Pastor Robert Guerrero: Ministrando al Hombre Entero en el Contexto Latino: CCDA 2004 Audio Robert Guererro Churches, Latinos
Pastor Robert Guerrero: Una Teologia del Ministerio Holistico: CCDA 2005 Audio Robert Guerrero Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Latinos, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Pat Lund: Developing a Home Restoration Ministry: CCDA 2011 Audio Pat Lund Housing
Patricia Renfro: Self-Discovery Workshop: CCDA 2006 Audio Patricia Renfro Leadership, Vocation/Calling
Patty Prasada-Rao and others: Symphony in Community– New Song’s Wholistic Model Celebrates Kingdom Priorities: CCDA 2009 Audio Antoine Bennett, Jane Johnson, Patty Prasada-Rao Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Education/Literacy
Paul Baker: From Suburbia to Urbana – The Journey from Suburbia Idealism to Effective Leadership In Urban Context Paul Baker Culture/Ethnic Identity, Leadership, Racial Reconciliation, Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Paul Baker: From Suburbia to Urbana: Journey from Suburban Idealism to Effective Leadership in Urban Contexts: CCDA 2007 Audio
Paul Bertelson: Street Smart Lessons on Starting a Nonprofit Ministry: CCDA 2005 Audio Paul Bertelson Fundraising, Organizational Development
Paul Canada: Untapped Potential: CCDA 2005 Audio Paul Canada Leadership, Vocation/Calling, Urban Youth Ministry
Paul Metzger: Consuming Jesus: Beyond Race and Class Divisions in a Consumer Church: CCDA 2007 Audio
Paula Hamernick & Richelle Savage: Thriving Families in the “Hood”: CCDA 2011 Audio Paula Hamernick & Richelle Savage Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Rural , Urban
Paula Nightengale: Funding Your Mission with a Charitable Thrift Store: CCDA 2007 Audio
Paulina Kim & LeRene Miller: Christian Community Health Alliance – Addressing Whole-Person Health in New Haven: CCDA 2005 Audio LeRene Miller, Paulina Kim Health
Pearl Esau & Brooke Flowers: Closing the Educational Achievement Gap in Under-Resourced Urban & Rural Schools: CCDA 2007 Audio
Penny Salazar-Phillips & Maria Sierria-Mendoza: Partnering with Homeless Families in Transition: CCDA Conference 2008 Maria Sierria-Mendoza, Penny Salazar-Phillips Economic Development, Families, Homelessness
Peter Scazzero & Rene Rochester: Thursday 7pm Evening Plenary: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Peter Scazzero, Rene Rochester Plenary/Keynote Talks
Peter Scazzero: Urban Monasticism in the 21st Century: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Peter Scazzero Spiritual Gifts, Urban
Phil Jackson & Efrem Smith: Beyond the Walls of Paternalism: CCDA 2007 Audio
Phil Jackson & Efrem Smith: Saturday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2007 Audio Efrem Smith, Phil Jackson Plenary/Keynote Talks
Phil Jackson: Communicating The Gospel With Impact to Youth Who Don’t Give a &^%!%: CCDA 2009 Audio Phil Jackson Urban Evangelism, Urban Youth Ministry
Phil Jackson: Understanding Hip-Hop to Reach the Hip-Hop Influenced Generation: CCDA 2007 Audio Phil Jackson
Phil Olson: Everybody Over the Wall: CCDA 2007 Audio Phil Olson
Phillip Bess: Jesus, Aristotle, Architecture, and the City: CCDA 2007 Audio
Phyllis Freeman & Lina Thompson: Get Ready: Mobilizing Youth for Disaster Readiness and Response: CCDA 2011 Audio Phyllis Freeman & Lina Thompson Disaster Relief, Families, Rural , Urban , Youth, Volunteering
Phyllis Freeman: Where is God When It Hurts? Disaster Response and Partnership Strategies: CCDA 2007 Audio
Pre-Emptive Peacemaking by Brian McLaren CCDA Conference 2008 Brian McLaren Peace Movement
Preston Washington & Mary Nelson Sermon: Wednesday Evening Plenary Preston Washington & Mary Nelson Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Prove Your Ministry’s Success to Donor’s by Yvonne Sawyer CCDA Conference 2008 Yvonne Sawyer Fundraising, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Rachel Anderson & George Brown: Drowning in Debt…Banking on Hope–Biblical Money Talk and Asset Building: CCDA 2009 Audio George Brown, Rachel Anderson Economic Development
Rachel Beaver & Pastor Kevin Reynolds: Taking Your City for God, One Neighborhood at a Time: CCDA 2005 Audio Kevin Reynolds, Rachel Beaver Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Ragan Sutterfield & Chris Smith: Good Food for Everyone– How to Build Community Gardens: CCDA 2009 Audio Chris Smith, Ragan Sutterfield Environmental Justice, Health
Raising UP a New Generation of Urban Heroes Larry Acosta Leadership, Churches, Urban Youth Ministry, Organizational Development
Randy White & Alex Gee: Your City as Kingdom Lab– Turn Urban Experience into New Leadership: CCDA 2009 Audio Alex Gee, Randy White Leadership, Urban
Ray Banks & John Sullivan: Taking Drug Addicts from Maintenance to Mission: CCDA 2007 Audio
Ray McMillian: Find Jesus in the Christian Nation: CCDA 2007 Audio
Reaching Out to Pregnant Teens by Ginger Sinsabaugh MacDonald CCDA Conference 2008 Ginger Sinsabaugh MacDonald Families, Latinos, Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Rebuidling, Restore, Renew: Faith Community in Under-Resourced Neighborhoods by Geoff Ryan CCDA Conference 2008 Geoff Ryan Urban Evangelism, Incarnational Ministry, Churches, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Recovery Coaching by Jean LaCour CCDA Conference 2008 Jean LaCour Addiction/Recovery, Mentoring, Sexual & Pornography Addiction
Redistribution: Working Towards a Just Distrubution of Resources by Craig Wong & Shane Claiborne CCDA 2008 Craig Wong, Shane Claiborne
Reid Carpenter & Bud Ipema: Mobilizing the Body of Christ – Working Together in Unity: CCDA 2005 Audio Bud Ipema, Reid Carpenter Nonprofits/Parachurches, Volunteering
Reid Carpenter: Mobilizing the Body of Christ – Working Together in Unity: CCDA 2005 Audio Reid Carpenter Leadership, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
Relationship-Driven Youth Ministry by Leneita Fix CCDA Conference 2008 Leneita Fix Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Relocation: Living Among the People by Andy Bales and Rudy Carrasco CCDA Conference 2008 Andy Bales, Rudy Carrasco
Reordering Church Outreach: Market Forces or Beloved Community? Traduccion Disponible by Paul Metzger CCDA Conference 2008 Paul Metzger Churches, Racial Reconciliation, Social Class, Economic Development, Peace Movement
Rev. A. Bibbs, Mr. C. Wong, Rev. Dr. B. Williams Skinner & Mr. R. Carrasco: Friday Morning Plenary: CCDA 2004 Audio Alvin Bibbs, B. Williams Skinner, Craig Wong, Rudy Carrasco Plenary/Keynote Talks
Rev. Alex Gee & Dr. Jon Sharpe: Educating Prophets: CCDA 2005 Audio Alex Gee, Jon Sharpe Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Rev. Alvin Bibbs and Ms. Debbie Kreml: Rediscovering the Lost Art of Leading a Volunteer Driven Ministry: CCDA 2004 Audio Alvin Bibbs, Debbie Kreml Volunteering, Organizational Development
Rev. Alvin Bibbs: Establishing Effective Urban-Suburban Partnerships: CCDA 2005 Audio Alvin Bibbs Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Rev. Andy Bales & Ava Steaffens: A Day Without a Mexican – The Need for Comprehensive Immigration Reform: CCDA 2005 Audio Andy Bales, Ava Steaffens Immigration/Refugee
Rev. Andy Bales, Mayra Nolan, Gary Yuman: Planting A Holistic Latino Neighborhood Church within a Mega-Church: CCDA 2004 Audio Andy Bales, Gary Yuman, Mayra Nolan Churches, Latinos
Rev. Anthony “Tony” Campolo: Thursday Evening Plenary Session: CCDA 2006 Audio Tony Campolo Plenary/Keynote Talks, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Rev. Anthony & Dr. Edith Davis: Women In Leadership – By What Authority…? : CCDA 2005 Audio Anthony Davis, Edith Davis Leadership, Vocation/Calling, Women, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Rev. Carey Casey: Sunday Morning Worship Service: CCDA 2005 Audio Carey Casey Plenary/Keynote Talks, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Rev. Carolyn Jordan: Preparing Urban Workers to Become More Effective AdvocatesThrough Spiritual Self-Healing: CCDA 2006 Audio Carolyn Jordan Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Health
Rev. Cheryl Sanders: Friday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2007 Audio Cheryl Sanders Plenary/Keynote Talks
Rev. Danny Cortes: The Emerging Face of Hispanic Christian Community Development (Bilingual): CCDA 2005 Audio Danny Cortes Culture/Ethnic Identity, Latinos, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Rev. Dr. Barbara Williams Skinner & Rev. Noel Castellanos: Reconciliation for the New Millennium: CCDA 2005 Audio Barbara Williams Skinner, Noel Castellanos Women, Racial Reconciliation, Latinos
Rev. Dr. C. E. McElveen: Gentrification – Obstacles or Opportunity?: CCDA 2005 Audio C. E. McElveen Social Class, Housing
Rev. Dr. Jimmy Dorrell and Janet Dorrell: Mobilizing Middle Class Christians – The Poverty Simulation: CCDA 2004 Audio Janet Dorrell, Jimmy Dorrell Women, Churches, Social Class, Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Poverty, Volunteering
Rev. Dr. Raymond Rivera & Rev. Jose Carlos Montes: A Biblical Example For Systemic Engagement: CCDA 2011 Audio Rev. Dr. Raymond Rivera & Rev. Jose Carlos Montes Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Urban , Reconciliation & Culture
Rev. Dr. Raymond Rivera: A Biblical Example For Systemic Engagement: CCDA 2011 Audio Rev. Dr. Raymond Rivera & Rev. Jose Carlos Montes Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Reconciliation & Culture
Rev. Dr. Raymond Rivera: A Biblical Example For Systemic Engagement: CCDA 2011 Audio Rev. Dr. Raymond Rivera & Rev. Jose Carlos Montes Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Reconciliation & Culture
Rev. Dr. Wayne Gordon: Indigenous Leadership Development: CCDA 2005 Audio Wayne Gordon Culture/Ethnic Identity, Leadership, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Rev. Dr. Wayne Gordon: Pastoring the Community Church: CCDA 2004 Audio Wayne Gordon Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Rev. Efrem Smith: Raising Up Young Heroes: CCDA 2007 Audio
Rev. Guy Pfanz: Enabling Ministry Through Business: CCDA 2005 Audio Guy Pfanz Partnerships, Organizational Development
Rev. Herbert Lusk II: Thursday Morning Plenary Session: CCDA 2006 Audio Herbert Lusk Culture/Ethnic Identity, Plenary/Keynote Talks, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Rev. James Simms: Sunday Morning Worship: CCDA 1996 Audio James Simms Plenary/Keynote Talks
Rev. Jay Height: The Ministry of Fundraising – From Begging to Blessing: CCDA 2005 Audio Jay Height Fundraising, Organizational Development
Rev. Jim Wallis: Friday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2005 Audio Jim Wallis Plenary/Keynote Talks, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Political Justice
Rev. Joel Pullis: Healing Presence – Ministering Among the Mentally Ill: CCDA 2005 Audio Joel Pullis Nonprofits/Parachurches
Rev. Kevin Brown, Rev. Ruston & Donna Seaman: Helping Your Family Survive and Thrive While in Ministry: CCDA 2005 Audio Donna Seaman, Kevin Brown, Ruston Seaman Families, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Rev. Luis Villarreal: The Whole Mentoring Enchilada – What Makes It Good?: CCDA 2005 Audio Luis Villarreal Nonprofits/Parachurches, Urban Youth Ministry
Rev. Mae Cannon: Overcoming Challenges, Social Justice and Racial Reconciliation in Surburban Churches: CCDA 2006 Audio Mae Cannon Churches, Racial Reconciliation, Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Rev. Noel Castellanos: Developmental Urban Youth Ministry: CCDA 2005 Audio Noel Castellanos Urban Youth Ministry
Rev. Phil Jackson: Teaching Urban Youth About Good Sex: CCDA 2005 Audio Phil Jackson Education/Literacy, Sexual & Pornography Addiction, Urban Youth Ministry
Rev. Phil Jackson: The House – The Hip-Hop Church: CCDA 2005 Audio Phil Jackson African-Americans, Churches, Urban Youth Ministry
Rev. Phil Jackson: Understanding and Reaching the Hip Hop Culture: CCDA 2006 Audio Efrem Smith, Phil Jackson African-Americans, Culture/Ethnic Identity, Urban Youth Ministry
Rev. Phil Olson: Is Your Congregation a MAD (Make a Difference) Church? : CCDA 2006 Audio Phil Olson Churches, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Rev. Ray Rivera & David Bryant: Saturday Morning Plenary Session: CCDA 2000 Audio David Bryant, Ray Rivera Plenary/Keynote Talks
Rev. Ronald McConico: Turning the Leaders of Tomorrow into Leaders of Today: CCDA 2006 Audio Ronald McConico Leadership, Churches, Urban Youth Ministry
Rev. Ruston Seaman & Dr. Tom Provost: The ABC’s of Rural and Small Cities Community Development: CCDA 2005 Audio Ruston Seaman, Tom Provost Nonprofits/Parachurches, Rural Poverty
Rev. Tony & Donna Danhelka: Maintaining Spiritual Vitality While Building the 3 R’s: CCDA 2005 Audio Donna Danhelka, Tony Danhelka Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Rev. William Dillon: Raising Ministry Funds Through Personal Solicitation: CCDA 2005 Audio William Dillon Fundraising, Organizational Development
Rev. William Oillon: From Non-Donor to Major Donor: CCDA 2004 Audio William Oillon Fundraising, Organizational Development
Rev. Young Hee Lee, Rev. Wayne Gordon, Rev. Barbara Williams Skinner: Friday Evening Plenary Session: CCDA 2000 Audio Barbara Williams Skinner, Wayne Gordon, Young Hee Lee Plenary/Keynote Talks, Women
Rev. Young Hee Lee: Friday Evening Plenary Rev. Young Hee Lee Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Reynold Chapman & David Bailey: Melody and Memory: Reconciliation Through Worship Music: CCDA 2011 Audio Reynold Chapman & David Bailey Culture/Ethnic Identity, Spiritual Gifts, Gospel Music, Churches, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Reconciliation & Culture
Richard Townsell: An Asset-Based Approach to Community Development: CCDA 2005 Audio Richard Townsell Economic Development, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Richard Townsell: Saturday Morning Plenary: CCDA 2005 Audio Richard Townsell Plenary/Keynote Talks
Richard Twiss & Charles Robinson: Make the Invisible Visible: Discovering and Engaging Native American Communities: CCDA 2011 Richard Twiss & Charles Robinson Native Americans, Reconciliation & Culture
Richard Twiss: Making the Invisible Visible: Discovering and Engaging Native American Communities: CCDA 2011 Audio Richard Twiss & Charles Robinson Racial Reconciliation, Partnerships, Native Americans, Reconciliation & Culture
Richard Twiss: Theological Reflection Through the Lens of Native Spirituality: CCDA 2011 Audio Richard Twiss Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Rick Sawyer: How to Build an Effective Ministry Coalition: CCDA 2005 Audio Rick Sawyer Partnerships, Organizational Development
Rick Sawyer: Problem Gambling a Serious Issue for Our Families, Churches and Communities? Bet On It.: CCDA 2007 Audio
Robert Caldwell: Partnerships Between Faith and Secular Community Organizations: CCDA 2006 Audio Robert Caldwell Partnerships, Education/Literacy, Families, Organizational Development
Robert Guerrero: La Iglesia Local Como Agente De Transformacion: CCDA 2009 Audio Robert Guerrero Latinos, Latin America
Robert Guerrero: The Local Church As Christ’s Witness through Word, Works & Worship: CCDA 2007 Audio Robert Guerrero
Robert Guerrero: Wednesday Evening Plenary Sesion: CCDA 2007 Audio Robert Guerrero Plenary/Keynote Talks
Robert Smith: Saturday Morning Plenary: CCDA 1997 Audio Robert Smith Plenary/Keynote Talks
Rodney Swope: Faith BEST Strategic Planning: CCDA 2006 Audio Rodney Swope Economic Development
Ron Carter: Tools For Sustaining Leaders In Ministry – Balance And Accountability: CCDA 2007 Audio
Ron Pate & Dave Frenchak: ABC Time Banking: Rebuilding Communities of Trust: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Dave Frenchak, Ron Pate Incarnational Ministry, Families
Ron Spann: Taking the Guesswork Out of Personal Growth: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Ron Spann Culture/Ethnic Identity, Vocation/Calling
Rudy Carrasco & Neil Cox: City Blogging: CCDA 2005 Audio Neil Cox, Rudy Carrasco Computers/Technology, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Rudy Carrasco, Mary Nelson & Thurman Williams: Wednesday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2011 Mary Nelson & Thurman Williams, Rudy Carrasco Plenary/Keynote Talks
Rudy Carrasco: Business as Mission: CCDA 2009 Audio Economic Development, Global Missions, Entrepreneurship
Rudy Carrasco: Know When to Say “When”: Changing Your Lifestyle and Ministry: CCDA 2009 Audio Rudy Carrasco Incarnational Ministry, Churches
Rudy Carrasco: Open Space Dialogue for Young Leaders: CCDA 2006 Audio Rudy Carrasco Leadership, Urban Youth Ministry
Rudy Gonzalez & Terri Larson: From Charity to Development: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Rudy Gonzalez, Terri Larson Churches, Organizational Development
Rudy Gonzalez & Terri Larson: Introduction to Asset Based Community Development: CCDA 2007 Audio
Rusty Pritchard & Chris Elisara: Green-the-Hood: Livability, Walkability, and Environmental Justice: CCDA 2009 Audio Chris Elisara, Rusty Pritchard Environmental Justice, Urban
Rusty Pritchard & Leroy Barber: Environmental Racism in the City: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Leroy Barber, Rusty Pritchard Environmental Justice, Health
Rusty Pritchard, Na ‘Taki Osborne & Noah Toly: Global Warming and American Cities: CCDA 2007 Audio
Rusty Pritchard: Environmental Justice in the City: Loving Your Neighbor Means Caring for Creation: CCDA 2007 Audio
Ruth Arnold, Juanity Irizarry, and others – Build Synergy in Cross Cultural Relationships: CCDA 2009 Audio David Park & Alvin Sanders, Juanity Irizarry, Mandia Gordon, Ruth Arnold, Scott Lundreen Culture/Ethnic Identity, Racial Reconciliation
Ryan VerWys & Rachel VerWys: Should We Stop Planting Churches? Reconnect the City Church: CCDA 2009 Audio Rachel VerWys, Ryan VerWys Churches, Partnerships
Sally Wagenmaker: Leading Well: Board Responsibilities from a Legal Perspective: CCDA 2011 Audio Sally Wagenmaker Organizational Development
Samuel Chand: Wednesday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2004 Audio Samuel Chand Plenary/Keynote Talks
Samuel Trujilio & Jeff Johnsen: Issachar Leadership Development with Young Adults: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Jeff Johnsen, Samuel Trujilio Leadership, Mentoring
Sandra Valentine: Tools for Sustaining Ministry – Interdependence: CCDA 2007 Audio
Saturday Evening Plenary Jim Wallis Jim Wallis Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Saturday Morning Panel Discussion: CCDA 2006 Audio Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Juanita Irizarry, Khalilah Worley, Shane Claiborne, Tali Hairston
Scott Arnold: Can You Trust Me With Your Credit Card?! : CCDA 2005 Audio Scott Arnold Leadership, Economic Development, Education/Literacy
Scott Lundeen: Urban Entry–Engage the Tough Issues with Your Suburban Partners: CCDA 2009 Audio Scott Lundeen Suburban/Urban Partnerships
Seabury Nyabero, Jared Onserio & Silas Musyoka: “Mission Tourism” In Africa: A Great Adventure: CCDA Conference 2008 Jared Onserio, Seabury Nyabero, Silas Musyoka Developing Countries, Economic Development, Global Missions, Short-Term Missions
Sec. Mel Martinez & Dr. Raymond Rivera: Thursday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2001 Audio Mel Martinez, Raymond Rivera Plenary/Keynote Talks
Shalom in the Board Room by Glen Peterson & Gabe Veas CCDA Conference 2008 Gabe Veas, Glen Peterson Board Development, Leadership, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Peace Movement, Organizational Development
Shalom in Your Personal Calling by Mae Cannon CCDA Conference 2008 Mae Cannon Vocation/Calling
Shalom Theology: Suffering and Celebration by Soong-Chan Rah CCDA Conference 2008 Soong-Chan Rah Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Peace Movement
Shane Claiborne & John Perkins: Follow Me to Freedom: A Conversation on Leading and Following: CCDA 2009 Audio John Perkins, Shane Claiborne Leadership, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove: Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers: CCDA Conference 2008 Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Shane Claiborne Spiritual Gifts, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Shane Claiborne, Dr. Jimmy Dorrell & Rev. Craig Wong: Why Ecclesiology Matters: CCDA 2006 Audio Craig Wong, Jimmy Dorrell, Shane Claiborne Churches, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Shane Claiborne: A Conversation with Shane Claiborne: CCDA 2009 Audio Shane Claiborne Incarnational Ministry, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Shane Claiborne: Building the Kingdom with Non-Christians: CCDA 2005 Audio Shane Claiborne Partnerships, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Shane Claiborne: Friday Morning Plenary: CCDA 2001 Shane Claiborne Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Shane Claiborne: Jesus For President: CCDA 2007 Audio
Shane Claiborne: Jesus for President: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Shane Claiborne Political Justice
Sharon Tan: Churches Impact Communities: CCDA 2006 Audio Sharon Tan Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Shawn McKnight: Youth Track: Developing the Next Generation Leaders Around You: CCDA 2006 Audio Shawn McKnight Leadership, Urban Youth Ministry
Shawn Sanderson: Youth Ministry, Relationships & the Gospel: CCDA 2006 Audio Shawn Sanderson Urban Youth Ministry
Shawn Taylor & Liliana Taylor: Urban Young Adults: How to Reach and Disciple this Elusive, Important Generation: CCDA 2009 Audio Liliana Taylor, Shawn Taylor Discipleship, Urban Youth Ministry
Shelton Mercer: Growing Deep: Building a More Theologically Sound Youth Ministry: CCDA 2006 Audio Shelton Mercer Churches, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Urban Youth Ministry
Sheri Lawson & Mindy Finnerty: Launch Point– Starting a New Non-Profit: CCDA 2009 Audio Mindy Finnerty, Sheri Lawson Nonprofit Startup
Shifting Toward Sustainable Ecomomic Development Business Models CCDA Economic Development, Entrepreneurship
Shifting Toward Sustainable Ecomomic Development Business Models CCDA Economic Development, Entrepreneurship
Sillimon Davis & Susan Zeigler: Breaking Barriers and Building Unprecedented Partnerships: CCDA 2011 Sillimon Davis & Susan Zeigler Partnerships
Skip Long & James Oviedo: Jobs….Jobs….Jobs….: CCDA 2005 Audio James Oviedo, Skip Long Employment
Skip Long & Orlando Liscano: Sex…Is it Worth Waiting For?: CCDA 2007 Audio
Soong-Chan Rah & Alexie Torres-Fleming: Saturday 7pm Evening Plenary: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Alexie Torres-Fleming, Soong-Chan Rah Plenary/Keynote Talks
Soong-Chan Rah & Vince Campbell: Multi-Cultural Competency for the Next Evangelicalism: CCDA 2009 Audio Soong-Chan Rah, Vince Campbell Culture/Ethnic Identity, Churches, Racial Reconciliation
Soong-Chan Rah, Lisa Sharon Harper, annon Mae, Troy Jackson: Confessions of the Church: CCDA 2011 Audio Cannon Mae, Lisa Sharon Harper & Troy Jackson, Soong-Chan Rah Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Spencer Perkins & Chris Rice: Thursday Evening Plenary: CCDA 1996 Audio Chris Rice, Spencer Perkins Plenary/Keynote Talks
Spirit, Kingdom, Justice, Shalom by Lowell Noble CCDA Conference 2008 Lowell Noble Racial Reconciliation, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Urban , Poverty
Stanley Carlton: Your Ministry and the Changing Landscape of the Faith-Based Initiative: CCDA 2005 Audio Stanley Carlton Nonprofits/Parachurches, Political Justice, Organizational Development
Stanley Patton: Stanley Patton Organizational Development
Stanley Rowland: Moving From Direct Service to Development: CCDA 2007 Audio
Stephanie Acker: Muslims in America– Build Bridges of Love with Our Muslim Neighbors: CCDA 2009 Audio Stephanie Acker Culture/Ethnic Identity, Global Missions
Stephanie Acker: We Don’t Quite Fit: Sharing Your Faith in a Postmodern, Secular, Gentrified Urban Center: CCDA 2009 Audio Stephanie Acker Urban Evangelism, Churches
Stephen Mott & Walter Tilleman: Biblical Power and Community Organizing: CCDA 2011 Audio Stephen Mott & Walter Tilleman Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Steve Caton: Cultivating Commited Donors: CCDA 2006 Audio Steve Caton Fundraising
Steve Corbett: When Help Hurts–Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor: CCDA 2009 Audio Steve Corbett Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Poverty
Steve Noblett: David vs. Goliath: Small Organizations Tackle Community Healthcare: CCDA 2009 Audio Steve Noblett Health, Legal Aid Services/Advocacy
Steve Pavey & Lauren Cunningham: Arts and Culture in Social Justice: CCDA 2009 Audio Lauren Cunningham, Steve Pavey Arts and Social Justice
Steven Lawson & Pamela Toussaint: So You Wanna Write a Book?: CCDA 2009 Pamela Toussaint, Steven Lawson Entrepreneurship
Susan Nichols, Elliott Scott, John Ogletree, Jr.: Partnering With Community Education Systems: CCDA 2011 Elliott Scott, John Ogletree, Jr., Susan Nichols Partnerships, Education/Literacy
Susie Kook: Praying Korean-Style: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Susie Kook Culture/Ethnic Identity, Spiritual Gifts
Talking to Christians About Politics and Justice Mary Nelson & Mildred Wiley Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Technology for Teens Program: CCDA 2004 Audio Computers/Technology, Education/Literacy, Urban Youth Ministry
Ted Travis: Transformational Youth Ministry: Unleashing Leadership Potential: CCDA 2011 Ted Travis Leadership, Families, Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Terri Larson: Get More Out of Group Discussions–The Focused Conversation Method: CCDA 2009 Audio Terri Larson Leadership, Nonprofit Management
The Board-Executive Director Relationship and Shalom by Edith Yoder & Beatrice Smith CCDA Conference 2008 Beatrice Smith, Edith Yoder Board Development, Nonprofit Management, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
The Eight Components of Christian Community Development
The Great Commission: On a Child’s Level by Glenna Trotter CCDA Conference 2008 Glenna Trotter Urban Evangelism, Families, Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
The Importance of Indigenous Leadership in the CCD Model Allan Tibbels Leadership, Churches, Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
The Nation of Islam Robert C. Smith Culture/Ethnic Identity
The Parent Project: Transforming Families by Jill Shook CCDA Conference 2008 Jill shook Families, Youth, Mentoring, Urban Youth Ministry
The Relocation Experience of Black People CCDA African-Americans, Culture/Ethnic Identity, Caucasians, Racial Reconciliation, Political Justice, Reconciliation & Culture
The Relocation Experience of Black People CCDA African-Americans, Culture/Ethnic Identity, Caucasians, Racial Reconciliation, Political Justice, Reconciliation & Culture
The Right Connection: Success in Grant and Major Gift Fundraising by Falicia Brewer & Ha Merz CCDA Conference 2008 Falicia Brewer, Ha Merz Fundraising, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
The Terror by Night: Finding God’s Shalom When Tragedy Strikes by Maria Garriott CCDA Conference 2008 Maria Garriott Disaster Relief, Vocation/Calling
The Terror by Night: Finding God’s Shalom When Tragedy Strikes by Maria Garriott CCDA Conference 2008 Maria Garriott Disaster Relief, Incarnational Ministry, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Peace Movement
Theresa Musante: Recruiting and Managing Quality Volunteers: CCDA 2006 Audio Theresa Musante Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Volunteering, Organizational Development
Tim Isaacson & Peter Choi: Prayerful Following: Chaos, Confusion & Transformation in Making the CCDA Turn: CCDA Conference 2008 Peter Choi, Tim Isaacson Incarnational Ministry
Timothy Hooten: Engaging College Students: CCDA 2006 Audio Timothy Hooten Leadership, Education/Literacy, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Todd Marcus & Mariska Jordan: Starting and Running a Community Arts Organization: CCDA 2011 Todd Marcus & Mariska Jordan Arts and Social Justice, Organizational Development
Tom Sine, Christine Sine, and Shane Claiborne: Unleash Your Imagination: CCDA 2004 Audio Christine Sine, Shane Claiborne, Tom Sine Women, Churches, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Tom Sine: Friday Morning Plenary: CCDA 1997 Audio Tom Sine Plenary/Keynote Talks
Tom Sine: Setting Urban Missions into the Future Tense: CCDA 2004 Audio Tom Sine Churches
Tom Sine: Thursday Morning Plenary Session: CCDA 1998 Audio Tom Sine Plenary/Keynote Talks
Tom Skinner: Morning Session: CCDA 1990 Audio Tom Skinner Plenary/Keynote Talks
Tommy Carrington: Mentor Urban Youth Through Discipleship: CCDA 2009 Audio Tommy Carrington Discipleship, Mentoring, Urban Youth Ministry
Tools for Advocacy & Community Organizing: CCDA 2004 Audio Economic Development, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
Tools for Sustaining Leaders in Ministry – Leverage DeVos by Curt Gibson CCDA Conference 2008 Curt Gibson Discipleship, Leadership, Churches, Nonprofit Management, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Organizational Development
Tools for Sustaining Leaders in Ministry-Leverage DeVos by Curt Gibson CCDA Conference 2008 Curt Gibson Leadership
Toward Civic Justice and Economic Empowerment by Rudy Carrasco & Amy Sherman CCDA Conference 2008 Amy Sherman, Rudy Carrasco Economic Development
Train the Trainers: Enhancing Ministry Partnerships World Vision Anna Kalepo CCDA Conference 2008 Anna Kalepo Leadership, Partnerships, Education/Literacy
Trammell Orr: Translation Please–Being Relevant Without Losing the Relevant Gospel Message: CCDA 2009 Audio Trammell Orr Discipleship, Urban Youth Ministry
Transforming Poverty in the City Through Poverty of Mind and Heart Jeremy Summers Social Class, Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Poverty
Transforming Poverty in the City Through Poverty of Mind and Heart
Transitions: Retiring From Your Organization Repostitions for Full life by Mary Nelson & Marcia Turner CCDA Conference 2008 Marcia Turner, Mary Nelson Churches, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Employment, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Tronn Moller: Changing Systems: Getting To Justice: CCDA 2007 Audio
Troy Jackson, Lisa Harper & Rachel Anderson: Starting a Faith and Justice Network in Your City: CCDA 2009 Audio Lisa Harper, Rachel Anderson, Troy Jackson Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Legal Aid Services/Advocacy
Troy Jackson: Martin Luther King, Jr.: Advocate of the Social Gospel: CCDA 2007 Audio
Troy Jackson: What Does Jesus Have to Do With Unions?: CCDA 2011 Audio Troy Jackson Organizational Development
Trudy Swain and Rev. Luis Villarreal: The Myths and Truths of Successful Mentoring with Urban Youth: CCDA 2006 Audio Luis Villarreal, Trudy Swain Education/Literacy, Urban Youth Ministry
Tyrone Holland: Organizing Your Ministry from Chaos to Clarity: CCDA 2006 Audio Tyrone Holland Churches, Organizational Development
Vicky Andrade, Pastor Marvin Calderon & Pastor David Penalza: Issues Facing New Immigrants: CCDA 2005 Audio David Penalza, Marvin Calderon, Vicky Andrade Culture/Ethnic Identity, Immigration/Refugee
Victor Nellum: The Issachar Community: A Model of Leadership Development for Young Adults: CCDA 2007 Audio
Vince Bantu & Paulea Mooney-McCoy: The Relocation Experience of Black People: CCDA 2011 Audio Vince Bantu & Paulea Mooney-McCoy African-Americans, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Urban
Vince Bantu & Soong Chan Rah: Building Cross-Cultural Competence: CCDA 2011 Vince Bantu & Soong Chan Rah African-Americans, Caucasians, Racial Reconciliation, International, Latinos, Native Americans, Reconciliation & Culture
Vince Campbell: Theology & Culture: CCDA 2007 Audio
Walking Through Reconciliation: What White People Can Do About Racism Chris Lahr African-Americans, Caucasians, Racial Reconciliation, Rural , Urban , Reconciliation & Culture
Wayne Gordon & Anne Gordon: Develop & Maintain a Healthy Marriage While in Ministry: CCDA 2009 Audio Anne Gordon, Wayne Gordon Men, Women, Families
Wayne Gordon & John Perkins: The Eight Components of Christian Community Development: CCDA 2011 Audio Wayne Gordon & John Perkins Organizational Development
Wayne Gordon & Leah Gaskin Fitchue: Friday 10am Morning Plenary: CCDA Conference 2008 audio Leah Gaskin Fitchue, Wayne Gordon Plenary/Keynote Talks
Wayne Gordon with Marcos Gamez, Elizabeth Perkins, Crissy Brooks & Shane Claiborne: Panel–Singles in Ministry: CCDA 2009 Audio Crissy Brooks, Elizabeth Perkins, Marcos Gamez, Shane Claiborne, Wayne Gordon Plenary/Keynote Talks, Men, Women, College Students
Wayne Gordon, John Perkins: CCDA 1991 National Conference: CCDA 1991 Audio John Perkins, Wayne Gordon Plenary/Keynote Talks
Wayne Gordon: Thursday Evening Plenary: CCDA 1998 Audio Wayne Gordon Plenary/Keynote Talks
Wayne Gordon: Thursday Morning Plenary: CCDA 2002 Audio Wayne Gordon Plenary/Keynote Talks
Wayne Gordon: Friday Evening Plenary: CCDA 2011 Audio Wayne Gordon Plenary/Keynote Talks
Wayne Gordon: Friday Morning Plenary Session: CCDA 2007 Audio Wayne Gordon Plenary/Keynote Talks
Wayne Gordon: Indigenous Leadership Development: CCDA 2009 Audio Wayne Gordon Leadership
Wayne Gordon: Thursday Morning Plenary: CCDA 2010 Audio Wayne Gordon Plenary/Keynote Talks
Wayne Gordon: Thursday Morning Plenary: President’s Report: CCDA 2009 Audio Wayne Gordon Plenary/Keynote Talks, Incarnational Ministry, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Wayne Hast & Danna Broughton: Financial Life Skills for Urban Youth Danna Broughton, Wayne Hast Education/Literacy, Employment, Nonprofits/Parachurches, Urban Youth Ministry
Wayne Squires & Artie Lindsay: Forming Habits of Neighborhood Engagement: CCDA 2011 Audio Wayne Squires & Artie Lindsay Leadership, Churches, Nonprofit Management, Partnerships, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Wayne Squires: Strategic Neighboring: Forming Habits of Neighborhood Presence: CCDA 2009 Audio Wayne Squires Incarnational Ministry, Theology & Biblical Social Justice
Wednesday Morning Plenary with a Panel of CCDA’s Founders: CCDA 2010 Audio Barbara Williams-Skinner, Bob Lupton, Glen Kehrein, John Perkins, Mary Nelson, Noel Castellanos, Wayne Gordon Plenary/Keynote Talks
When Grief and Trauma Affects Your Community by Tova Kreps CCDA Conference 2008 Tova Kreps Disaster Relief, Domestic Violence/Abuse
Whitfield: Saturday General Session: CCDA 2005 Audio Whitfield Plenary/Keynote Talks
Wholistic Ministry by Jimmy Dorrell CCDA Conference 2008 Jimmy Dorrell
Will Shearer & Kerry Davis: Poverty in the Suburbs: A Kingdom Response to Urban Displacement: CCDA 2009 Audio Kerry Davis, Will Shearer Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Suburban/Urban Partnerships, Poverty
William O’Brien: The Economy of God: Biblical Economics and Our World: CCDA 2006 Audio William O’Brien Churches, Theology & Biblical Social Justice, Economic Development, Nonprofits/Parachurches
Wilma Collins & Galen Williams: The Job Club: CCDA 2005 Audio Galen Williams, Wilma Collins Education/Literacy, Employment
Wounded Spirits: Helping Survivors of Sexual Abuse Heal by Lilada Gee CCDA Conference 2008 Lilada Gee Churches, Domestic Violence/Abuse, Sexual & Pornography Addiction
Yonce Shelton: Prophetic Advocacy 101: CCDA 2006 Audio Yonce Shelton Political Justice, Legal Aid Services/Advocacy
You’re Next: Accessing Federal Funds
Youth and Sex: What Can the Church Do? Orlando Liscano, Arthur Athis, Kenny Blanco & panel CCDA Conference 2008 Arthur Athis, Kenny Blanco, Kevin Vargas, Malene Robinson, Marissa Wedges, Orlando Liscano Churches, Sexual & Pornography Addiction, Urban Youth Ministry
Youth-Adult Partnership World Vision by Matt Belgie CCDA Conference 2008 Matt Belgie Partnerships, Youth, Urban Youth Ministry
Yvette Williams: Remnant for Relationship: Parenting Today’s Teenage Girl: CCDA 2011 Yvette Williams Families, Youth
Yvonne Dodd-Sawyer & Dan Hodge: Developmental Youth Ministry: CCDA 2007 Audio
Yvonne Sawyer & Team: Developmental Youth Ministry: CCDA 2006 Audio Yvonne Sawyer Urban Youth Ministry
Yvonne Sawyer and Team: Developmental Youth Ministry: CCDA 2006 Nonprofits/Parachurches, Legal Aid Services/Advocacy
Yvonne Sawyer: Do-It-Yourself 501(c)3: CCDA 2006 Audio Yvonne Sawyer Organizational Development
– Confessions of the Church
– Faith-Based Mentoring: Circle of Support
– Impactful Youth Outreach for “Hope Dealers”,
– Launch an Effective After-School Tutoring Program
– Serving With the Homeless
– Starting and Running a Community Arts Organization
– Strategies for Developing A Healthy Marriage Education Program
‘The Four Worlds’ Model and Urban Ministry by Caleb Rosado CCDA Conference 2008 Caleb Rosado Urban Evangelism, Fair Trade & Globalization