KCCD leads the way in advancing the Korean/Asian American community‚’s recognition and participation as full partners in society by removing cultural, linguistic, and economic barriers through educational and economic development programs, strategic public and private partnerships, and capacity building for Asian American faith communities and community non-profits. Through many exciting partnerships, KCCD is addressing community challenges, enhancing the quality of services for low-income, immigrant , and disenfranchised individuals, and changing the landscape for the Korean/Asian American community as a whole.
KCCD is a non-profit faith-based organization, which serves as a bridge between the Asian American community and the greater community at large in connecting and creating private and public collaborations. Our mission is to maximize the capacity of Asian American faith-based organizations and other community non-profits to remove the cultural, language and economic barriers by increasing their access to resources and funds in order to assist low income individuals and revitalize neighborhoods.